2 Post – 579 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Short of buying the IP catalog, Microsoft seems to be doing right here.

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Avoiding “crypto” obfuscates the truth and avoids the scammy reputation that crypto now has. Calling it “open source” also lets it slide into more communities.

It’s just marketing for a YouTube channel.

I’m not suggesting that you should. But if the government that controls a TLD is not trusted, then no site under that TLD should be trusted either.

HP. There’s the mistake.

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Who the hell thinks beta software is appropriate for real-world applications in something as dangerous as vehicle control at highway speeds?

I've come to believe that all Teslas should be recalled until they get their act together. They're getting people hurt and killed by field testing their experiments on roadways that we paid for.

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This reads like a statement from a vulture capitalist who plans to break up the company and sell the parts to make a quick buck. One would think they would focus on building trust, not giving yet more devs reasons to use a different engine.

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In other words, “Our Indian moderation subcontractor applied Indian law to Canadian posts in Canada. Oops.”

Ummm, have these numbnuts never heard of a VPN?

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To say the quiet part out loud: Bullshit

Google may find that their only option is to paywall YouTube. Too many of us will prefer to pay creators directly rather than letting Google take a cut. And YouTube is not the only game in town.

I admit that I’m pretty much done with YouTube anyway. Their unskippable mid roll ads that interrupt videos mid-word have become obnoxious enough that many creators I follow are jumping ship and advising their viewers where to find them.

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Stack Overflow just earned a place under Reddit in the hosts block list.

It’s already been noted elsewhere that this will directly violate Apple’s and Google’s app store policies. The X app should be immediately pulled as a result.

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I know this should provoke… I don’t know… sadness? Resignation? Concern? Righteous indignation?

But I literally cannot stop laughing. Everything is the Democrats’ fault, including Republicans’ own egos. Oh the schadenfreude!

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Loyalty is vastly overrated. The only rational course of action is to complete exactly the tasks to which you've agreed for the wage they've determined. Your employer will demand loyalty but never reciprocate. Don't let them manipulate you.

Also, never ever let them see you sweat. It doesn't matter how good your employer is, at the first hint that you're insecure, they'll pounce and you'll be treated like garbage. Always have your briefcase packed and a box to clear out your desk on a moment's notice.

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Did they honestly think he was going to advocate bankrupting his oil-dependent economy for a little thing like not killing everyone?

Google are trying their best to make YouTube unusable. They’re about to succeed.

While there’s no doubt that something is going on to make Google searches garbage, news outlets don’t publish retractions lightly. I’m inclined to believe that they are convinced that the story was substantially inaccurate.

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I really miss “Don’t Be Evil.”

I still use some of their original services, but I’ve become wary of trusting anything they brought online after about 2010.

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If you want to sell proprietary software, why not just write and sell it? Or as others have suggested, dual license it? Hell, even the old shareware model could work for what you’ve described.

Unless you’re paying enforcers, how would you know if a corporation paid the right amount to use the code? How would your union determine distribution amounts to projects? How far upstream would payments go? How will disputes among developers be resolved?

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Good bloody grief! How did a reminder to support Lemmy devs and hosts get hijacked by Sync fans? Sync is a completely different topic.

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And this is why I never “buy” media online. If I can’t own the media and enjoy the content whenever and wherever I want, it’s rented. I may be ok with that, but I never let them claim that it was a sale.

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You’re still entering the password or pin for your password manager. I genuinely do not see how this is better. It’s simply an alternative, not an improvement.

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As a former Apple fanboy and current iPhone user, even I think it’s about time that the US joined the rest of the world in reining in abusive tech monopolies. (Financial and commercial monopolies, too, but that’s a different post.)

My breaking point came when I tried to buy an Apple Watch a couple of years ago. It couldn’t even be activated without a Mac or an iPhone that was less than a year old. That’s when I gave up.

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Leaving Facebook has likely never made anyone’s life harder.

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It’s my understanding that there is no algorithm. View only your subscriptions, only communities on your local instance, or the entire fediverse. Sort them however you want. Mix it up to find what makes you happy.

All that said, I personally would like to avoid seeing any account less than, say a week old. Maybe a filter coded into the interface would work.

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A few years ago, a documentary on flat-earthers featured a trained geologist who has become convinced that the earth is flat. To test it, being a trained scientist, he designed a good experiment to measure the altitude of a laser beam at a distance from its emitter. He calculated the predicted measurement if Earth is flat and the measurement if Earth is spherical. When he ran the experiment, he got exactly the value he had predicted for a spherical Earth.

The rest of the documentary was him trying to find the error in his instruments and measurements since he knew for a fact that Earth is flat.

It was sad.

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Hey, at least they’re not going to waste time and money on a second date. Might be the start of a fun friendship, though, if they enjoy friends who bust their chops.

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Judge Alsup isn’t wrong. Yet Disney routinely writes its own copyright laws and has Congress pass them. Musk is just trying to cut out the middle step.

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I wouldn’t spam Lemmy with Reddit’s detritus. Post it to Bitbucket or a public Google Doc.

i dont want you to make money off of my invention without giving back

Why do you think that you're interested in writing FOSS software? Nothing you've posted here supports that claim. You do, however, speak like a textbook entrepreneur who wants to be paid for their innovation.

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Complete badasses and well done! And good on persuading the judge to hand down a more appropriate sentence.

At least part of the problem here is American prudery. If society could just accept that everyone has a nude body and it’s not something to be ashamed of, the victims wouldn’t be so traumatized.

The current Repugnican Party will be the death of the US yet.

I know what you mean, and yes. At 20 years old, I turned down a job in my field to take one outside that I wanted to do for a few years just to see where it led and get it out of my system. I almost physically heard a door close and wondered if I’d done the right thing. Almost forty years later, I’m still not sure.

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I haven’t used Dropbox in years. Honestly, I’m a little surprised that they’re still around. There are so many better alternatives.

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Aren’t police unions among those who back politicians that fight tooth and nail for businesses to adhere to their values? I should think that Reem’s would have their full-throated support for refusing service to those who offend their beliefs. I’m so confused.


And in fairness, isn't his project itself a fork? What is he paying to the upstream dev for use of their source code?

From a security perspective, it isn’t ideal, but a simple unencrypted external drive might be the best solution.

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Oof. Hadn’t considered the possibility that OP might be a stalker.

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Honestly, the only useful Google service these days is gmail. And that’s only because I don’t want to deal with changing providers after 15 years.

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I made the mistake of having them sequence my DNA before the first Big Pharma deal with GSK, which took a lot of people by surprise. I’ve since made a point of feeding them as much disinformation as possible every time I’m on their site.

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He has been. No idea if he still is, seeing how X is in freefall.

It’s understandable that he doesn’t like lords and peasants, since his family’s fortune was built on slave labor. He would naturally much prefer a master-and-slave kind of thing.