Nate Cox

0 Post – 174 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Multiple reports from observers of this execution method: it’s horrible, they thrash around on the gurney and seem to suffer greatly

This guy: nuh uh.

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This layout makes sense if you have used an old school mp3 player or similar.

Volume is left and right because it’s an analog of the volume bar on the screen.

Up and down is previous and next because play was controlled by a list UI so you were moving a cursor up and down between songs.

It’s not how I personally would prefer it, but it’s not as outlandish as it seems.

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This is a weird way to say “Trump backs out of debating Harris on ABC”.

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Tribespeople became so addicted that Marubo leaders, fearing that history and culture — which is passed down orally — could be lost forever, they have now limited access to the internet for two hours each morning, five hours each evening, and all day Sunday.

That is still so much internet, we would probably all be healthier following that guideline.

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Before you get really upset about this thread, you should read this other one:

I’m not thrilled about this by any means, but what Firefox is doing is not what chrome is doing (which is what the op posted thread is claiming). Conflating them serves no one.

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“Your privately owned vehicle is actually just a timeshare taxi” getting stock prices to go up is proof that our system is irremediably fucked.

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Let’s not blame victims of sexism. Sexism is bad, mmm’kay.

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All I want is “follow system theme” for us light mode at day, dark at night fellows.

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This is so common it has a name, it’s called banner blindness.

One of the important aspects of interface design is supposed to be not showing alerts for everything, so that when they pop up you feel compelled to pay attention.

Not long ago a nurse killed an older woman by giving her the wrong medicine; she took accountability but called out that the software they use provides so many alerts that (probably unofficial) policy was to just click through them to get to treating the patient. One of those alerts was a callout that the wrong dosage was selected and she zoomed right by it out of habit.

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I am not a current or ex incel—I came from the front page out of curiosity—but I feel the need to weigh in on this.

I have a black belt in a mixed martial art, I’ve been active in it for many years as a student and as a teacher, and I strongly feel that martial arts can offer a positive improvement to just about every person.

I joined martial arts because I was severely depressed going through a divorce and custody battle; I was going from work to the bar and then home. My life felt meaningless and I very literally woke up one day and realized that if I didn’t change something I was going to kill myself. I joined a local dojo that day.

Martial arts is special. It certainly gives you a place to vent out some frustrations in a safe, productive way… but if you find yourself a good dojo it can be so much more.

Martial arts boosted my confidence massively; it made me feel better about myself and who I am by giving me regular positive interactions with many other people. Belts are earned from hard work, and the experience of being handed that next rank provides a measurable improvement to guide you.

Eventually you start to be the upper belt and get to guide newer people through the same benefits you’ve seen, which feels great. If you go as far as me you may get to stand in front of the class as an expert and feel the healthy respect of a group of people, earned through dedication and the relationships you have formed with them.

Martial arts made me a better person, and better man, a better father, and helped me live a more well rounded and happy life.

Normally I end this little rant there, but if you are an incel and you are looking to get out I will add one more benefit: women go to class too, and if you want positive role model women to help break you out of a cycle of negativity I can think of no better example than an upper-belt woman who you can interact with in a structured environment. Most people in a dojo are pretty chill and happy to help, they also tend to have high confidence in the upper ranks and aren’t looking to prove anything anymore. It’s a pretty fantastic way to form new friendships that will challenge everything the incel community has convinced you is true.

doesn't that apply to elections where Dems out spend the opponents too

Yes. Yes it does. The idea that just because a democrat is doing the spending means it can’t be wrong is pretty silly.

Dems have a pretty lousy track record here, I’m still pretty salty about the DNC doing Bernie Sanders so dirty.

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It’s probably wise to simply ignore the drama. Open source seems to invite this at the “top” for whatever reason, but for the casual user there is usually little to no impact.

Unless you’re trying to be a top contributor to nix, I would just carry on with normal usage and all the current drama will blow over.

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Totally unrelatedly a Boeing whistleblower “killed himself” not long ago.

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I’ve tried this, and I think it’s worth providing a more powerful console if playing on the tv is your primary use case.

It works fine but it doesn’t really hold up to the 4k 60fps HDR experience that most people are getting used to from the main console makers.

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What were the challenges they faced? The article outlines that they faced insurmountable issues but didn’t state what those issues were or what they did to try and mitigate them.

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R&D on drugs is insanely expensive, but the protections put in place with the pricing are also a bit absurd. Most drug companies will lock down the formula for a period of time and price the drug aggressively for a short time (like a few years) and then open the formula up to generics who buy it and sell the same damn thing for a fraction of the cost.

For clarity I’m agreeing with you that the price is largely due to non-manufacturing costs and the article is misleading as a result, but I also wanted to say that the whole industry is a testament to capital over humanity.

It makes me so angry because children are vulnerable and trusting; exploiting that to get them to believe in nonsense is evil.

It’s not really “both” from a space simulator perspective. There’s no option to fly down to a planet and skim the surface, there’s no option to fly from planet to planet without a loading screen (or even just to a moon), etc.

Starfield is a good RPG set in space and I’m enjoying it, but I think it’s fair to criticize that it was marketed like it was going to be a space sim by Bethesda and that’s not really what we got. If you were excited about the simulator part you are going to be disappointed.

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I follow the Bluesky devs, I feel pretty confident that they are excited and taking their role in building a protocol and platform seriously.

I’ve yet to see a board of directors that wasn’t a joke anywhere though, so I guess I just assumed that this would happen everywhere.

It’s a sad time to be alive when people genuinely believe that being openly hostile and combative is the same thing as constructive criticism.

Banning seems totally reasonable to me. Nobody is obligated to put up with that shit.

It’s a weird time to be alive, where people don’t seem to realize that you can criticize both sides of a conflict and not be a hypocrite.

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I love that argument, it tickles me every time I hear it because bananas were intelligently designed… by humans, on purpose, over thousands of years, to make them more palatable and easier to eat than their original nearly inedible form.

I would be way way more excited about this if I could actually use the iPad as a dev machine rather than just a big web browser.

Gimme a full terminal, let me run containers, open up installing full Mac apps, and I will buy one today to replace my aging 2017 MacBook Pro.

Of course, then their “product differentiation” vanishes and the shareholders make slightly less money…

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He’s not even holding the bow at the frog. I’m beginning to question if he even knows how to play the violin.

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Physical media today isn’t really much better though, increasingly frequently all a disk gets you is a license to activate a digital copy anyways, with a “must be online for first play” requirement.

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The rust library mentioned there doesn’t support system install paths for windows or macOS, it only uses XDG. I recommend the directories crate which properly supports Linux, Mac, and Windows.

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I’m not sure that a protection against changing the default browser with third party programs (maybe without the user knowing) via the registry is the evil thing being depicted here.

The way I read this article is that this is a move for compliance with the new digital markets act and I’m not seeing the maliciousness.

Willing to be wrong, I haven’t used Windows regularly for like 20 years.

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I’m a California constituent, and the idea of Adam Schiff representing me over Katie Porter makes me physically ill.

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I miss the golden age of the late 90’s when tabs were easy to get and free.

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Disinformation campaigns are specifically designed to undermine the reasoning capabilities of people by inveigling them into believing (usually emotionally provocative) falsehoods, turning them into misinformation conduits in the process.

It’s like saying that meth should be legal because reasonable people should just chose not to use it, ignoring the social and mental health issues that drive people to consume it against their best interest.

Sometimes the right thing to do is to cut off the head of the snake before it can bite you.

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Or just “request desktop website”.

I don’t understand why one couple got $100,000, while the other couple got nothing. I wish the article had expanded on that a bit more.

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I… I have no idea if this is satire or a legitimate quote and that is so depressing.

I’m a nix user and I’m disappointed by how apt this comparison is.

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An apt comparison to a name that you may know in a contextually appropriate title is hardly “click bait”.

Do you think that Trump’s secret service people are there because they’re loyalists? I doubt they get to choose their details.

It’s only leapords meme worthy if it’s someone who was gladly supportive of (in this case) sexism against others beforehand… we have no evidence of that here.

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People pissed at Firefox might not be as receptive of an article straight from Mozilla. Know your audience.

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I remember learning about how to use this back in the day and what a game changer it was for my workflow.

Today I like to do all of the commits as I’m working. Maybe dozens or more as I chug along, marking off waypoints rather than logging actual changes. When I’m done a quick interactive rebase cleans up the history to meaningful commits quite nicely.

The fun part is that I will work with people sometimes who both swear that “rewriting history” is evil and should never be done, but also tell me how useful my commit logs are and want to know how I take such good notes as I go.

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I’m not sure how you messed up, because I was able to not blame the user for decisions made on their behalf without their consent, and I too saw this post.

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Strategic voting is a direct result of first past the post voting; effectively any system that uses FPTP will result in a two party system where your vote gets used against the other person not for your choice.

I’ll continue to shill for ranked choice voting whenever I see any opportunity.