3 Post – 319 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

EU citizen. Interests: RPGs, board games, litrpg, alternative rock/metal, cycling, quality memes

You are right, just checked it and its not there anymore. I downloaded it many months ago :(

In my experience the relatively small selection of the F-droid store is full of these type of games.

Troll patrol



Shattered Pixel Dungeon

Pirate Solitare

..just to name a few All full versions, no ads or premuim options. Love F-droid, its a shame the selection is quite small.

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The gravity systems in this case are not pressurized. They just have a water tank in the loft/airing cupboard and the hight of the tank determines the pressure. 0.1 bar for every 1 meter height. You open the faucet and gravity pushes out the water.

Its a nightmare, I used to live in UK and these systems are barely enough for anything really.

No idea what is the story behind it, or if there is a practical reason.

In europe they mostly use Bars as the unit of measurement.

Mostly water pressure is around 1-2 bars as a minimum, but there are still places using different standards, for example the old style gravity-fed UK watersystems with sub 1 bar pressure, but those are not very common anymore.

Most domestic sanitary products in the EU are designed to be used on 1-5 bar pressure.

I read somewhere the domestic water pressure to be between 4-6 bar, however not sure how realistic it is accross the whole EU and also what you got at the mains and what you got when opening the faucet is two different numbers.

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Guy was a legend, I bought Terraria because of him. His voice and style was amazing. Rest in piece!

Lindsey Lowhands

*Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit intensifies *

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Not sure what answers you looking for, if you want to have a carefree vacation just read some reviews of specific countries and regions.

If you are backpacking or planning a multi-country trip I would check the crime rates of the places, there are many websites with the statistics available, like THIS

As a general rule of thumb popular places and big cities will have the highest crime rates, while smaller cities and countryside the lowest.

Also I would avoid solo trips and backpacking in general in the rural parts of less-developed countries, like Romania, etc.

Pretty much thats it. Europe as a whole is probably one of the safest travel destinations in the earth with some planning and common sense.

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What is all this insolence? You will find yourself in gladiator school vewy quickly with wotten behavior like that.

I hate Tik Tok and also hate copyright disputes but can't help but smile when these big corporations have arguments over money and people start taking sides, like Tik Tok or Universal cares about any of their customers.

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Customer: I didn't like the taste of this cake.

Management response: Dear customer, thank you for taking the time to try our cake. This is a cake, which is sweet and tasty by definition. We made the cake so customers can enjoy the cake and taste the typical cake ingredients which taste sweet and tasty. The cake experience as we created should appeal to everyone because cake is tasty.

Customer: Wtf, it tastes like wet socks!

Management: Cake

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Read the text 3 times before spotted the 36 on the pic. Where is the useless red circle when you have a brain fart?

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Ilk go to see SOAD twice.

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IR blaster for smartphones. I still have one on mine and I can use it for tons of stuff, not just as a TV remote.

I even worked for a company who made lots of IR based products (taps/faucets, accessibility stuff) and it was amazing how many people had to buy the dedicated remotes for these products for extra money.

When I asked them if their phone has an IR blaster, so they could just download a free app and use it instead. "I have an iPhone" was the most common answer.

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Agree 100%. It's just an unhealthy dose of sugar and caffeine, which is hardly regulated.

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I used this and Hamachi for years

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Live Die Repeat /Edge of Tomorrow

As much as I hate Tom Cruise as a person this movie was one of the most fun sci-fi action flicks I have seen in a very long time.

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I much prefer the Steam Decks approach on handheld gaming. Instead of matching the latest desktop systems in hardware they focus on the console-like experience.

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It's infuriating to read all the comments without explanations what said acronym means.

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One would think the gaming industry and consumers learned from the last 35 mistakes where big AAA titles had a dumpster fire launch because it was unfinished, unoptimized or over promised but no. This is gaming now.

Still attacking the devs and borderline creating a witch hunt is a bit too much. Just vote with your wallet. Or if you bought it refund it ffs.

I blame everyone who pre-orders as well. You are part of the problem!

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It's money, isn't it?

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For the US users, that's 0.79 Danny DeVitos

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Proceeds to install 6th Lemmy app

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My aunts FB comments. My whole life I thought she was a lovely sweet lady, who was always super nice to me... Then I saw some years later she told somone else in the comment section should kill himself. Simple reason: the other person had different political views. It turns out she is a hardcore racist with very fascist world view and she is super proud of it.

I am not on FB for a very long time and I didn't talk to her for 10+ years but I think it is for the best.

I just ignore the posts, its mostly bullshit corporate propaganda and public asslicking.

LinkedIn is great to find a new job if you build your profile correctly. Work experience, skills, etc Usually recruiters can find you based on that. I receive at least 1-2 offers monthly based on this alone.

Also the job section is great, you can set alarms for certain types of positions with tons of criterias, like location, type of work, specific skill required, etc

The rest is just pure trash and cringe.

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For fast eating challenge try cotton candy

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Well at least we can see they spend money on the service they provide and continuously improve user experience.

When I was in college I had zero knowledge of how to cook so I relied on what my mom packed me and takeaways.

I decided to learn how to make basic stuff, like pasta, eggs, baked potatoes, etc and it saved me tons of money.

I'm not a good cook by a long shot but I can feed myself and to this day I enjoy some quality time in the kitchen.

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Steam Deck - I know I'm not supposed to promote a specific product (change SD to a handheld gaming device if you must), but after my son was born, moved to a different country and changed jobs my life was rather hectic. I had no time to play videogames at all, which was my go-to method to unwind since I was a little kid. As an almost 40 years old responsible adult I can now still enjoy gaming in bite sized bursts, in bed, instead of scrolling through social media or watching mindless videos. The best thing is I can be next to my SO while she does something else I can work through my backlog.

It's a nice app, (first time Sync user) great functionality and design, but the downside is it's not open source and it has ads and even optional subscription service. Some people think it goes against the whole fediverse mindset, others (long time Sync for Reddit users) defend it as they are looking for the same experience they had on reddit.

That said it's 100% usable, but if you don't like this kind of stuff you have half a dozen free alternatives with just as many functions and different designs.

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Peak gaming journalism

It's fake, Its a crooked depiction of a toxic relationship which is fucked up, I know, but why would a guy need to be reminded to clean up, or care for their children?

I see everyone is quick to jump on the domestic abuse hate train, but if you are a guy and not doing these things in a relationship you are just as fucked up as this imaginary psycho partner.

For the past 10 years I never bought a phone for more than 300 euros.

I usually get a new phone every 3 years to have the latest tech and donate or recycle the old one.

For the last year I had an iPhone 13 pro (usually goes around 1100 euro) as a work phone and my personal Redmi Note 11 Pro I bought for 270 euros and not once I told myself: Man, this iphone is at least 3 times better than my Xiaomi. It's clearly a premium product but a middle category budget phone can match most features and even more. I still have a headphone jack, bigger 120 Hz screen, IR blaster and an amazing fingerprint sensor.

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Corporate job, terrible decisions, change of management, extra work for most people for the same money. Everyone is outraged and not happy.

So management organizes a company-wide zoom meeting to introduce new roadmap, changes, new management teams, etc.

HR is running an anonymous question board throughout the meeting, where everyone can send in questions and feedback through a web application link/QR code (Slido) for the Q&A section at the end.

Some questions are still praising management, "looking forward to working with xyz", "great opportunity", fucking toxic positivity like what you can see these days on LinkedIn. So of course management only answers/discussing these pretentious shitty questions and not dealing with more serious stuff.

So well done idiots, nobody knows who the ass kissers are, so it was pointless.

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Did I just have a stroke?

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EYE Divine Cybermancy if you are into weird shit .

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I would steal the picnic baskets of unaware families. Years of watching Yogi Bear would finally pay off.

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