Wikihow brutally kills 36 year olds to Lemmy – 778 points –

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Read the text 3 times before spotted the 36 on the pic. Where is the useless red circle when you have a brain fart?

I came to the comments for an explanation because I completely missed the age labels, so thank you.

Honestly I've unironically missed the entirety of the image at first, I went directly to the text. And probably a lot of internet-savvy people would, this kind of image is useless decoration 90% of the time and people are trained to not look at it. Same concept as in that research where they asked people to find the current population number on a webpage and they had a very hard time, despite the value being in big red digits or something equally distinctive.

When it's concerning a brain fart, should it instead be a nice green cloud-shaped outline around the relevant part?