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Joined 1 years ago

I came to the comments for an explanation because I completely missed the age labels, so thank you.

Yes, often.

We as thinking beings consider ourselves to be constant. The trail of memories leading from our childhoods to today make it feel as though we are still that person who lived through all of those times, but we aren't. We can't be.

I have memories belonging to an 8 year old boy in my mind, he had the same name I did and lived with parents who also had the same name as mine, but I am a much older person - older than his parents, even - and I share almost no common ground with this boy. How can we be the same person, when we are so obviously different?

I am physically a different person to this person of my memories, and I can't be sure he exists or existed. He may simply be a figment of my imagination, a story I tell myself of where I have come from but made up from whole cloth.

"Cyberpunks" weren't warning us about the internet - they were warning us about the corporations who will control it, and through it, us. We are trying explicitly not to communicate on that medium by using Lemmy (that medium encompasses Reddit, X, the various properties of Meta and Alphabet)

Science fiction mentioning a technology, even centering around it, doesn't mean it's saying the technology is universally bad. The author highlights the dangers, but the tech itself is almost always portrayed as neutral. It's the people who use it to nefarious ends that science fiction is warning us about.

Like the people who would seek to profit off of the Torment Nexus.

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Anti-trust is not about seeking perfection, it's a defense against abuses of power. That's a good thing unless you like to be abused by the powerful, in which case lick some more boots.

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I'd call it the Slop Bucket

I remember telling my high school guidance counsellor I was planning on becoming a programmer. She looked at me, head tilted like a confused dog and asked what excited me about Event Programming (as in, planning and scheduling large in-person events).

That was the first time someone didn't understand what I did for work, and it was about 5 years before I started doing it.

Feels like an ad

Ya roshambo is always played best two out of three

Greek Salad is mostly fruit.

No, jokes. It's plural because there are many jokes on you.