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Joined 12 months ago

Their economy is never in decline, never deciduous, always ever grand.

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And for only 12.95USD a month I can continue reading to find out about this $35 watch.

And now conservative America will say the Pope is no longer Catholic

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Unless there is a financial incentive to do so the costs to archive might be too high unfortunately, especially given the circumstances of the previous merger/acquisitions and licensing, the people responsible for the data were “right” to no longer bare the cost. It’s unlikely there is a physical hard drive of this stuff and even if it was then the hard drive could even have been repurposed or reclaimed. These are businesses at the end of the day and once the product ships, unless they own the IP there’s no reason to keep the data. Hell it could have even been in the contract to delete any Hasbro data after the license expired, and Hasbro never kept a copy themselves.

Culturally, and for the sake of a game library archive pirates are picking up the slack where elsewhere there are non-profit or government bodies responsible for archiving like the National Film Registry

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It’s way beyond the threat stage. They’ve damaged so much

Common curtesy goes a long way,

Common curtesy cannot be found today,

Auto flush will take the mess away.

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This is also what people say about 4chan

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String ain’t raw and \ will escape

No shit

lol they commented on their own thread

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The Tetris world record recently got broken and people will be playing it until forever. No one is going to be playing any subscription based game in a handful of years simply because the servers or company will no longer exist. If I can’t buy it for life, it’s not worth my time.

Vote with your money.

What the actual fuck

SMH so much hate

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Das da joke re: op question

Currently I can scan documents but not print due to a non existent and non resettable “paper jam”. If only the printer were smart enough to just print it would be useable.

Pilot or research scientist?

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At least it wasn’t YouTube thumbnails

Was there anything particularly wrong with json schema? Aside from being a validator and not a “language”.

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Gets the USB-A the right way the first time man, which is really an underlying true power of like a glove man, where no matter what it is, it will always fit - like a glove.

The bot is using AI and arguably the technology of OpenAI to report on the news that a human has lost their job but has no context on what it is reporting.

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To the people who would have purchased this discounted yule ham bag they can now say good bye discount savings and hello cost.

I’d imagine you accept what is realistically available to you. You’d not really have anything in common with people outside a certain window so as you age these “older” people are just your peers from a similar vintage so to speak so a lot of things make sense and are common between you and each year they just happen to be a year older…

So how do you exactly play if there are no game assets?

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This post is unnerving

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This is the kind of drama that is snooze worthy but I’m glad some people care enough to get riled up by it so things happen or change. Is there perhaps an actionable summary here or just this season recap on the story so far?

Ey wobbly eye gang here

Yahoo back in the day with its categories, and later with curated links was a nice time for a while

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If you read the terms and conditions on manufactures websites you’ll notice that in the US based sites they will mention merely being a passenger is consent for harvesting your data, though in other countries terms and conditions these crazy privacy clauses are not present. In the end the hardware is usually the same so I don’t trust that it can’t happen elsewhere but it’d be nice if governments made laws for the good of the people and not for corporate greed. EU seems to be doing things right but others aren’t able to easily follow their lead.

It’s Groundhog Day!

Try search for “frisson” there used to be a whole community on the other place I’m pretty sure.

It’s not specific to the panning effect in music you describe but it does cover the result of you hearing that.

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Not for me and especially not interested in a body cam but I welcome alternatives to these touch screen rectangles.

You can also try adding “binaural” in your searches but you’ll get mostly ASMR stuff

Have you tried Sicilian olives specifically? They almost have an umami flavour

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Productly placed

Every bug is an opportunity to learn. Learn about the language, the code base or about yourself. Today you learned about yourself.

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Straya for sure

Little do these companies know that poor people know how to be patient and older people remember the days of free ad supported internet dialup via cds, so this is not new and people will continue where business models fail.

My go-to

The foil coating usually deteriorates first