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Doesn’t surprise me, really. With all the stories you hear about the younger part of GenZ not being familiar with things like files and directories because everything is just saved in this enormous bucket of things called “the cloud”. I’m sure some of the things I’ve read are ragebait, but from my own experience, the increased usability of mobile operating systems has really influenced their ability to work with “traditional” stuff, which is nothing more than logical. But yeah.

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Never gets old how most people never care about nutrition until someone vegetarian/vegan shows up. Then they’re protein and/or B12 deficient, and they’ll die for sure!

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Even your car might know.

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Techies? Probably. Your average user? They will keep using windows 10. Just like they’ve been using XP, Vista, and 8(.1) wayyyyy past EoL.

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Designed in California. Reminds me of the missing rain gutter around the boot of the model 3. When you open(ed) it while it was raining, all the water would pour right into your boot, onto your stuff.

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She’s a techie just like a lot of folks. Likes to indulge in 3D printing, hardware modding, things like that. Just happens to also be a woman who likes to dress provocatively. Each to their own, of course. Been a while since I watched anything of hers, but what stuck with me is her emphasis on the fact that women can be engineers just as well as men can. She’s decently well-known in the modding community, I’d say.

People shocked about the horrors of of animal cruelty in the bio industry. More at 11. Tomorrow on our menu, probably steak or bacon. 😐

As a Max, I do not endorse this. Also, yarr.

The random usernames apparently come from when you sign up using other social media accounts, like Twitter, google, Facebook. For the longest time I thought it was the indicator for a bot account. Turns out it’s an indicator for bots and new-ish users.

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So your government could do what the commenter above suggested for 99% of the population. Got it.
Because that’s what they do in my country. Your income is pre-filled, and most people don’t need to do anything other than double check it and click submit. If you want to get tax breaks for edge cases like uncovered medical care, extra schooling, travel costs as a freelancer, etc., you just follow the mostly easy steps and fill that in.

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The meat industry is unethical, water is wet, and the pope is a Catholic. More at 11.

Why does it suck though? Works fine for me. Granted, I’m a software engineer, but even looking through my “end user glasses”, I don’t see anything wrong with it.

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Looks like yet another SUV to me.

They would’ve said so. ;)

Those horrible news sites where they show these ads for all kinds of garbage as you try to go back to the previous page you were on.

Don’t forget that they get mad when the government services they enjoy get taken away. Roads, electricity, you name it, they get mad about it.

Do it in enough places and every won’t.

Synthetic fibres are cool stuff, no doubt, but they also contribute to our whole microplastics problem, which isn't that cool, to be honest.

Oooh, another once-in-a-lifetime financial crisis! Sign me up! :D We’re at how many now?

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Seeing a lot of recommendations for the ender 3 here. It’s a great printer, don’t get me wrong, I have one myself and I love it. BUT. You have to be ready to tinker with it. A lot. It is by no means comparable to a desktop inkjet or laser printer. You will be tinkering with it for tens or even hundreds of hours to make it better and better. If you like the printer itself being a project, then it’s honestly great. If you want a care-free 3D printer, then yeah, they are expensive.

There is quite a big difference between a software developer and a software engineer. Most of the time, a developer just does what has been assigned to them. An engineer will be taking part (or completely doing) the architecture/design process as well.

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Same. Nowadays I just use a catch-all email address. Companyname@domain.tld. Allows me to name, shame, and block the company that leaks my email address.

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Then why can I, as a student, afford to go out to eat in a non-tipping country?

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I think the whole step to integrate with the fediverse would have taken too much time and too many resources. Seems like a massive rewrite of the codebase to me, if it wasn’t taken into account from the very start.

Somewhat similar: k8s

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Well… turns out they have a serial connection from the printer to the cartridge, all in the name of DRM. And you could put nefarious things on the chip of the cartridge, which would then be able to connect to the computer through the printer. All because of them wanting to thwart third party cartridges, so a problem of their own making, basically.

And this is why I am so grateful for the yearly inspections for cars in my country. You still have idiots driving, but at least their vehicles will be somewhat safe.

Got milk?
Or the Dutch “Melk is goed voor elk” (“milk is good for anyone”). Same vibe, different era.

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Or medical treatment in a hospital. Or signing up for military service and using one of their vehicles.

Pretty sure they never were an insurance company. They’ve always made (consumer) electronics.

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Neat! In Dutch we have azijnpisser/azijnzeiker which means the exact same thing.

Blub blub blub gargle gargle blub.

  • Dutch person, now metres below sea level

Exactly. They’re great bullshitting machines, that’s it.

I know. But often Americans say that eating out can’t be affordable if it weren’t for tips. The rest of the world seems to prove otherwise, that’s my point.

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There’s a reason why no tipping restaurants end up failing and returning to tips.

Yeah, we have 0 restaurants here in western Europe. It's a bummer. Should have adopted tipping culture.

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That… is a car issue in the rest of the world, considering some idiot who thinks it’s okay to do that has access to, and probably the privilege of operating such a machine.

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Doesn’t valve provide login-free setup and use of SteamVR for the index and the like? Granted, you’ll need a beefy PC for it, and probably some kind of storefront for most games. But at least no Facebook login strapped to your head.

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Those are all things you need to pass to get your driver’s license here in The Netherlands. We still have idiots on the road. Granted, they don’t (or at least, very rarely) slam their vehicles through the fronts of stores and houses, but we still got idiots doing idiot things.

We could’ve had those reactors if people didn’t say the same things you’re saying 30 years ago.

I believe it is, in European countries at least.

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