
2 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I finally picked up Witcher 3 for like 4 bucks. Excited to start playing that. I also got Euro Truck Simulator because it was like 1.99 and seems like a chill space out game.

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"...and their principal, Asfendis, has vowed to raise awareness on campus of how to use new technologies responsibly."

Surely all the teenage boys will understand, and only use the technology for wholesome purposes.

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Oh yeah totally free, just go ahead and put in all your info... Oh, looks like your at the last step and have spent a bunch of your time filling everything out. Oh darn! Look at that, you need to do something very basic that 99% of people need to do? Yeah that will be 75 bucks please.

TurboTax is nothing more than a "Legal" scam that pulls a bait and switch to steal money from people.

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Ive been in this situation before and it SUCKS! I was delivering pizza ages ago and was on my way to a delivery when a cop pulled me over. I wasn't doing anything wrong so I was kind of confused, but pulled into a parking lot and parked. The cops got out and immediately pulled their guns on me and took cover behind their cruiser. Within seconds, there were 4 more cop cars pulled up and surrounding my car. I had 5 cop cars surrounding my car and at least 7 cops all with their guns aimed at me and screaming at me to get out of the car. I was freaking out! Ive dealt with anxiety issues my whole life and this caused me to have a huge panic attack, which pissed the cops off more, because it took me a minute to comply. It wasn't till I was face down on the asphalt (in the rain btw), till one of the cops said something like "hes just a pizza dude, this isn't him", and all the cops got back in their cars a sped off. It took me a good 15mins before i was able to catch my breath and calm down from my panic attack, and hours after that before i could stop shaking. To this day, anytime a cop gets behind me, I start having anxiety attacks and have to consciously try to calm myself down.

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I used to have so much fun back when cell phones had IR blasters. Changing channels and messing with people before it was common knowledge that you could do that on a cell. I wish phones still had that.

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When I saw this news yesterday, it made me realize I hadn't used Reddit almost at all since the purge last summer. I ran the PowerDelete tool last night to nuke my profile and then deleted my account this morning. 10 years of posts and comments gone but ill be damned if im going to let those posts stay and train AI to make this douche canoe any more money.

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I work for an online business. Its very small but the owner tries to run it like a Fortune500 company. They're all about SEO and attend all kinds of seminars with words like Synergistic and 'metrics that mater' etc. They've spent the past month upping all our prices by 30% so we can offer a 20% discount and still make more than normal. Its shitty and I'm not a fan, but this seems to be the norm lately. That, or just offering worse quality in general. Ive avoided black Friday deals for a while now.

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I worked for the better part of a decade on a golf course in Florida doing manual labor. There were a few instances of guys getting heat stroke and having to go to the ER while I was employed there. That's WITH bosses who drove around during the hot months with ice water and Gatorade for us and made sure we were taking breaks. This makes me sick...

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My addiction to World of Warcraft and obsession over getting a certain mount may have lead to the death of an elderly man.

Way back in the ancient times, I was super addicted to WoW and really wanted this super rare mount. I would stay up super late trying to farm for it with no luck and eventually started setting an alarm for when it was supposed to spawn and waking up every hour or something all night to log in and try and get it. After a few days of this, I was fried and couldn't function at all.

At the time I worked at a soft serve ice cream place and had to be there early to open the store which was inside a mall food court. My main opening job was to clean out the soft serve machines and get them ready for the day. Well, these machines are under a fair bit of pressure and your supposed to drain off all the left over soft serve and depressurize the machine before you open it up to clean it.

I didn't depressurize it.

In my sleep deprived, deep-fried state, I walked through the mall food court filled with the early morning elderly mall walkers making their rounds. Got to work and immediately started unscrewing the face plate of the soft serve machine to start cleaning it. It sounded like a bomb went off. I was covered head to toe, literally every square inch of the front of my body was covered in ice cream mix and when I scraped the ice cream out of my eyes and looked around to survey the damage, I was horrified. There was chocolate ice cream splattered from one corner of the food court to the other, floor to ceiling. Everyone in the food court had at least a little ice cream on them, most more than a little. But then, A man who had to be in his upper 80s collapsed, grasping at his chest. The sound of the explosion and the shock of freezing ice cream sprayed all over him gave him a heart attack.

The paramedics were loading him up on a stretcher when my boss told me to go home and change. To my surprise, I wasn't fired but when I came back later that morning, no one could give me an update on the man. I never found out if he made it or not, but my gut tells me he probably didn't. He was a regular mall walker and I would see him quite often before that day, but never did after that.

I never did end up getting that mount. I can't even remember what it was anymore which makes the whole story even worse imo. I quit WoW shortly after that incident and never really played another MMO after. I think about that man anytime I get the urge to stay up late and grind another game or finish another episode or whatever it is.

I'm sorry mall walker man.

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This takes me back to the glory days of stumbleupon.

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Hidden passageways in all the rooms. Every room will be connected via an intricate maze of crawlspaces, slides, ladders, and all manner of hidden passages. Sure i could use the stairs like a normal person to get to the living room, or i could pull a book off the shelf to reveal a trap door in the floor that leads to a slide downstairs.

Ok "Holy fucking shit!" It is then.

Me spending 20 minutes, creating a character in Skyrim only to turn it sideways to show a nose that would make Cyrano de Bergerac blush

I tried to clean out my closet last month. I got most everything out of the closet and lost motivation. Most of my closet is still scattered around my room a month later. Maybe next weekend...

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Make sure you're actually registered, even if you think you already are. A lot of states have been "cleaning up" their voting registries .

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I can't believe something that was used as Medieval torture is just something that's happening casually in a modern day prison. Makes me sick to be a part of this planet sometimes.

I can rumble my eardrums. Mostly useless unless i wanna block out some annoying sound but i can only do it for like a minute at a time.

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The thumbnail is trippy compared to the expanded image. I can kind of see the design in the big image but its still messing with me.

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So what's on the menu? I'm looking for a new meal to eat till I literally never want to think about it again.

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I don't have any questions for you, really. I just wanted to say its nice to see a professional show up and drop some knowledge. That was one of my favorite things about about that other site, and its nice to see it start happening here too. Thanks for taking the time to write that!

Can anyone who works at a place that sells letters like this comment on how often this happens? Ive always been tempted, but feel bad for mixing them up.

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Thanks for the links. I went to watch and he's actually live right now playing some tetris. Dudes a machine.


This post actually got me off my lazy butt to go for my morning walk, so thanks!

Thanks for clarifying!

I'm totally the same. Last night a coworker text me to let me know they would be back in the office tomorrow after taking a couple days off. It took me almost 10 minutes to come up with "ok, see you tomorrow then". I rewrote that text at least a dozen times. Why the hell is something so simple a monumental effort for me?

I don't see how brushing your teeth in the shower saves time. Unless your brushing while you shampoo or something, you're just making your shower longer, which wastes more water.

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I went to a site today that had a full page cookie popup. When I clicked manage cookies to disable, it presented me with a a choice of "eagerly interested" and "consent". WTF is that? I didn't see the opt out option right away so i just left the page.

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Not even really trans but I bought a skirt just to twirl in. Worth every penny. Plus they're comfy AF for just lounging.


The Why Files

Mr Mythos




Existential Dread:


Eating Cat hair off the sofa:

You Suck at Cooking

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Sharks and other bony fish have something called Ampulle of Lorenzini that let them detect electrical signals in the water. it can also detect electromagnetic signals and possibly temperature differences as well. I always thought it would be cool to be able to sense electromagnetic fields. It would probably be overwhelming though TBH

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That was exactly what it was. I had to look it up but as soon as i opened that wiki page, this surge of anxiety and ptsd washed over me. That was it for sure.

!imaginarystarships@lemmy.world helps to feed my starship addiction.

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The trick is to wake up standing, as well.

Ive got thousands of hours in POE1 but stopped playing a couple years ago because it started to feel like a cluttered mess. There were so many league mechanics vying for your attention and interrupting the flow of the game it just became tiresome. I hope POE2 feels more cohesive without all the fluff of 50 different leagues. The trailers definitely got me jonesing to play again though.

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Yeah i picked up quite a few tips for generating good AI porn in this article. Im still not sure if this was satire or not. it basically gives you step by step how to do this.

I can do it without closing my eyes but when i was younger, I remember closing my eyes or scrunching my face made it easier to do. If you can wiggle your ears without lifting your eyebrows, it kind of feels like its the same muscle group that causes the rumbles. The rumbling sounds like white noise inside my head. Its caused by constricting Tensor Tympani muscle in the ear voluntarily. From Wikipedia:

Some individuals can voluntarily produce this rumbling sound by contracting the muscle. According to the National Institute of Health, "voluntary control of the tensor tympani muscle is an extremely rare event",[5] where "rare" seems to refer more to the scarcity of test subjects and/or studies more than the percentage of the general population who have voluntary control. The rumbling sound can also be heard when the neck or jaw muscles are highly tensed as when yawning deeply. This phenomenon has been known since (at least) 1884.[6]

Martian hedgehog in a tuxedo riding a motorcycle

Just to prove your point I fed that into an AI (dreamshaper 8). no other prompts or anything, and this was the first image it generated.

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