18 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I made the icy-nord and icy-nord-darker themes.

God: All knowing and all powerful But wait, satellites, oh no!

Bulletproof logic

Your last three posts are a roller coaster in wondering "What's this guy up to?". Thanks for the laughs

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Eternity. I used Infinity when I was on Reddit, so its not new to me, and there are features I like about it

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To add to your analogy if i may, the firewall is kind of like a security guard or doorman at the building entrance. All mail has to go through him first and if something is addressed to a closed flat (port) he simply doesnt let it get delivered.

This thread is pretty much all brother 🤣

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I sincerely hope so, just to imagine the shocked faces at the company that made legal threats to Tachiyomi, when it itself has no content. I mean how stupid can you be

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Could someone explain what happened to me like im 5 please?

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I use Jerboa. Are there others? I wouldn't mind trying them all out so I can pick the best one

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"Employees speak new languages." Is what translate gives me, but I would translate it more as "The ones working speak new languages" or "Those who have employment speak new languages". I still dont get the meme though, so the context might matter more and my translation could be off

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Evidence of life elsewhere in the universe. It would be so cool. I just hope its far enough we cant get there and fuck everything up for them (or that they cant do the same to us)

Very interesting doc! Its sad how this is the state of things, but something must be done. I hope with the news weve been receiving from Germany recently that this will change long term, and not just for the current government. Hopefully it will snowball and have a ripple effect on other EU countries.

Spiders. Terrified of them to the point of just picking a direction and running until im far 😂

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I got to page 3 before I couldn't take it anymore and had close 🤣


This seems like it could be useful info if it takes off

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That wont happen I dont think. Louis Rossman explained it quite well. The API pricing is not meant to be fair market price. Its a fuck you price. Basically reddit wants to kill 3PA but doesnt want to outright state it does so it doesnt seem as such a bad guy. Case in point: people who think the blackout might make them rethink their pricing. Now I wont say it 100% wont because everything is possible and no one really knows what will happen in the future, but since the beginning it seems the move was not "lets get some cash for API calls" but "lets kill 3PA without looking like an ass"

Please explain meme for us who aren't this well versed in history

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Some sort of community space, like skate park or exhibition. In the vein of art exhibitions, it could have sections for people to do graffiti

Correct me if im wrong, but I think I read/watched something a few years ago which basically explains why winrar has a free trial but never actually enforces it. It had something to do with copyright law details, and how making it a paid product extends the copyright protections on it so that corporations cant legally use the code for a longer time. Im not sure if I'm even remembering it correctly, because it was several years ago

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Lord cat thanks you for your offering and expects more next week

And YouTube, the platform, DOES need to get paid as well otherwise your videos can’t get to you.

I disagree. YouTube is owned by Google as we all know very well. They don't need to show you ads technically. I get why they would want to, because obviously its a company and they want to make more and more money. But I (and many more like me), as users we feel that it gets to a point where I'm not watching a video with ads sprinkled in, but ads with a video sprinkled in. So I as a consumer will find ways to circumvent that, and avoid watching ads. There comes a point where they're getting far too greedy and I can no longer tolerate the extent to which their "more and more money" practices get to. As another commenter mentioned, the ads arms race will simply continue turning. As for creators, there are other ways for them to make money, as was the case when YouTube was still a younger thing. Now there's even more options such as Patreon. Also, bigger brands such as LTT inevitably branch out and create separate revenue streams (think LTT store). Obviously, not every creator might want to do that simply to get paid, but when did we shift to this idea that its a job. Even though I'm young(er), I still remember the beginning of YouTube, though barely. It seems like it was more people back then that wanted to do this as a passion, not that they felt "I need to release a video every week at a set day and time or I get less money" as it seems to be now.

I wouldn't even mind that much if the ads didn't interfere with the primary function of the site, which one would think is to serve content (the product) to me (the consumer). Such as ads which are not part of the video but are loaded on the side for example. However, this is not the case. Primarily I think because we have reached a point in the internet's timeline where people using it are not the customers anymore, but the product. And we're being sold to ad companies.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk xD

Easiest one that comes to mind is the forums. It pops up constantly in searches, even if youre not searching for an arch specific problem, so I used it even before daily driving arch. Now I have an account on there and have made a few posts seeking help. Most of the time though someone has already asked it, and someone else has already provided a solution.

I haven't experienced any issues so far but I'll keep an eye out on that link you sent, thanks

I cant answer about the separation of username/password, but unnecessary animations seem to be a product of the ensh*ttification of the web

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"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised."

Brand is HP/Samsung

Yea, I feel like we all had a feeling before even reading that part. Can't offer any advice other than getting a different brand, as well as this link to a fun little article I read from a few posts above yours in my feed:

distro: just look at my instance xD

Its a full AMD build, so I shouldnt have any issues with the green goblin

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The fact my first thought was related to my work is a bad sign. Guess I need to ramp up my efforts in looking for something else

Thanks, I now get it! 😊

Isnt LFM looking for member? Like if you have part of a group already together and just need a healer lets say. I'd say its different than LFG which in my mind is a player looking for a group

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Start smoking too so it doesnt bother you /j

But actually, if it got in any soft materials like couches they will still hold a smell. Not sure if it can happen even if its just from his clothes after hes already smoked. Other than that, ozone as others have suggested.

Check out one the 3rd party frontends for it. I personally use on desktop. Same content but you dont visit the YT site for it

Netcup seems really interesting, thanks :)

This looks very clean, well done! Personally for me the yellow is too harsh, but I still think it looks great :D

More specifically, "Ill put both your feet in a single shoe"

A CRUD webapp, or a text adventure in C++ with object orientation in mind

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As far as I remember it was so that they couldn't use it to create their own paid version. I think the dev wanted it to be free, but found this loophole. If I find the video I'll edit this comment and link it

Edit: i was partially wrong above. Its not for the reason I thought it was, but rather as a business strategy. Individual users keep it relevant so theyre allowed to keep it for free, while businesses have to pay for the license to avoid being sued. Businesses are its main source of revenue. Here is a video explaining it. Its not the video I remember watching, but it seems to be correct.


Ok, I've definitely missed something. Why is everyone on here now obsessed with beans?

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The balkans