4 Post – 807 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I could have sworn that this was her armpit from the back

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Let's not forget that thread's data collection is so atrocious that it didn't launch in small and exotic markets like... Say.... The whole of the EU.

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Hey, 'Muricans, how come we need to pressure every company into compliance for you?

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Can we talk about the definition of a "surge", please!

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"you have error in documents"

"What would that be?"

"In field 'name' is not 'Vladimir Putin'. Grave error in documents, we cannot accept"

Denuvo has become a very strong indicator to me that not the game devs are calling the shots during development, but the Excel-sheet-business-suit-monkeys are.

Only some business-fool would look at a proposal to buy that piece of performance-guzzling crap and go "Hey, then everyone who'd be a pirate otherwise will buy my product and spend money in muh cash shop, that's totally worth the investment", ignoring the immense drawbacks for paying costumers.

especially in a frickin' coop-shooter where piracy will never be as big of a deal because people want to play together with others on your frickin' servers anyway....

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I'd bet that this was not about the sauce. There is either some mental illness or something else at play.

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Who would have thought that a McAfee might one day actually detect malicious agents in a system?

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Got a problem? Just make it illegal! Bam! Solved!

Next up: Not finding a job is going to become illegal, thus solving unemployment issues!

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When has the US turned into a regime led by the supreme court? All my life, whenever something was up, you heard what the president did or tried to do or whatever. Nowadays, all headlines about the US are about something the Supreme Court with it's undemocratically elected judges gets to decide over all lawmaker's heads.

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Imagine being stuck in your "I am the provider of this family" gender role so much that you turn down this kind of offer.

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Auch a cool thing to do by froot loops! Wouldn't have heard of it without that boycott! Come on. Republicans, keep the Streisand effect going!

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First, you tell us walking is better for the environment and then you tell us that it won't be possible because some stupid numbers law thing? What do you expect us to walk on? Our own fucking meaty feet?! They go all ouchie after a time!

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Because scalpers expected this to be in demand after the news broke and set their bots to buy every cheap copy by unknowing private sellers in order to create a oligopoly and heavily gauge pricing

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Apple can be so laughably pathetic at times

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Israel is a state
Judaism is a religion

If one disagrees or opposes one, they don't oppose the other. I know that Israel has managed to spin the narrative that Israel and Judaism are the same and everyone opposing the state is basically the same kind of hateful asshole Adolf was, but that's just not true. We here in Germany have struggled a long time with that for obvious reasons. You couldn't call out Israel for doing wrong shit without being called a Nazi. In that past that is. What you've seen isn't "Antisemitism". It's opposition to some of the bullshit Israel is pulling that is the very same kind of bullshit Jews have been subjected to in the past. Or tell me: What's the difference between a Ghetto in 1700s Germany and the Gaza Strip? Correct, the 1700s Ghetto had less travel restrictions.

There is a great push in Israel to be proud of the history of unjust oppression and prosecution Jews have suffered for centuries and how awful being a victim of that was. There is this sense that together, as a nation, they finally have the means to safeguard themselves against shit like that. Yet, that very same nation pulls a swift 180 when it comes to palestinians. Pushing them back into Ghettos, depriving them of any form of economical way out, depriving them of means to get their own electricity, their own water. Paying them pittances for their jobs, restricting travel for them whenever possible. Now, as soon as those people act hostile (go figure), the "state of the oppressed" Israel responds with the military. "A little bombardment will keep them in check, right? How dare they hate us?!"

If the message all the Shoa museums, all the graveyards for the people killed in atrocities was really understood, neither the "West Bank" nor the "Gaza Strip" could exist without Israelites acting up against them.

Rant over.

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Or when objectivity is not called for. All those fallacies and "unfair strategies" are described as they are in order to keep objective discussions at said objective level. Yet, when the discussion by it's nature cannot be objective, none of those "fallacies" apply as fallacies.

Besides: An appeal is not a bad tactic in any way, shape or form.

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See, I get when YouTube or some such are asking for some kind of payment, since transcoding and delivering all those large video files is expensive as fuck. Yet, Open subtitles delivers text. Fucking. Text. The rest is done for them for free by the users. No, folks. You ain't getting any money.

It's baffling how so much of the world is driven by the blind grasp for the feeling of being in control by executives and how nobody stops the nonsense when it's just that: nonsense

This guy has never survived a meeting that should have been an email.

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Why NVidia?! Why do you force me to stay on Windows?! WHYYYYYYY?!

That's what went through my head yesterday as OneDrive threw the towel (again) and borked the whole Windows Explorer (again) so any attempt to access my own files would just freeze the Explorer-Window (again) because OneDrive tried to frantically download a folder that was deleted both locally and online (again) and OneDrive got confused (again)

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They were called nothing (at least in English) because they were first described somewhere in the 18th century and they knew about electricity by then. Boring answer, but that's how it is.

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How can this be damaging if you ain't trying to sell it to us in the first place?

Besides: this "crime at an all time high" fearmongering is disgusting.

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No one told you to ditch it. But can you fanboii a little less aggressively, please?

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Doing that to annoy devs who didn't sanitize their database inputs is like walking along parking lot just to see if anyone has forgotten to lock their car, just to put a post it in the steering wheel.

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The thing is: You need the kids to have this information before puberty really starts to take off so they know what's going on with them when they start to feel things that are related to gender fluidity/homosexuality/whatever, so they grow up without the self-doubts and such but with the feeling that what they are is just another human being.

This sounds like one of those sciency bullshit articles where
a) the study was on a subcategory of proteins that in some very boring and specific cases influence the aging of a certain type of cell in a minor way
b) the study was a miniscule pilot study with 10 participants
c) it explicitly said that it's results are more than shaky and need further testing to prove anything
d) it didn't mention humans aging at all
e) the participants were some kind of worm

but some journalist read half the excerpt, misunderstood it completely and did a catchy article about what he hallucinated into the study.

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Let's trigger some peeps:

Is there a docker image available?

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Right? Gamergate is something I've never understood at all. Like... People try to summarize the whole thing for me and after two sentences I just blank out entirely because it's all so weird, convoluted and dumb.

A gigantic "he-said-she-said" that somehow devolved into tons of harassment, death threats, violence and "calling someone's boss so they'd get fired because they weren't nice enough online" or something...

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This might be naive me, but companies should be allowed to defend themselves in an investigation but should have no rights whatsoever to prevent one from occuring. If they fight the mere start of an investigation that hard, this sure is a "where there's smoke there's fire ' situation.

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This "I'll block something super unrelated until you do my thing that goes against voter's interests" thing alone is a reason not to vote for those moneybags... Undemocratic as fuck!

It's almost as if the LLMs that got hyped to the moon and back are just word calculators doing stochastic calculations one word at a time... Oh wait...

No, seriously: all they are good for is making things sound fancy.

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Oh, so now this is a novel idea? I tried to do a study on that and was thrown out of the waterpark alltogether for being a pervert and a creep... I was trying to save men with shower-science, you buffoons!

I literally feel ill. Like physically ill. My wife blessed me with my baby boy and imagining that someone could force her to go what she went through to get him into this world is... IDK what it is... Too angry rn. Fucking disgusting fuckfaces!

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And that's why you let educators decide which textbooks they deem fit for their subjects, not partisan regulators with an agenda.

Just imagine the wobble that goes through this array of assorted dragon dicks when someone bumps that shelf.

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Meanwhile, my ADHD: Why not both?

Overwhelmed by the presence of the unbelievable number of 2 tasks and be bored by the distraction I use to procrastinate

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This is to anyone who somehow thinks unions are bad. They are not. Structures like in Mafia Cartels are bad (like the police union in the US).

Aren't moms for liberty all about "thinking of the children"? I bet he does that a lot... So... Yeah...