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I have the same lock. I didn't want it but it was the only lock I could find that would work on my sliding door. The key is to buy rechargeable batteries. Mine last maybe a month before they need to be replaced.

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I think it is more about the power required to run the lock motor.

I have several z-wave door locks as well. They all need battery replacement within a few months. Unless I don't open/close them very often. They can go much longer.

But it really isn't to big of a deal. Home Assistant tells me when they are getting low and I just swap the batteries in a few minutes.

What did they do before 1891?

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Public services require a little more work, you will need to rely on a service from a company, either a tunnel (e.g. Tailscale funnel) or a VPS.

I have been hosting random public services for years publicly and it hasn't been an issue.

Edit, I might have miss understood the definition of public. I have hosted stuff publicly, however everything was protected by a login screen. So it wasn't something a random person could make use of.

money has to be backed by the state

I think the point if Bitcoin was to challenge this statement.

Why not?

If i am going to be supporting creators I think YT premium would be the way I would do it.

YouTube Premium is super helpful in distributing money automatically to creators without needing to think about it.

I have many many creators I tune in and out of I am not going to be trying to manage all of their patreons and trying to manage all of that.

Honestly I have to much crap already, 99% of merch is just garbage IMO that i will never use and don't need.

What about self defense?

If you buy premium your doing both.

I disagree, digitizing is what is saving a lot of the media. You can save hundreds of thousands of hours of videos and many games in a single 20TB drive today. You couldn't do that without digital technology.

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I learned about Lemmy.

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Just run Jellyfin along side Plex and see.

Probably just throw it in the bank / Invest it.

I know not the most exciting answer but there you are.

You forgot "I use Arch BTW" at the end of your post.

What is she using it for? Creative cloud is a huge blob of programs, is she using them all? Or just a handful?

Here is the actual report by CR

There reasoning for this

“Most electric cars today are being manufactured by either legacy automakers that are new to EV technology, or by companies like Rivian that are new to making cars,” says Jake Fisher, senior director of auto testing at Consumer Reports. “It’s not surprising that they’re having growing pains and need some time to work out the bugs.” Fisher says some of the most common problems EV owners report are issues with electric drive motors, charging, and EV batteries.

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Piracy Shield aka The Great Firewall of Italy.

Explicit Sync sounds like some kind of porn syncing program.

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The hoverbike scene in Boba Fett. And basically anything to do with those teenagers gang members. Their bikes remind me of kitchen aid mixers meet the power rangers. The affects are so bad, the story is so bad the music is so bad. I don't think I found one good quality in that scene. Except it made me laugh for how bad it was.

And there is another scene when they are on battle and one of them does a "cool" spin for absolutely no reason.

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Well that confirms it the FBI is a terrorist organization.

(This is a joke FBI)

Linux runs the world at this point. Bad people and organization use it as well as good people and organization use it. I personally don't think we can have it both ways without severely limiting the license that I think ultimately hurts the good people and organization more than it would hurt the bad.

Maybe I am wrong about this but if for profit companies aren't allowed to use Linux I think Linux is basically dead. Or becomes so small no one will care about it.

Yes many for profit companies use the code without giving back. However it is my understanding the most big companies do give something back. I think Google is one of the top followed by Microsoft and I think Amazon has realized it is more work to not give back then to give back and has become like the 5th or 6th.

Sure I would agree they are probably giving the bare minimum back, but at the very least they are giving something back. Even if they give nothing back i think the more use of Linux the better the world is.

If Linux didn't exist or wasn't available for Amazon they would either develop their own solution or just buy it from Microsoft, Apple, IBM etc... Now we have a more lockdown eco system and less people are incentivized to pick Linux as their platform of choice to develop software. Instead of using Apache or Nginx the world would be using Microsoft IIS or something similar.

Personally I am very guilty of taking advantage of open source. I have use open source projects all of my life and I can say I haven't given nearly enough back that i have received. Sure I am not a for profit company so you could argue it is different. But even still I should give back more.


  • 8GB 256GB internal storage

  • External storage capacity: microSD up to 2TB (SD 3.0)

Sometimes adding/removing a new drive can screw with the BIOS boot order, especially on older machines. I would double check the BIOS boot setting before and after to make sure they stay the same.

Have you tried just unplugging the optical drive without adding the new SSD in?

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To that I would argue why should IT need to waist their time turning that crap off. IT should be off by default.

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a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Not sure how blocking ads fits into that definition. Some of us just don't want to hear about Raid shadow legends or the latest food delivery scam.

That said from now on whenever I install uBlock in my head I will hear "bomb has been planted".

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Ahh I can only imagine how crappy you would feel after sending the wrong comand. Hopefully they can get it back.

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By your definition we don't know yet. Ask again in 10 years.

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Of course, this is still a new and emerging technology and it’s too early to say when we might see it in our devices, or how much it will cost.

Looks really cool, buy yeah my guess is i will cost to much to be viable for most things.

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Very robust OS designed for Embedded applications.

Most noteworthy is NASA used it on almost all of their mars rovers. (I think they switched to Linux on their very last one but I could be wrong)

It is used in a bunch of random stuff you have probably used it without realizing.

As much?

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Why is my food bowl empty???

What are you eating, can i have some?!?

That will be about 80% of the conversation based on my experience.

Best way I found it running this command

rm -rf /

Then do a reboot just to be sure.

Good luck compromising my system after that.

FYI This is a joke Don't actually run this command :)

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Almost every smart TV I have played with you can set them up to just go to an HDMI input and turn off any "home" menus screens. You also can usually skip any Network setup.

I have played with LG, Vizio, Samsung and Sony TVs all have had options to do this. (But this has been over the last 1-7 years).

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Lots of scams and even computer viruses will be sent out though the ad network so it is best to just block all ads so you don't have to interact with potentially bad add.


Well good thing they have a company slogan of do no evil...... Oh wait.

You sure about that?

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I hate ads as much as the next guy, but without ads get ready to start paying for things. You go to a news website, sorry you need to login and hand over your credit card to access anything. Youtube? Sorry you need to login and pay up to watch anything. You want to Google,Bing, Duckduckgo something sorry you better pay up can't sell you data to advertisers anymore.

Not saying this is necessarily a bad thing but it will fundamentally change how the internet works and it potentially could limit informational access to poor people.

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Dang that is a bunch of fixes.

My thumb got tired of scrolling lol.

It’s Epic

That doesn't sound very Epic to me.

Could be battery. That is usually the first thing to swap no matter what.

It could be whatever internal component the UPS uses to measure the line voltage is going bad. If that is the case your probably looking for a new UPS :(. Unless you want to do some very indept troubleshoot and potentially board level repairs.

Other option is to try the UPS on another circuit, or if available, another building entirely.