
3 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Please don't let /c/asklemmy become like /r/askreddit, which had half of the front-page posts being the same sex related questions every month.

"Women of reddit, what non sexual thing that guys so makes you horny?"

"What is the sexiest thing you regret doing?"

"How many cocks have you sucked while your cat judges you while waiting for you to feed it?"

It was bullshit.

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When the conspiracy theories about 5G causing covid started gaining traction, I named my 5Ghz connection "Virus Distribution Centre"

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At least? I'm convinced they have a moral obligation to do so much more than that.

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People making giant colour stripes for flags are so fucking lame..

Do yourself a favour and buy some biodegradable floss picks. String is a fucking nightmare.

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But that would require us to use Reddit, which I think may be their plan all along.

Don't be surprised when the Lemmy pixels are suddenly overwritten by spez.

This comes down to the old debate over which philosophical framework is the basis for ethics and morality.

If you're a deontologist, you might say that Mr. Beast is not a good person because he intentionally exploits people when he provides medical care for someone, by uploading their reactions for engagement.

However, a consequentialist would say that the outcome is more important; the means by which people receive medical care is irrelevant, and in this case, their treatment essentially necessitates compensation via engagement.

Which distro is best?

Hannah Montana OS > mine > yours

Used to be a 9"gagger until I got shadow banned for pushing back on transphobic comments, even after I paid for PRO+

4chan is a mixed bag, if you stay away from /b/ and /pol/ (which are chaos), you'll be in a neutral wild-west.

I still browse 4chan because the dark humour I crave cannot be satiated elsewhere. Even /r/imgoingtohell was essentially reposting 4chan memes.

Yep, and someone got video proving it was one mod placing pixels without delay.

A lemming is a real animal.

There's a misconception that they commit mass suicide by jumping off cliffs.

Lol downvote and move on.

P.S. if you call other people kids, the default assumption people make is that you're actually a kid. Just giving some constructive feedback, buddy.

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Uncensored Metalocalypse with perfect subtitles.

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  • never be bored.
  • fall asleep instantly.
  • pee and poop teleported straight into the toilet.
  • grow fingernails back quickly.
  • know how to do anything, but lose all memory of the thing when trying to do it, tell anyone, or record it.
  • ability to shapeshift, but your bones and muscles are going to hurt like hell. You think breaking a bone is bad? Try having all the bones in your face rearrange themselves.
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The show feels like its fucking with me. I don't understand a lot of the references, but those times are like watching a crackhead dance for loose change.

The alien-cat will always be my favorite moment

This argument never really made sense to me. Anyone who is being deceptive is not going to tell people they're editing their comments.

It's the result of nothing more than a moral panic. There aren't roving bands of keyboard warriors rolling around making comments and then editing them to make others look stupid.

And even if there were, they could just include "edit: typo" and get away with it. Unless someone takes screenshots.

I think it says more about the community that everyone is expected to prove their innocence. Let's have a little faith in each other, we're better than that.

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Eat before going shopping, and don't buy junk food. It's easier not to snack, when you don't have snacks.

Mmmm... butter.... (Fs)

"You wouldn't download a car"

Really sad. I managed to reach Onyx rank but the FOMO was real (even though they said there would be no FOMO).

The gameplay was actually really good, but the busy-work to complete challenges ruined the experience for me.

When playing a competitive shooter, the top priority should be winning. When I need to remember to kill three enemies with the shock rifle, run over five people, tea-bag my own teammate and get a 360 no-scope with my finger in my ass, I'm not thinking about winning or playing how I want.

Also 343 were just cunts about everything the entire time.

I don't need an app to tell me what's a tit and what's a booby

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Floss picks, or floss sticks?

I use these ones: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/cXwAAOSwkMhfKe5i/s-l300.jpg

I like these ones because they keep the floss tight for a long time. Other picks I've tried go flaccid mid clean. Nothing worse than a floppy pick in your mouth.

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Fixed it to be more precise.

I suppose whether it's an algorithm comes down to which definition you use.

I think the colloquial definition is something which is user-dependant and very complicated.

However, the dictionary definition is "a finite set of unambiguous instructions", which fits my initial usage.

Strangely though, the colloquial definition doesn't fit the dictionary definition, because the YouTube/Twitter/Facebook algorithms are so ambiguous that the people designing them don't really know what they're doing, since they are evolving by themselves.

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I would chalk that up to adrenaline. Also the pain depends on where the break is. If the muscles around the broken bone are spasming, then the two halves of the bone are going to be grinding against each other. That's why we use a splint in first aid.

"Just try not to be too gay on the court. And by gay I mean, um, you know, not in a homosexual way at all. I mean the uh, you know, like the bad-at-sports way."

  • Michael Scott

Awkwardtheturtle makes my blood boil. Though I suspect this is deliberate, which makes me angrier.

The fact that reddit admins never did a thing was disgusting.

Grab Om-by-da Pussy

Liftoff gang represent!


Take this award friend:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

My biggest fear is that it develops a "hive-mind".

Before the migration, lemmy.ml was the biggest instance, and is explicitly communist.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for communism, but I don't want to be part of a circle-jerk and read about it every day.

That's their thing. You don't take your new partner to the spot where you fell in love with your ex. That's just weird.

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The riffs are by design, but season 3 and 4 have a censored TV version and uncensored bluray version.

Hopefully the upcoming complete set fixes this.


Of course, my pleasure! And now a nice hard pick can be your pleasure too. Just be sure you get it deep in there to get your back teeth, and remember to use the tip.

Still using my OnePlus 7 Pro. Once it dies I'm going Pixel for GrapheneOS

Always hilarious to me how the fastest way to gain trust is to be transparent. It's almost like those two are linked somehow.

For now, these pics of tits and boobys will have to do

I only came to the comments to see if people were discussing the picture lol.

I can think of so many memes to 'improve'.

Not sure why, but this is what TV Time looks like for me. It's the same now as when I tried two weeks ago.