What's some great software / website / services you've discovered recently?

Zozano@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 131 points –

I'll start.

Two weeks ago I started using Trakt. It's a website/app designed to keep track of shows and movies you've watched, and gives you a list of which episode is available to watch next which updates as new episodes are released.

A lot of other similar websites I tried don't have everything cataloged (some done have anime, while sites like Letterboxd only do movies).

Recommendations function is pretty horrible though and they lock basic filtering functionality behind a subscription, but it's still pretty good for what I need it for.

It also gives you stats for your total watch time. Which is now 192 days.. Not including reruns.. So maybe it's double that. I don't know whether to be disappointed in myself or proud.


github1s. It works like this: Whenever you are at a URL like github.com/user/repo just add a "1s" after github, like github1s.com/user/repo.

Gives you an embedded VSCode as a viewer including tools like search functionality.

If you press . while browsing github.com, it redirects to github.dev, which is a web VSCode too. Same thing in Gitlab.

When looking at a repo, you can also just type a period to open it in a browser vs code editor.

I recommended this in another thread, but Merlin is a really cool/free Cornell app for your phone that allows you to identify birds with your mic or camera, then keep a record of what you've seen/heard. It works really well, and I scramble for my phone every time I hear a bird now.

Been trying to figure out which bird I keep seeing on my balcony, I'm gonna try this out!

It's almost like a "Pokemon Go"-type app in that it naturally encourages you to be outside more, like a constant little treasure hunt.

I recently became a monthly donator to our national bird protection services so this app is a great addition to the magazines I now receive.

iNaturalist is a similar non-profit run app and identifies all living things: trees, flowers, bugs, birds etc.

wger. A workout tracking app that is open source. It tracks workouts, rest times, bodyweight, nutrition, and a lot more. Also has the advantage of being able to selfhost the software incase you don't trust them with your data (which I do trust, they're nice devs)

Always hilarious to me how the fastest way to gain trust is to be transparent. It's almost like those two are linked somehow.

Kanopy. You log in with your library card number, and you get 4 free movies and other media each month.

This night be considered niche but I love On Top Replica. Really efficient and the main reason I don’t used built in PiP off a lot of apps is because I can easily select the exact portion I want to be on top.

I used it mainly for watching my baby cam but just the important part while I was watching videos or gaming.

I will recommend Tv Time. It does all of the above, and recommendation is decent. No subscription(AFAIK).

Not sure why, but this is what TV Time looks like for me. It's the same now as when I tried two weeks ago.

I just switched from Pocket to Raindrop.io. Couldn't be happier.
I use IFTTT to send Youtube likes to a "YouTube Likes" folder in Raindrop (because I mostly watch YT on my TV).

I've been dumping stuff into Omnivore. I really like it. There's a good integration with Obsidian that helps me from time to time.

Very interesting. I initially dismissed this as I use Instapaper for saving articles to read later. The Newsletter to Reader function might be the killer function for me though. Thanks!

F3D https://f3d.app/

It's an open source model viewer. What makes it really cool is that it handles models easily from explorer, loading them instantly when you open the file & it even generated thumbnails for the files too

Most recently Callsheet for iOS. Basically IMDB but without the awful user experience.

Biggest downside is the TMDB which backs it doesn’t seem as fully populated.

Raycast for Mac has become by far my most used utility recently. I’m normally against “Swiss army knife” apps that do everything, but Raycast does everything so well that it’s replaced almost every extra utility I had.

It's funny you posted this, because I actually went into this thread hoping I'd find something like this for Windows. Anyone have suggestions? Preferably one I can expand with custom programs and such.