10 Post – 405 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Consider these possibilities:

  • USA is considerably new country and built with no distinctive, coherent ancient history and mythology. As such, its people often grab every opportunity to produce a mythology they can consider their own. It makes them perceive as unnatural/supernatural things we, citizens of old world rationalize, or brush off as of little value.
  • USA is an experiment by whatever the "aliens" are, so it's natural for them to supervise it with more interest than the rest of the world.
  • There are no aliens, it's just USA itself testing new technologies of theirs.
  • Other superpowers are very secretive by default and they simply hush-hush every sighting they can.
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Well, to keep a user is way harder than to attract his attention.

I think that the key differences between this platform(s) and the more known alternatives are part of the problem - people are very dumb these days and lazy. Often the first reaction to something new and not working in the expected way is to skip it, or demand the solution, rather than look around, try different approach and such.

I feel like I'm witnessing Diaspora 2.0 effect...

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Not really. I mean that "because..." part.

Leftism is inherenty tied to technology, especially new. It's part of its lifestyle. EVERY new, massive social "site" (or online service) is expected to be left-leaning by default. It may later change its political viewpoint, but in its relative infancy it's left.

Rightism is more about actions taking place in real-world. As such, the technology isn't perceived as more than a tool, used for specific purpose only, rather than part of, or the foundation of a lifestyle.

...and of course there's a plethora of alternative political views, options and convictions that are a mix of either extremes of the spectrum - if you meet a person online, it shouldn't be surprisied to learn about "pro-life", but also "anti-Trump" and similarly puzzling approaches to various aspects of life.

tl;dr: it's not about bots. It's because Lemmy/Mastodon isn't popular enough to serve as a tool for right-wing politics.

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Because a single label has little value, but they are bought in drums holding 1000s of them. And this means that many enterprises decide to lower the quality of the labels and thus cut some costs.

After all, who will complain? Some rando on the Internet? 😘

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This was proposed once before with Germany going open source. They eventually went back.

Germany's attempt at switching to Linux is a prime example of bad management, wrong decisions and, well, idiocy.

If memory serves: they chose Debian, instead of Ubuntu and didn't do enough research concerning hardware compatibility. When they were already in progress, it turned out they had craploads of office hardware like scanners, printers and such, that weren't working under Debian.

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If you're asking me, I'm banning all advertisers and karma-fishers on the spot.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Not really.

Sports is the thing that would be blocked the most, since it's b&w - either you're into it, or not at all, and there are great many deal of branches of it.

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He used archaic form of English instead of contemporary, possibly for the sake of dramatic effect.

Imagine that it's part of a longer monologue filled with "thou"s, "betwixt"s, "harken"s and you're on the right track.

Eating sounds.

I could strangle a person who eats like a pig...

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Jesus Christ, that was the biggest find for me in the last year, and the biggest blow to my online life, when it failed.

What's the worst is that it wasn't the cost of the subscription that ruined it. They simply couldn't reach enough people to build a required fanbase... Damn...

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Support & community come to mind.

To a typical user/newcomer to servers it's easier to find some solution for Ubuntu, than for Debian. And boy, can Debian users be full of themselves... 😑

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It's horrible. Art is one of scarce things that builds bridges over intolerance and differences.

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Yes, but you're not applying the hypothesis to the fullest.

If it's correct, and the number of worlds is infinite, then some of you buy tickets even when you don't. And they win. So, you don't actually need to make the move at all. 😎

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Twitter is where all drama happens.

It doesn't matter that some people will register an account on Threads and even use it as their primary platform.

They will still come to Twitter to see what "them" are doing.

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  1. Are you AI/bot?
  2. Wall of text = incomprehensible, would not read/5.
  3. It's rarely about how good the devices are, but how much they cost + Apple's two-faced moral model that makes people oppose/reject it.
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All posts must be showerthoughts

The entire showerthought must be in the title

"AskLemmy" or "No Stupid Questions" are better choice for this thread.

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Role-playing games. It might hit close to mainstream now - those tv series and movies where they appear directly or indirectly, certainly made the hobby more famous - but as an actual hobby, it's still a niche thing.

I think they should be part of educational program, globally.

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A thread on the 4chn (back in the days when it was still ruled by non-jaded M00t).

There was this guy, who described a place he visited in his dreams every night. It resembled a cross between "House of Leaves" and some prison and the dreamer didn't know what he had to do, but felt that something is required of him. He was part exhausted by the experience, part scared. What struck me was that the guy sounded genuine, and convincing. His testimony was unlike all those abominable greentext edgy bullshit.

The story is now lost to the time, since there's no archive of threads from such ancient past.

I sometimes wonder to this day what did happen to the guy, whether he found the solution to this cruel puzzle, or succumbed to it, thus losing his sanity and possibly life...

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I curse Death that she didn't take me peacefully during the day.

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The internet has become soulless and i hate it

It didn't. It's more alive than ever.

It's just you visiting wrong places, not paying attention to the correct ratio of negative and positive content.

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90% of the internet has always had ads

No, it didn't, kid.

People are spineless pussies, that'd rather bend over to a devil, than let go their convenience and select an alternative.

More news at 5.

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Why shouldn't it? They are interested in personal data, not some fabricated online personalities.

Let it be the perfect counterargument to every moron who says "I'm not that important". Yes, you are. If you weren't, the Big Tech wouldn't go to such length to acquire all the data about you, they can put their sweaty palms on.

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Warhammer 40k

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It depends purely on the user, his or her knowledge, activities, choices.

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  • They infuriated. Send them to Gulag.
  • But komrade Putin, Gulag now too small. We sent even babushkas who protested of us sending their grandchildren to front.
  • Make it bigger. Massive. It will help the ekonomy. If in troubles, start a war of build Pyramids. Russia kan do both!

Multiverse does not immediately imply the infinite number of the worlds.

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Why have we not done a federated Facebook replacement yet?

Because Facebook is highly useful as a container for people you wouldn't want to interact with.

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Ajazz 308i keyboard.

I'm quite satisfied with it, even though it was meant to serve as a toy...

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And they were right.

wildly gesturing at everything around

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Such massive and old platform won't lose its userbase just because it undergoes a wild evolution. Look at .tumblr, facebook...

Instead, ask what it takes for eXTwitter to stop being any important.

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Just Elon Eloning his Elonism to Eloning levels.

More seriously: Elon decided it's a good move to rebrand his new toy. Nobody knows for sure what's going through his head. It's probably some sort of OCD, or something...

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No one can remember.

Sad reality of a person with very small and very young friend circle.


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Also, check what Ben Franklin effect and Foot-in-the-door technique are. 😉

Yes, really. I'm glad I helped.

Wtf are you talking about? There's only one birthday song.

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Webclients are trickier to maintain, because people use craploads of browsers and it might interfere/block/hack their online banking session.

Also, it's harder to steal your private data via browser, because it might prevent the attempt via ad/script blocker.

Take it as you want.