1 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

It's essentially a brand new platform. A tiny dip a month after the initial boom is far from "losing users" and is not indicative of trends. I don't understand why everyone is so obsessed with growing Lemmy as fast as possible.

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Average fediverse user seeing a platform undergo changes they dislike:

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So uh, is this a good thing? Do we really want to repeat what happened to Payday 2 and have 50?

Edit: Sorry, my mistake. There's 81.

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They literally just gave Yahtzee a new segment. Actually unreal. Hope they find a new better job soon, we all know how talented they are.

Wtf does EEE mean, why must people assume everyone knows every acronym

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...what. He just made an analogy about not consuming unethical beans. That's literally his point. So no, he does not consume the beans.

This is kind of a ridiculous take. I hate iPhones, but this is not a "hurr durr iPhones bad and insecure" moment. I implore you to look at the sophistication of this attack. The attack chain is so ridiculously long and complex, and only because of the security of the iPhone. This is not a script kiddie attack, and could only be executed by a very determined party.

No device is secure, and any and all computers could potentially fall victim to an attack like this, but it is absolutely ignorant to say that iPhones don't offer any more security than other devices.

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Fifa 21 was released October 2020. 3 years is how long you can expect EA to let you play a game you paid for. That should be illegal.

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Please use punctuation. This is incredibly hard to read, especially to those who are dyslexic.

Questionable legality aside, who wants this? I thought we created these federated platforms to get away from all that garbage. The last thing I want is more bots spamming content here (not to mention a lot of the content on the sites it'd be pulling from are spam/bot content in the first place).

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Very clear where your bias lives now. No one wants to bike for an hour to work. Depending where you live too, even if you had public transport, it might add an hour or two to your commute time.

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My opinion: Follow the Apex Legends one. Don't tell the public literally anything. Build up zero hype, and then release it out of nowhere and let the game speak for itself. No hype = no overinflated expectations or impatient gamers. Obviously not every studio should do this, but I wish more would. I enjoy being pleasantly surprised, rather than wait for a game for years, only for it to be overpromised and DOA.

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Apple literally invented that move. I can understand being frustrated with Google's track record for support, but if you are switching to Apple in hopes of them being more pro-consumer, I got some bad news for ya.

Wait is this some sort of joke I'm not privy to? That's not actually Margot Robbie right? I can never tell what's real on the internet nowadays.

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I wish apps would hide duplicate posts. People that crosspost everything results in my feed having double everything because I subscribe to both. It's super annoying, and I'm tempted to leave one of them, but I don't want to miss anything because they're comparable in size.

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Cool. Never touch phone batteries again and throw it away at a safe battery recycling place like a phone repair store.

Imagine going out of your instance to a community on one you hate just to post hate about it. What happened to blocking and moving on

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What a fucking legend honestly. This is how you do college classes.

It didn't work for Reddit, it won't work for Lemmy. All it does is incentivize bots to spam AI-generated comments and posts before they launch their campaign of whatever malicious links they intend to spam. It delays the goal at the expense of an influx of a bunch more garbage posts. Might as well ban them right when they post the malicious links or whatever.

The fact that Reddit uses a stock image of confetti with the watermarks still on it is pretty shameful honestly. I wonder if that could be reported to the copyright holder.

What apps require root that you want? I would highly advise against rooting if you can help it, because especially if you don't know what you're doing, there is very high potential to brick your device or open up security issues. I would recommend learning what root actually means and what it entails, and learning everything that happens when you root so you can decide for yourself if that's something that is necessary. Rooting modern hardware just to run an app is not really all that important nowadays. You might as well buy an android that has a custom OS already installed centered around privacy if that's your thing.

Additionally, to actually answer your question, adb is not root. It is just a development bridge that lets your PC talk to your phone, so you can push apps or do other development related stuff. It just happens to be a part of the toolset when rooting.

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Anything closed source with a privacy policy is spyware to Lemmy users.

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No fun allowed

That is far from normal. If these are free dlc, then that's great, but this is more and more regular updates that they are locking behind a paywall. Many of them are not just cosmetic, and are entirely new guns that are overpowered enough to become the new meta in order to complete certain heists on certain difficulties. Some are brand new heists, too. They even added loot boxes two years after saying they wouldn't (although they have rolled it back since then due to the predicable negative response). It's always been a cash grab, and it's unfortunate that it appears they may be falling back into old habits.

If they are smart enough to create an account on Lemmy and find this community, then this is 110% a troll.

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That sounds like an absolute nightmare to realistically navigate but I would love to see it.

Can you elaborate on how it's a virus? I hear this a lot but haven't heard any substantial truth aside from referring to a privacy policy that is identical to 90% of every other website anyone else uses.

3 more... lets you check if your accounts are compromised

For me, I can't get over the obvious banding and gradient artifacts, and it's just too distracting.

Just don't come back crying "how could anyone let this happen?!" and begging for help when the hens come home to roost.

Can you elaborate on what doomsday scenario you're referring to? I don't hear many arguments outside of "Google bad, they're gonna do a bad thing" without any evidence or description of what the big bad event is gonna be. And before you say "they sell your data," I know. So does literally everyone else. And I have no intention of living off the technological grid to mitigate that.

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They open-sourced their code which is nice and can help researchers inspect their security, plus it's made by reputable people: the guy who made Pebble! I don't have a use case for Beeper personally right now, but it seems really cool and I'm excited to see where it goes.

It's the cluttered, overly monetized apps that are the problem, not the ads. Adblock won't stop the pop-ups or banner ads, they'll just make them blank. Plus free adblock DNS are sketchy, and I'm not about to pay for one.

This is the only point that matters. Even if AI is here to stay, that's fine, you just don't use it when specifically highlighting the demographic most threatened by its usage. The post was just a bad business decision; they should have known how it could come across. It's their job to know that kinda stuff before hitting Post.

I can imagine you also tell people in a bar to stop drinking.

Way to strawman me and ignore my points 👍 I do not want people working for free. I am firmly pro-union and pro-fair pay and all of that. They don't have to work for free. They can monetize it the way every other mod does it by having a Patreon that you can subscribe to or donate to support them. Plenty of mods do this already and this is the generally accepted way to do it due to the reasons I mentioned before, which I will now spell out for you because you ignored them:

  1. If you have a problem with the mod, it doesn't work how you want, you have no recourse if you paywall it the way they did.
  2. It is generally unethical and a bad look to make money using other's IP as a base without their permission. Bethesda has potential legal recourse for this, as they've broken EULA. Section 3 - B, D, G, and 4. Section 4 is especially interesting because it states you agree to not have a monetary interest in the game or its content. By paywalling a mod, you are relying on the game not having DLSS to make money. Full stop. That's the point of the mod. While the various paragraphs in Section 3 do say that modding of any kind is prohibited, this kind of thing is usually not enforced (as is very apparent with Skyrim or Fallout 4). Until money is involved. This is why a donation button is distanced far enough away from this kind of thing. A donation button is supporting the developer, and legal waters get a little grayer. For this mod, you are paying for the mod. That's pretty black and white, and that's exactly why it is frowned upon to go that route with mods.

Thanks for an actual suggestion and not just saying I should get adblock, I will look into it.

I really, really hope that it doesn't get overrun with cheaters like warzone did. I have really high hopes for the game because I'm having a blast with the beta. Not often does a game come along out of nowhere and just tick all the boxes with having such a solid formula. Last game I felt like this with was Alex Legends. Pls devs don't screw this up 🙏

There is not a chance this happened in the US, because the moment he noticed the battery was in an unsafe condition, he was expected legally to perform due diligence and dispose of it safely. The fact that he not only returned it to you, he made it even more unsafe, you would be able to sue him had it blown up later.

If you still have that phone, give it to a (DIFFERENT) phone repair store to throw away immediately, or another battery recycling center. It's not only a danger to you, but to those around you. Potential for fires, toxic smoke, and injury.

"Why do planets have borders, I want to circumnavigate Mars"

  • Statement spoke by the utterly deranged

For sure, but like most every other mod for any game out there, there's donation pages and Patreons. What if you buy it and download it, and it turns out it doesn't work for you? You can't refund it like you would a Steam game. Locking mods, an already experimental thing, behind a paywall is scummy, because you're not only profiting off of someone else's game, you're also taking money from people who aren't even sure it's right for them. There are tons of mods out there that are not paywalled and are comfortably financially supported through Patreon. Using a paywall in this situation is just a cash grab banking on a freshly released game. Literally the day after.

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