4 Post – 119 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Every time this fuck comes up, I can’t believe he’s popular. Hopefully this will finally kill off his platform but I guarantee all these idiots online will forgot about this in no time.

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Gross, absolutely possible.

I’ll tell this to the next cop that pulls me over.

Not grassroots. Same way that the Tea Party wasn’t grassroots.

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Hey NWO conspiracy big brains. I thought this was supposed to be a permanent visa?

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I’m waiting on him to step down from this plane of existence.

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Democracy is when I vote and my accepted result happens.

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It’s funny because it’s the same ceo.

♔♚ ♕♛ ♖♜ ♗♝ ♘♞ ♙♟︎

Hell if I know.

Yes you can and it’s how I use it half the time. Keep in mind that the system is tuned to 720p/800p so you can either have the TV resolution and take a big performance hit or have it at the native resolution.

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Oh damn 😞

A truly iconic voice performance that will remain in gaming history.

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The reason they can “sit back” and count their money is because they’re a private company. As soon as there’s rumblings of going public, then buy a sextant for navigating.

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I’d imagine most people here already know but the thought experiment was originally put out to show the absurdity of it and to poke fun.

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Hey Europe. You weren’t supposed to laugh at us Americans and then start mimicking our horseshit.

‘Do you have any idea why I pulled you over today?’

‘Well, I might have an idea.’

It’s extremely uncomfortable. I got thanked on base while I was in PT gear buying alcohol.

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You’re correct

Haha not sure how it works in Japan but you’d never get me to agree to that in the US.

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This is kind of surprising just because Google has gotten so much worse the last couple of years.

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My SO went to that program and deals with lifelong trauma from that place. They’re constantly telling me about another person that went through the program with them that committed suicide. It’s really depressing.

Some places have preemptively outlawed doing this.

I know this is a shitpost. But think of it this way, if a white person moves to a new place, then what are the chances that they are discriminated for their skin color? It’s not a guarantee either way but you have a way higher chance of being white being a benefit. That’s privilege. It doesn’t mean you can’t experience bad things or not be discriminated against.

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Simone is just a monster athlete. Brings me no end to my joy knowing she’s still out there killing it after all the chuds were bad mouthing her.

Don’t forget the other side. Brain runoff is moving there.

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Same time but we had a transition period, smaller time frame depending where they slot in that generation. Gen Z has had since/before they entered the workforce.

Explaining the transition of technology to my boy sometimes reminds me of when I was a kid and heard adults talking about a full room computer.

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Some of the best movies/TV I’ve seen have come out in the last 10 years. I’ve watched a lot of movies and TV too. So I always find these takes funny because y’all are ignoring the 80% shit that came out in decades past like they don’t count but the 80% shit that comes out now counts more.

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Also, I have to swap out the windshield wiper motor cause it jammed walnuts in there. And yes, I checked the fuses.

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Disney shit now? They’ve been assholes for decades. Butthurt about DeSantis?

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I made the same mistake earlier. It doesn’t help that “Herman Cain” continued to post after he was dead.

If they ever go public, panic.

Could be on some but for most, it’s a perm.

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George has no right to look this dope.

It absolutely has and I fucking hate it.

It makes me want to mock the EU considering how much, deserved, shit the US gets. But this is just depressing. I would much prefer the US to be mocked as we get our shit, hopefully, together. Not fucking join us.

Not the most optimal solution but it is entirely self contained and has a long lasting “UPS”.

As a single user, the steam deck has been basically perfect. This is good info though when I’m talking it up to other people.

I didn’t work with him much at all. Right after he left, he was arrested for imprisoning his daughters friend in his house. Supposedly he committed suicide when on bond but I couldn’t find an article confirming that.

About 10 years prior, someone else was charged for pedophilia. Needless to say, I started second guessing everyone I was working with after that.