Maybe you remember my last post. The squirrel made itself even more at home… to – 142 points –

Also, I have to swap out the windshield wiper motor cause it jammed walnuts in there. And yes, I checked the fuses.

Have you checked if there's any voltage reaching the pins on the connector? Maybe it just chewed through the wires. I'd be very surprised if it got the nuts inside the motor. It might have burned out from having the linkage jammed though.

Yes, it jammed the linkage and I it seems to have burnt it out. Not inside the motor, I could have phrased that better.

Youre gonna need a rodent deterrent. Youll have to contact your cars manufacturer and get a snake install kit delivered to your dealer. In reality, have you tried pepper or pepper spray? Doesnt work on birds.

It was in my cars ventilation system. I don’t want to spray anything that can’t be vented inside. Unless you mean like underneath the car or something.

I had a similar problem where a squirrel tore up most of the hood insulation and stuffed it in every nook under the hood, and a friend of mine who works at a tractor supply told me what they use to keep rodents from nesting in their cabs. They're basically satchels full of a strong-smelling cloves and some other stuff, totally organic and not unpleasant-smelling. I hung one from some wire under the hood of each vehicle and the little bastard hasn't returned so far. The satchels aren't exactly dirt cheap, but they last several months and it beats the hell out of having to repair the damage those critters can do.

Ask at your local farm supply and they'll probably have something similar.

Amazon has an organic mint based rodent deterrent that just smells like thin mints. Got rid of a squirrel from my attic not too long ago.

Fox urine works as a squirrel deterrent.
As does Calvin Klein's Obsession for Men (known to attract cats, which squirrels do not like).

Yeah, but then you'd have foxes and cats.

Foxes and cats don't tend to fill your car with black walnuts. They also don't break into your garage and fill boxes with black walnuts after chewing into them (chipmunks).

We've got a nice little acre across from us that's wooded/undeveloped. So we get deer, foxes, opossums, racoons, cats, squirrels, and chipmunks.

No, no, they are much better than that, they, bring dead mice, discarded pastrami, and chicken bones(stuff found by dad on small lege by front wheel stored by a local tabby).

Dog hair and orage zest sprey helped him. Should be less stinky option.