1 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Boomer is a state of mind, love, and this post is a shining example of boomerism.

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Boogie2988 is a 49-year-old youtuber. The person in the picture is their 20-year-old partner.

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Private Message (PM) was common until Twitter and Instagram came around, where the platforms did not want to get in trouble for implying that your messages were "Private" in any way, so the renamed them "Direct Messages". Reddit and Lemmy make user-to-user messages easily accessible by admins, so DM is appropriate here.

He'd rather have A buffalo Take a diarrhea dump in his ear He'd rather eat The rotten asshole Of a roadkilled skunk and down it with beer He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd He's the Angry Video Game Nerd

--AVGN theme song


to make your site good


I think you're misunderstanding reddit's goal. Over the past year, they have been in IPO mode. They don't care about making the site good or attracting a healthy community. They want to cash out and are burning down any structures that are providing any resistance to that.

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“newest self-made billionaire.”

Uh-huh. She was in a relationship with Sergey Brin when she founded 23andme. She really tightened her belt and pulled herself up by her bootstraps. Such an inspiration.

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As the old saying goes, "Europeans think 100 miles is a long way, Americans think 100 years is a long time."

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6.6.6 was rad while it lasted.

Give some passionate staffers a chance with their unique idea and release smaller games along the way.

Naah, I'd rather see those devs find a way to break away from the major studio and actually get rewarded for their work. I think I would hate to see a single-dev labor of love end up owned by a mega-publisher without having to compensate the dev properly (and I have zero faith in the mega-publishers doing so voluntarily).

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It's a protocol named NTP. If you want to say "the ___ protocol", you can say "the network time protocol" or "the NTP protocol". Both are correct, even if the latter is technically redundant. You would sound really weird if you insisted on saying "the NTP". Let's not bring the worst parts of reddit to the fediverse. Needlessly pedantic is something we can move beyond.

Even if Biden beats Trump, I still fear for the effect of an apathetic, depressed voter turnout on down-ticket races. If Biden holds onto the presidency, but a congress and state and oocal races go the other way, we won't be in a great place.

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Well, yes, it was something beautiful and amazing and we all loved it very dearly, or we wouldn't be so passionate about what management has done to it and continues to do to it.

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I stand with Palestine, and I'll be voting in the US. Yes, I'm voting for Biden as the lesser of two evils, but I'm also voting for a whole lot of other really good people who are going up against some truly evil people. I've got people attacking my schools and libraries at the local level. Not voting to spite Biden will hurt my town a whole lot more than it would hurt Biden.

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You need letters, NUMBERS, and symbols. So you may still want to throw an <h1> tag in there.</h1>

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Profitable? I thought it was a loss leader to get people into Amazon's gaming ecosystem.

I'd care if it was profitable when it was on its own, but now that it's part of Amazon, I assumed it was just part of a Prime sub.

Honestly, nobody should call themselves an engineer unless they literally drive trains for a living.

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Knowledge is knowing tomato is a fruit.

Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

DIY HRT is a trans-beneficial concept. The Guardian tends to have an anti-trans agenda. It is assumed that they would not be investigating to paint DIY HRT in a positive light, but to investigate in bad faith so they may push it to the forefront of national/worldwide conversation as in "look at the new evil the trans mafia are pushing on our children!"

In North America, the driver of a train engine is called an "engineer", yes.

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Reddit used to have an open API. A lot of mobile apps sprung up to access reddit over the years, with different features. Reddit gained a lot of loyal members through users of these apps, but couldn't make ad revenue off them. Reddit decided last summer to start charging a lot of money to these app developers to continue using the API. A few of the apps started a for-pay subscription model to continue operating, but many just shut down their apps. Many redditors and Reddit mods revolted, because these apps made the site usable (some of them offered advanced mod tools, etc). We protested, shut down subreddits temporarily or permanently, deleted our accounts, moved to new platforms (like lemmy/kbin), etc. This was basically a move to maximize their ad revenue while Reddit positions itself for an IPO. It was really not cool.

Honestly, I just self-host. I download my ebooks, use Calibre to clean them, convert them to my favorite format (ePub), and tag the shit out of them with metadata. My Calibre library lives in a folder that gets synced to all my devices (I'm currently using a commercial cloud storage platform from one of the big providers, but working on spinning up a Nextcloud instance). Then I just open my ebooks in Moon+ Reader Pro on my phone and read away.

I carried around a $150 fountain pen for years. Then I lost it. Not fun.

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The random-looking black and white "buldings" on each block have some very not random "curves" of contiguous white buildings. When you look at other parts of the image, your peripheral vision may interpret these white curves as the same thing as the perpendicular green "roads", giving the illusion that the roads are no longer all perpendicular when you look away.


  • can become literally anything else (except kings, because nobody wants to be a loser)

I wouldn't consider that desperate or easy, but I'd be icked out by it. I'll buy somebody a drink, but I don't want to drink a stranger's backwash.

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You're in the piracy sub. A large part of the conversation is going to be about the late-stage capitalism that is driving us to piracy.

Not gonna lie, Data breach sounds like a violation of one of Geordi's crewmates.

In my country, we can buy pre-paid credit cards in the supermarket using cash. I guess that is still traceable using supermarket security cameras and facial recognition, but if you're attempting this, I'd make it as difficult as possible.

Pumpkin Spice Latte ain't winning a thing. That's exactly as good as not voting, which benefits republicans every time.

That's a common misconception. Europeans hate standard measurements, but they aren't dumb. They can do conversions.

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But you repeat yourself.

I'm not a monster! But actually, either Lemmy or Voyager added the closing tag automatically, I didn't at first.

I completely understand and empathize with your concern. I would be willing to suggest to the committee that decides such things to allow you to freely choose whether you join Lower Ohio or Soon-to-be Ohio instead, or you could just become a part of Ohio proper, as you're basically already our little sibling. <3

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This is nowhere close to the original. Here is more info about the original:

Nice try, Guardian journo! 🤣

(DIY is Do-It-Yourself. HRT is Hormone Replacement Therapy. DIY HRT is doing HRT on your own, without professional assistance, in situations where HRT may be otherwise difficult or illegal to obtain because of age, family, or local politics)

OpenSCAD has a learning curve, but it's rad af.

They are from an illustration of how big wikipedia would be if it were printed in books like volumes of a typical encyclopedia. Unfortunately, it is misrepresented here, because they only show the equivalent of 4 bookshelves in this meme, when the original illustration was 17 shelves (about 4x what is pictured here). So basically, wikipedia would comfortably line the walls of an average-sized study. Source: WIKIPEDIA - Size in Volumes

Interestingly, the link I just shared would fall under the category "Lording it over Britannica" in OP's meme.

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30 years ago, the internet was a big, international, scary place. I had several nicknames and didn't use one too long or in too many places to maintain my anonymity. Now there are literally billions more people on the internet, but social media has made the entire internet feel local. I use my real name on a lot of sites to communicate with colleagues in my profession or people who share my hobbies. The only thing I'm afraid of now are the FAANG megacorps who have me doxxed seven ways to Sunday no matter how much info I try to hide or give up voluntarily.

Does blahaj allow implied cartoon pedophilia?

To reference a movie in common vocabulary is to bring it up in conversation.

Referencing in programming terms like C refers to assigning a value to a variable. You can re-assign those variables to new values and then de-reference (read) the new value.

They are conflating the common meaning of reference with the much more obscure programming definition (obscure at least among non-programmers).

Star wars = "no, I am your father" (reference) Jaws = movie about hunting killer shark (reference) Star wars = movie about hunting killer shark (OP is pretending we can treat movie references like variable references and re-assigns the star wars variable to mean something else) "Hey, have you seen star wars? The movie about hunting a killer shark?" (De-referencing your newly re-assigned variable)