Naomi Klein: If Biden Wants to Stop Trump, He Should Step Down to – 85 points –
Naomi Klein: If Biden Wants to Stop Trump, He Should Step Down

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Even if Biden beats Trump, I still fear for the effect of an apathetic, depressed voter turnout on down-ticket races. If Biden holds onto the presidency, but a congress and state and oocal races go the other way, we won't be in a great place.

Apathetic and depressed is not what I'd call the voter turnout in the elections since 2020. The R's blew their load too fast on overturning Roe v Wade and it's been consistently fucking them in the ass since.

Yes, it's been a good 4 years for getting the American left to the polls, and if that continues, we'd have less to worry about. I hope we continue to vote enthusiastically.