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It literally does not, as evidenced by the state of chargers in the 2000s and early 2010s, before the EU threatened to regulate if phone companies didn't get their shit together. Back then you'd have a different charger design for virtually every phone, including new models of the same phone. USB only became ubiquitous because the EU told companies to stop fucking around and legislate themselves, or the EU would make formal legislation. Most companies got the memo, but Apple decided to be cunts for long enough that the EU decided they needed to finally step in.

Consumer-based regulation being the end-all is based off the classical- and neoliberal ideas that humans are rational actors and companies have a greater incentive to compete than to collude. Both of which are lies.

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I've heard so much conflicting shit over this event that I have no idea what to believe

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More likely it's homophobes

and that you have to do the same as a moral imperative

Railing against this fact doesn't magically make it untrue. Not voting for the lesser evil means you don't care which evil wins. If you legitimately think GOP rule isn't any worse than Dem rule, then by all means don't vote or vote third party. But if you think Christian fascism + neoliberalism is worse than just neoliberalism, then once the primaries are over you need to vote accordingly. Voter disenfranchisement is an age-old tactic you're comment is falling right into.

And I say this all as a market socialist, so don't for a second think I like the Dems

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Ah fair, apologies if I misread the tone

Synthetic isn't inherently bad just because some synthetic things are bad. Until we get more information on this thing, your snark is entirely baseless

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That's because reducing the bot problem isn't actually what they're trying to do. They're trying to patch the gaping hole in revenue that advertisers left in their exodus

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High-fiving each other in front of a cheering audience when asked if they'd been arrested. Party of law and order, everyone. A sprinkle of personal responsibility in there too.

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Self reporting is also notoriously unreliable

You misspelled Florida a lot there lol

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and a 17th-century textbook, amateur historian David Barton recently argued that Christianity has always formed the basis of American morality and thus is essential to Texas classrooms.

Christians and lying about history, name a more iconic duo

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Musk fanboys are like MAGAs, nothing will change their opinion

and I prefer it to be water and dust proof.

Adding replaceable batteries does nothing to affect this. An o-ring with a clamping mechanism will make it just as water and dust resistant as before. Your phone's charging port is more susceptible to water and dust than a replaceable battery will ever be

The regulation is worded to require whatever the USB-IF currently requires, which is what companies that adopted USB already follow. The concern here died before the ink on the law even dried.

I very much love the stance of "When everything/everyone is remarkable, nothing/noone is."

Counterpoint: it doesn't make everything/everyone unremarkable, it just raises the standard and the bar for what remarkable is. Imagine using that argument for modern graphics, game design, etc, and that you want things to be lackluster because it really highlights the occasional times that they aren't.

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Apple has put a lot of effort into (successfully) creating a customer-base that thinks overpriced goods and different colored texts make them in a special club, I'm not surprised that an exec thought this excuse would fly

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Intelligence to a dumbass is someone agreeing with what they already think, not actual intelligence

The LDS essentially owns the state of Utah, this issue is by design

Fingers crossed this stuff keeps people galvanized to vote cons the fuck out of each branch of government in 2024. My hope is that trump's term and the Dobbs decision will push the gop to implode. They can't back away from pandering to far right christians, the older generations are dying off, and hopefully moderate-leaning conservatives will choose to not vote, since I doubt they'll let themselves vote for democrats.

Though this'd also likely lead to far right extremists ramping up their violence as they feel themselves losing power

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You don't have to say you're anti-war before saying you support supplying Ukraine. Giving Ukraine the means to defend themselves from warmongering is a form of being anti-war.

Bro company towns worked super well for the people the last time it was tried, what are you talking about?


You're not voting for Dems, you're voting to keep Reps out. "My vote won't help things appreciably progress so instead I'm gonna let things deteriorate" is the argument you're making. People's rights are getting stripped because of this kind of apathy

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A recall is necessary but I highly doubt anything will be learned. Religion fosters absolutist-type thinking, and expecting Muslims to be an exception to this just because Christians don't like them is absurdly silly.

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but offering advice when it's not asked for IS DEFINITELY a form of toxic masculinity.

Highly dependent on context. There's "mansplaining" like you're talking about (though that word sounds infantile for this kind of discussion), and there's the neutral, adding your own two cents into a forum conversion. Especially when op thought they might be putting themselves in danger by doing something they shouldn't be.

It'd be like if he called you a toxic sexist for your response to him. That's stupid, we're all in a forum just having a conversation, and people jumping in mid-thread is to be expected

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You're gonna have to give us some examples. If this is just some 'well I didn't see anyone die from covid' shit, then yes, your perceptions would be wrong. It'd be like scooping a handful of water out of the ocean and declaring whales aren't real because you don't see any

Eh people like that CEO with his libertarian view of safety regulations actively hurt all of society, often to their own benefit. Them getting taken down by their own bullshit is unequivocally a boon to the masses. I can see not supporting celebrating their undoing but I don't think we should be reprimanding those who do celebrate

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There's also a conspiracy that my farts smell like rancid carrots because the government puts carrots up my butt while I'm sleeping

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He doesn't deserve less culpability just because he underestimated how much evil he'd do

Yea thinking that "East Asian" is anything other than the common vernacular is like thinking "Nordic" or "Middle Eastern" is anything other than the common vernacular

These days I don't buy a phone if they don't have a micro SD slot. Need that extra space without paying a bullshit upcharge for the larger model phone

Killing WfH isn't about boosting company value, it's about restoring corporate real-estate value, which execs and shareholders are invested balls deep into. Pretty sure everyone knows this, and claims otherwise are just super transparent lies

No the endlessly repetitive puns were bad. They weren't the only things, but they were absolutely bad.

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To be clear, are you implying you think private entities should have to let you screech anything you want on their digital front lawn?

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Stupid shit like that in ToSes usually get thrown out in court

I will forever believe the comic sans hate is one of the internet's seemingly random circlejerks, like hating Imagine Dragons.

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I never understood this argument. Apple lost its fight to make the environment worse for the customer, so you're gonna reward them?

The proposals you'll likely be linking to are an attempt to circumvent the people's refusal to accept that we're all the same, by giving additional support to those marginalized groups. Since you can't force people to not be racist, the next alternative is to try and offset how that racism closes doors off.

Things like affirmative action policies are an imperfect attempt at offsetting facts like how identical resumes, but one with a traditionally black name, will get substantially less offers from a wide variety of companies than the one with a white name. It's basically a "this is why we can't have nice things" response to continued racism and people pretending that racism isn't still a problem.

Libertarianism had an active conservative population long before Trump was around. They're the "taxes are theft and government gets in the way of the free market" conservatives dialed to 11

Fuck that he needs to suffer appropriate consequences for breaking the law. Being content with just him never winning an election again tells others like him that they won't be punished for their actions, and just have to be more subtle next time.

Because there will be a next time.

I'm not sure if you're just ignorant of the topics you're bringing up or are actually being disingenuous, but I'm going to act as if you're being genuine for the sake of other people reading this.

Women lost abortion because R senators fucked with the system while Obama was in office and then pushed another SCOTUS appointment through while Trump was in office. Repealing RvW had literally nothing to do with who was sitting in the oval office and everything to do with Rs abusing the lack of a D supermajority to put corrupt judges on the SCOTUS. With that knowledge taken into consideration here, your argument boils down to "Rs abused the system while a minority and Ds didnt have a supermajority to stop it, therefore I don't care if Rs gain a majority. Things couldn't be done to stop the abusers before so idc if the abusers get more power."

I voted against the US moving towards A Handmaid's Tale; you're arguing for who cares if it moves towards A Handmaid's Tale