3 Post – 183 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Alright fellow queers, so what are celebrating next month? My top vote is Gluttony, as always, but I do also vibe with Sloth Month? Who couldn't use a little r&r after all that pride?

This is the actual problem. Boomer voters (who are pathologically trapped in adolescence; look at how they projected views of eternal childhood onto Millennials) would only feel safe with the last of the ancient preceeding generation. "Save us elder daddies, we have no minds to think but can't trust the 'children' younger than us to know anything!"

Someone shared this on Mastodon so I'll just repost my thoughts from there. (Bonus for Lemmy, I was forced to squeeze all my thoughts into 500 characters, so this is the most succinct I've been on this site!)

Pretty incredible how little people seem to understand these. For one thing, every method other than waterfall is a subtype of agile methodology. The major distinction is that waterfall has a series of phases from design through building, testing, and delivery that attempts to plan the whole project up front. Agile methods focus on smaller iteration cycles with frequent, partial deliverables.

Something like kanban is designed for continuous delivery: we want to go to mars weekly.

LEAN development is a scam though, that one is accurate.

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Oh yeah, my b, thanks for the correction

It was full of fresh ideas when it first came out, like a minty cool breeze

Shrödinger's Roll

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Lol, I love this gimmick! Next up, enormous Ogre Tictacs? Perhaps Shadow Tictacs: Mints of the Shogun?

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Oh for the names?

Ogre Tactics is the first one, a series of earlier tactical games (started on the snes maybe?)

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun is the other. It's actually more like the Commandos games, a kind of overhead team stealth sim.

And I was just joking but if you're on a tictac roll please, by all means, help yourself!

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"Match this fit" meme but it's all 80s and 90s Trek looks. (I think DS9's mirror universe fashion holds up pretty well.)

Absolutely. Pandemic "inflation" threw all kinds of prices too high and nothing is coming back down because most industries are so small that they're all essentially oligarchies now.

I am dead certain that the pandemic has actually put the US into a hard recession which the Fed has been covering up with various tricks. I'm pretty sure that after the presidential election, whichever way it goes, the economy is going to tank.

Everybody.... Get! In! Line!

Just recently, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said he hopes Starfield will be a 12-year hit, just like Skyrim.

Yeah no fucking shit Phil, the fans would have loved a generation-defining megahit as well! Maybe you should have told Todd to try making the game good as well as marketable?

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POS I find very funny as I'm often working on Point-of-Sale equipment, and most of it is running Poorly Optimized Software, making the whole thing a Piece of Shit for the users.

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I "joke" all the time that the CIA ended their mind control programs because they succeeded and moved all if it into the private sector in advertising.

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Is this that "waterfall method" I've heard so much about?

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Tembra, his music downloaded. Darmok and Jalad with the AUX cable.

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Activision promises to solve issue by giving CEO a 3 billion dollar bonus, adding more fees and microtransactions, and firing the entire QA and dev staff.

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Too embarrassed to crank one at the hospital, but not too embarrassed to have a machine suck you off while you stand at the row of machines with all the other donors. Urinal etiquette does apply, btw! Don't be That Guy who goes straight for the middle BJ Bot!

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Makes the error a little too frequent, but does obscure any performance penalty and is some truly evil genius work!

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I'm convinced it's the whole B-2-B software world at this point. The shit starts at MS (or any of the FAANGS) and rolls downhill to everyone else.

We're working on a huge Dynamics 365 thing at work, and one of the third parties we use for automated testing is just.... the product seems barebones, is clearly built on top of open source automated testing tool, and is riddled with indicators that barely anyone works there, from the AI help bot to the "submit a ticket and we'll assign it eventually" approach to all other interactions.

I looked them up on Linked In and 12 people work there. 8 of them have C-suite or VP titles, and 4 of them are interns from a local university. This is the state of all modern tech: a board room full of investors, a website, and a product barely glued together from FOSS parts by interns. If you wonder why everything feels like a scam now it's because it is.

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Seems pretty easy.

Step 1: direct the largest library/store of games ever

Step 2: create the best piece of gaming hardware ever

Step 3: dribble out pre-orders for a year to really get that slow hype train rolling

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When I read the 4 Hour Work Week years ago it was exactly the same thing. Turns out the "secret" to getting rich has always been "get someone else to do your work for you for a pittance of the money you can make off that work."

You seem like a person who wants to try and do well and be a good manager. So be very careful of burnout, because the constant tension between doing what is right for your team and meeting upper-management expectations can drive you crazy. It did me anyway, which is why I don't manage anymore.

Take regular vacations and actually disconnect from work when you do. Try to do the same for at least 1 or 2 weekends per month. Being organized is important and helps with the job and the burnout, but there's a thin line between "keeping notes in Obsidian keeps me focused" and "my entire 2nd job is now maintaining Jira tickets."

Organization is for you, keep it for you, and don't let your organizing become a part of your "public api" or else it'll become another avenue for status updates that you're obliged to maintain. Turning your notes and private charts into data for upper management is why you compile special reports, just for them.

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Features for literal babies, I guess. "Little Elsa sleeps better when we put on the Blue right-wing propaganda disguised as children's shows."

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Once installed, a new team of people would have to maintain it. Mechanics with biotech engineering degrees. Cleaning technicians with advanced degrees in medicine, robotics, and hygiene. Eventually an aftermarket for used jizzbots would form, resulting in cum-puter resellers and replacement part manufacturers. Unlicensed spunkdroid hotrodders overclocking their barely legal Frankenstein fuck factories for orgasms previously inconceivable to the human mind. Soon we'll all be slaves to the perpetual pussy motion machine, our minds melting into one... unnnnnngggggg... wow, that was a lot to type one-handed, where am I, what's happening? (jk but this stupid gag really got away from me!)

I love to watch caving videos: much better for someone younger and foolhardier than me to actually do the climbing and clambering with their gopros. I'll continue to enjoy things like air, vast open spaces, and vicarious experiences.

People take a lot of safety precautions now, reasonably, but every once in a while the cavers on YT will do something just stupid and it baffles me. "The water's ice cold and up to my nostrils, but I really want to see where this tunnel goes! Going to turn my lamp and camera off for now to save battery, see you in a few hours!"

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Earthworm Jim and several Sonic games also had really difficult underwater sections with traumatizing drowning music and timers. They really wanted our generation to stay out of the water, huh?

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I like how the headline mentions the toilet is "satirical" as if they were worried people might think they had a non-ironic 18k solid golden toilet. I'm sure the thieves were only stealing the toilet as a parody of crime.

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Most places won't let you use the drive-thru on foot either, and some stores (due to "labor shortages") are drive thru only. So they literally won't serve you without a car.

American car culture is terrible but it's not like we get a choice at the DMV between driving and having functional, walkable towns and cities. You get to be a driver or a second-class person.

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This reminds me of when Jared left Wisecrack, or when literally everyone left Cracked. I felt it coming too, same pattern as many before: the ZP videos started pushing for premium subs with more ads and censoring Yahtzee, and there were more shows with Yatz and a cohost. They always start by pushing the video stars to do stuff with new (cheaper, unknown, less interesting) people because The Company thinks all people are replaceable gears.

Good for the entire video team just quiting, the writing has clearly been on the wall for a while. Maybe he can do work with Stephanie Sterling again? I used to love their team ups!

I feel like people really get too caught up in the interoperability promise of AP. Like yeah, it'd be neat to use my Mastodon account to make comments on PeerTube videos or Pixelfed images without needing to log into yet another server. But a better solution for that would be federated identity servers.

The real joy of AP federation is that there are dozens (hundreds?) of Mastodon servers; so you can build smaller communities with their own rules and moderation, while still allowing those communities to interconnect.

It's true here of course too, there's several popular communities outside the ones on Lemmyworld. So serious answer to the silly question posed in the comic: what can lemmy federated with? Other lemmy instances, also kbin instances.

I love how many people brought up the Turkish "I" as if everyone here is on the Unicode steering committee or just got jobs for Turkish facebook.

I, an English speaker, have personally solved the problem by not having a Turkish I in the name of my Downloads directory, or any other directory that I need to cd into on my computer. I'm going to imagine the Turks solve it by painstakingly typing the correct I, or limiting their use of uppercase I's in general.

In fact, researching the actual issue for more than 1 second seemingly shows that Unicode basically created this problem themselves because the two I's are just seperate letters in Turkic languages.

If you nerds think this is bad try doing Powershell for any amount of time. It is entirely case-insensitive.

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Listen peasants, if you don't like the freeholder fees we charge, then surely Lord Microsoft will shelter you on his lands as a serf, and pay your fees on your behalf.

I learned this by accident trying to clean up my 95% full gdrive account. If you request a full dump of all your Google data (search how to do it, the option is buried), then they'll take a few days and then send you a link to download tons of zip files. These contain everything you've put on google, but you can narrow it down before export. One of the things in my data dump? Every piece of music I'd ever uploaded to Google music!

I forgot all about them! Recovered tons of old mp3s! However, huge caveat, they untagged every file and throw them all into a huge mess of numerically named files. I had to use library management tools to look up and retag all the files. Huge pain in the ass, but nice to have my old music back!

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If there already exists "a binary" then that says there are 2 states. "Non-binary" only means there are not-two-states. This could be unary (there is one kind of thing), trinary (there are now 3 things, the old 2 and new, secret 3rd thing), or really any n-ary set of n distinctly numbered things, so long as there aren't only exactly 2 of them.

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If I can't be a number, none of you can!

(See also cascading nulls)

My dad asked if I could look at a spreadsheet he uses at work, maybe fix a couple of things that he has to manually adjust. This meme is frightfully accurate, the earliest parts of this thing are older than some of the junior devs on my team.

Mambas numbering five...

Ah 1, 2, 3-4-5...

I used to have a big list of gender ambiguous names I'd use for examples. So I'd use "Alex" and "Blake" or something like that. It also had some non-anglo names on it, just to spice things up.

In comp sci papers there's a few other common example people. "I" for intruder or imposter (Irene, Isaac). "M" often for malicious or middle-person (Mal). There's a few more im forgetting now.

It's to give you something else to look at, and yet nothing else to think about