
1 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not understanding the marginal tax rate.

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My state of residence restricts access to certain sites. It's all bullshit.

Anyway... The ISP is either a common carrier or a content provider. Pick a fucking lane. You can't have half and half. Either you are responsible for ALL content provided or NONE.

If you choose none then you MUST NOT restrict access to any content.

If you chose ALL then you may restrict content based on what you are willing to take responsibility for. But in that case if someone does something illegal with content you provided you are liable.

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Flight instructors don't want you to know this one simple trick.

First left, then right.

2FA just took an unexpected turn.

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I had a review recently where I expressed my frustration at excessive work and unreasonable or un-communicated deadlines, and my boss basically took the stance that how was he supposed to know I was overloaded if I wasn't working a bunch of overtime?

Like, dude, that's NOT going to happen. I can be overloaded AF but I'm still leaving at 4.

We talked in circles about this for about 30 minutes and I don't think he understood or simply refused to understand.


Can't you read? "A" carcinogen. Doesn't matter which one!


They’d rather feel powerful over others at their own expense?

Yes. Was there ever a question? This is the conservative ideology.

You think you are being a smartass but that's exactly what heat pumps do. The only functionality difference between an AC unit and a heat pump is a reversing valve.

But without a reversing valve you could put your AC unit in backwards and heat your house in the winter.

The whole premise of an AC unit is to take the heat from inside the house and put it outside, leaving you with cooler air inside.

So in the winter a heat pump simply reverses the flow of the freon and moves the heat from outside to inside. Yes. You are "cooling the whole neighborhood" when you run a heat pump.

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Do it, I double-dog dare you!

Where does one acquire this shirt?

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Lots of respectable people been hit by trains

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"I won't put a curse on you while on my death bed".

From now until the day I die.

It really takes some very special conditions for that to happen. Every time I've boiled water in the microwave it's always boiled fine just like on the stove.

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Metal flex chimney pipe. Looks like 6-8" or bigger.

Edit: he says 150mm so 6"

It really sucks the joy out of listening to those songs.

Does it tho?


Why are you so mentally invested in that song and other people's opinions of it?

Seconding the above, I want to say I paid $60 in a pretty average city.

The store I went to is called Jos-a-bank, feel free to look them up but any higher end men's fine clothing store should have a tailor on site at all times.

There are also dedicated tailor shops you can try looking for one of those.

I don't think places like dillards or Macy's will do alterations but I could be wrong.

Worst case the place you go may tell you something like "he only works Tuesdays and Saturdays" or something like that, so you may want to keep trying to get them on the phone, but I've not been told that before.

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Historically kettles never really caught on because we only have 110v power, so our kettles are bogus compared to nearly everywhere else in the world.

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Rome wasn't built in a day

Seriously? Commit die.

I'm not doing all this all over again.

Sure there are definitely things I'd like to have done differently but there are other things that I have no idea how I pulled off. One small change at 6 could so radically change my life that I wouldn't recognize it any more.

And a 35 year old stuck in a 6yr olds body just sounds awful. You would know and understand so much more than your peers, your innocent child's mind has been replaced with the cynicism of reality...

It would be a living hell.

It would be 8 years at minimum before you could have a meaningful conversation with any peers, and you'd still be "that weird kid" to everyone.

I don't know how I'd do it, but I wouldn't be able to deal with it. Just the knowledge that I'd probably never meet my wife and my son would be gone forever would be too much to bear.

Sorry for the downer of a reply.


Artist: Harley Davidson Song: Idle, followed by acceleration and shift to second, followed by more idling.

I mean you can probably back up the trailers fine, but all the "stuff" involved with hooking up and unhooking is completely omitted from ATS and ETS/ETS2.

Shifting gears is another thing, I can shift a 6 speed, but if you put me behind a real 18 speed with splitter and range gearboxes, I guarantee I'd be grinding the shit out of those gears, over-rev or lug the engine... Etc.

The popular truck "sims" are not sims, they are basically one step above arcade games. And I say this as someone who likes playing them. They are fun, but they are not sims.

Not so fast... if we were all driving sub 3000lb cars then we wouldn't need such beefy crash protection. The problem is when an 8000lb truck hits a 4000lb car, the car takes 2/3 of the impact force. If the truck was a reasonable sized 4500lb then the car could be reduced to 3000lb or less and be just as safe.

Also emissions would be less, and tires and brakes would last longer, and the car would likely just "last longer" since all the wear parts (ball joints, shocks, bushings, etc) would be either cheaper or last longer.

And we had a pretty great black president.

It definitely can. If yours can't then it's likely just the thermostat wired wrong.

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Sometimes our body tries to include traits of our ape ancestors.

But apes don't have tails.

However approximately 25mya the monkey and ape lines split so itust have come from at least that far back.

As an avid player of flight sims, probably not too well on a fully loaded plane like a 747 or whatever. They are heavy, react slowly, and the controls are electronic so you can't "feel" any resistance from the plane. Also the jet turbines take a while to spool up and down so you have to be pretty deliberate with your inputs.

Now if it were something like a smaller GA airplane, as long as it has tricycle gear and you aren't landing into a crosswind, I feel like it would be fairly successful, and even if you get 10 ft from the ground and stall, or miss the touchdown point by 1000ft or so, you are only going 45-50mph tops at that point so the chances of you surviving are pretty good.

Compare that to a 747 where you'd be going much faster and the margin between landing and stalling is pretty thin, there's a good chance you'd overshoot the landing point, come down hard, then crash into something at the end of the runway.

Now if it's a taildragger and you don't have any real training, there's a good chance you'll tail loop and crash once you touch down. You'd probably survive, but it would be ugly.

Edit: that is assuming you don't smash the brakes and prop strike first.

But... It's a legume?!

"flavor" lol

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This is now fact in my head cannon

Snickers 100%

So 1/2x is universally interpreted as 1/(2x), and not (1/2)x, which would be x/2.

Sorry but both my phone calculator and TI-84 calculate 1/2X to be the same thing as X/2. It's simply evaluating the equation left to right since multiplication and division have equal priorities.

X = 5

Y = 1/2X => (1/2) * X => X/2

Y = 2.5

If you want to see Y = 0.1 you must explicitly add parentheses around the 2X.

Before this thread I have never heard of implicit operations having higher priority than explicit operations, which honestly sounds like 100% bogus anyway.

You are saying that an implied operation has higher priority than one which I am defining as part of the equation with an operator? Bogus. I don't buy it. Seriously when was this decided?

I am no mathematics expert, but I have taken up to calc 2 and differential equations and never heard this "rule" before.

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This just made me think... What exactly defines a soup vs beverage? Solid matter? A bloody Mary is a soup. I'd like to be a bloody Mary.

But in reality I'd probably be cream of something soup, which now sounds more like a terrible beverage than a soup.

Anything less than 40 series is just too low profile for daily driving, with 40-50 series being the sweet spot for sports cars, and 45-55 for economy cars or muscle cars. 65-85 is for trucks obviously.

If you are truly driving a track focused car then by all means, a 30-35 series tire will give you better feel than a 40-45, but at the expense of harshness over every expansion joint or pothole or dimple on the road.

I liked it

What happened there?

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I've even heard people say "Double-yoos dot", and even that compressed version is still more syllables than the full thing.

Ah yeah that's a different story then. However I've never heard of in-floor cooling before. I wonder how effective it would be since heat rises? I think you'd just have a cool floor and hot muggy air. Also the floor would condense water constantly so your floor would be slippery and if you have carpet it would be wet / damp constantly.

For real though, the trick is to put it down, then take a few steps away, then look at it for a few seconds, then say where it is out loud (if possible, if you are at work or something you may seem crazy).

At least for me this has a very high success ratio.

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To that point you already pay for internet in the same way you pay for water. Paying for a specific website is like paying to use a toilet.

Analogy stands.