Sorting / viewing suggestion to Lemmy.World – 3 points –

Is it possible to have Lemmy only refresh posts when asked? Currently if you sort by "Hot" or "New" it's almost unusable due to the "real time" nature of the website. It would be nice to have maybe a toggle to enable this behavior or maybe have a refresh button at the top / bottom.


Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this btw

To each their own, but this is why I'm enjoying Lemmy over reddit or kbin. I want to leave it open on one of my side monitors while I play a game on my main monitor and have it scroll Hot/New posts for me. I hated having to use a browser plugin to auto refresh reddit every so often.

That's why I suggested maybe a toggle. It could be "manual refresh / live" or something. Then each user could set it they way they wanted to.

Sure I could get behind that. I'd doubt it would be very high on the list of priorities for the Lemmy devs right now unless it fixes a specific issue however. I don't think they have time to focus on feature enhancements over functionality and efficiency improvements with it being put through its paces like it is at this this time.

In the meantime I can suggest checking out, as mentioned. It'll just sit there and stares at you until you refresh it just like reddit, and you should be able to subscribe to most Lemmy communities.