
4 Post – 336 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Hey πŸ‘‹ I'm Lemann: mark II

I like tech, bicycles, and nature.

Otherwise known as; @lemann@lemmy.one and @lemann@lemmy.world

Dancing Parrot wearing sunglasses

Something about that channel feels "off", don't know what it is. Maybe all the rants and abundance of negative opinions?? Perhaps it's the culture difference in how he communicates on camera?

The only positive videos I've seen are him moving to macOS, the dell laptop one, and i guess the keyboard one, the other ones seem to be mostly opinion pieces & rants. There are other channels that do a better, more balanced job of this I think

I've tried both on my low powered HTPC and came to the same conclusion - especially noticeable where video acceleration is concerned

IIRC Beehaw doesn't federate downvotes. The OP has been pretty heavily downvoted for no valid reason

Explains why I was having issues with this in Gnome on my HTPC...

Ended up making a remote button shortcut to maximise and restore apps

Got to really wonder what's going on at Mozilla. Between the previous CEO milking it for cash, the purchase of an ad company, and now this?

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IIRC when looking into this originally, there are multiple tools necessary due to additional metadata on the MCs: mcpaste for PS1 saves, psupaste for PS2 saves, and the PS3 uses an entirely different format that needs to be converted prior to use (I don't remember if you need to jailbreak to get the keys for this)

Felt there was a bit too much manual stuff involved which could allow human error to come in and mess something up. I did do a copy + psupaste to the internal HDD on a new partition just in-case, but there was no way I was going to risk copying those back onto my only memory card to test if it actually was done right πŸ˜…

The original MC was near full as well, so it's pretty nice to also be able to spin up new ones when needed (to be fair I believe OPL has a similar feature built in, although some games may freeze using it)

Not the case with ARM processors sadly, IMO they're a bit of a mess from that perspective. Proprietary blobs for hardware, unusual kernel hacks for some devices, and no device tree support so you can't just boot any image on any device. I think Windows for ARM encouraged some standardization in that regard, but for the most part looking at Android devices it's still very much the wild west.

This is one of the many reasons why Raspberry Pi ARM boards remain popular for the time being, despite there being so many other cheap alternatives available: they actually keep supporting their old boards & ensure hardware on their boards works from the get-go.

There are also some rare cases where Raspberry Pi rewrite open source implementations of Broadcom's proprietary blob drivers, in one instance for the built in CSI (optional camera)

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Doubt it, after reading it myself it is nowhere as calculated and artificial as ChatGPT output

It is a pretty good read though.

Jawg would know everywhere where you go, since they provide the tile data. I don't think they would be able to link it to an OSM account though

The public would be able to identify where you go because your changes would be published against your username, as it is with Wikipedia

I used to have only 4GB in my old Linux HTPC, didn't take much for it to choke when using the browser. Upgraded to 16GB and no issues since

Deleting documents from insider branch users a few years back, forced installation of HP SMART printer utility, constantly switching users' default browser back to Edge, even bypassing my employer's GPO to do so at one point in a Teams update

Not to mention their habit of making practically everything opt-in by default. And what is up with the new Aptos "cloud" font that only works if you have an active Office 365 subscription?

I don't know tbh, Windows just doesn't cut it for me anymore personally, mainly because of Microsoft. Stuck with it on my desktop though because of sim hardware.

I still have XP on an airgapped old PC for nostalgia ☺️

Wow, this is a very complex exploit, involving bits of iMessage and an undocumented CPU feature that allowed the attacker to evade hardware memory protection. From what I can see, Lockdown mode would have prevented this. The attacker is ridiculously skilled regardless

Exerpts from the article missing from the bot summary:

The mass backdooring campaign, which according to Russian officials also infected the iPhones of thousands of people working inside diplomatic missions and embassies in Russia, according to Russian government officials, came to light in June. Over a span of at least four years, Kaspersky said, the infections were delivered in iMessage texts that installed malware through a complex exploit chain without requiring the receiver to take any action.

With that, the devices were infected with full-featured spyware that, among other things, transmitted microphone recordings, photos, geolocation, and other sensitive data to attacker-controlled servers. Although infections didn’t survive a reboot, the unknown attackers kept their campaign alive simply by sending devices a new malicious iMessage text shortly after devices were restarted.

The most intriguing new detail is the targeting of the [...] hardware feature [...]. A zero-day in the feature allowed the attackers to bypass advanced hardware-based memory protections designed to safeguard device system integrity even after an attacker gained the ability to tamper with memory of the underlying kernel.

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Hands up if you/someone you know purchased a Steam Deck or other computer handheld, instead of upgrading their GPU πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

To be honest I stopped following PC hardware altogether because things were so stagnant outside of Intel's alder lake and the new x86 P/E cores. GPUs that would give me a noticeable performance uplift from my 1060 aren't really at appealing prices outside the US either IMO

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My VPS provider also migrated away from VMWare - got an email saying VMs would be down temporarily during the move, and the main website no longer contains any references to the virtualization tech. I miss my /64 IPV6 😭 but i'll happily give that up if it means Broadcom's dumpster fire comes crashing down as big customers pull the plug and migrate

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Someone else mentioned in a comment that the LLC behind Yuzu may file for bankruptcy to avoid paying Nintendo anything

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At least this policy is making it easy to spot bot accounts and autogenerated product listings.

These sellers should be shadowbanned and penalized, there is absolutely no justification to have an LLM auto-generate product listings unless the intent is to create spam

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Made even worse by Sony, the manufacturer, completely exiting that market. I wonder if/how Sony will fix this, are there even staff on hand there with the technical details for their projector's DRM anymore?

It speaks volumes about how silly DRM is when a massive game publisher like TakeTwo/Rockstar resorts to selling a pirated version of their own game πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

The next time this happens those projectors may end up being $20000 bricks, and I'm not too sure how many independents will be able to afford dumping a quarter of a million to replace all their projector screens

They should do something about "consent platforms" using various DNS tricks and thousands of domain names to bypass/evade user blocks.

I wasn't so bothered about some non-invasive ads a few years ago, but I absolutely despise any kind of ad now TBH, and it's mainly down to how persistent some of these platforms are with their evasion tactics

Also pretty ironic for their popups to talk about "respecting" my privacy when these platforms literally do the opposite of that to show their popup in the first place. I will not support any of them, in any way, on my network.

As soon as I see a new one appear when browsing, I chuck it into dnsdumpster so it can get recorded with the rest of them, and then block the new list from dnsdumpster (grid icon) on my network.

I'm all for it to be honest. The 737 Max sounds like a death trap, and until Boeing is banned from certifying their own planes nobody should be flying in these IMO.

The FAA needs to start certifying these themselves again, and remove the existing loopholes/exemptions that allow some design changes to avoid recertification

While it's good that they have been ramping up production, their attitude towards consumers during the shortage is something that some users won't forget, as well as them seemingly ignoring that they are an education charity.

At least the Pi CEO acknowledges this in the CES interview with Jeff Geerling, where he mentions that the company has been "burnt" from a customer perspective. While they do contribute a lot to mobile linux development (indirectly), I think most people here would probably prefer the company just focus on their original mission of getting an affordable, credit card sized computer into users' hands... not scalpers and hardware developers' warehouses.

Also, I personally don't really want to support Broadcom seeing the horrible decisions they've been making recently - why would they buy VMWare, then proceed to drop ALL of their partners, and put a ton of their staff out of work??

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Pretty much everything the Galaxy S5 had

  • Notification LED
  • IR blaster
  • Replaceable battery
  • Headphone jack
  • Heart rate monitor
  • SD card slot

I currently use a FP3 which has 4 out of the 6 features above, which I feel is the best we'll get right now.

Admittedly the Heart rate monitor is more of a gimmick nowadays, especially that it's standard and automatic on most smartwatches and sports watches. Back then when stuff like the Sony Ericsson LiveView and LG W100 watches were popular, they did not have heart rate sensing built in

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On the up side, if anyone wants in, they are free to create accounts on other instances

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When the plugdoor hinge consultant is asked how to spell Boeing

I'm not planning to move anywhere tbh.

Mozilla is almost 100% financially dependent on Google right now, if that funding goes away then so will Firefox, the Gecko engine, and likely all the forks. With all the layoffs happening in the industry, we can't rule out Google shareholders looking elsewhere to cut costs too, such as the massive subsidization of Mozilla. The little we can do is allow Mozilla to find other sources of funding that are optional for users IMO

Yes, stuff like pocket is garbage. But at least Mozilla allow you to turn it off, which is more than can be said for Google: on Android devices manufacturers have to pay a hefty "fee" just to allow users to remove the Google search bar from the launcher. As a user you can get around this by installing a custom launcher, but as a manufacturer, you will not get Google certification: no SafetyNet (Play Integrity DRM, required by Banking apps), no Widevine, and Google will block GMS & their other apps on your product.

Regarding AI, mozilla's memorycache is completely local (runs on the user's machine) and does not call out to any servers. The new translation feature is the same. The only exception to this that I'm aware of is the AI helper on MDN, but the target audience of that site is already in a position to determine whether that is a useful feature or not.

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Since Android 10 the OS has really gone downhill IMO.

IIRC they have also been ripping out workarounds that people use to keep their apps open, so expect things like Syncthing/OpenVPN/Element/Termux etc to no longer be able to survive in the background - I believe the non dismissable notifications are a part of that too. To me this also means apps using their own push services are now being forced into a position where they'll need to consider Google Cloud Messaging.

The OpenVPN one is pretty poor because unless you have it set to be always-on, Android can kill it freely now, then completely bypass your VPN preference because "it's not working"

These new changes in A14 kind of show everything wrong with having an ad company in charge of a mobile OS

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This just screams greed IMO.

Sony (Aniplex), the owner of Funimation (and new owner of Crunchyroll), who actually produced and holds the rights to most of Funimation's library via their partnership with a Japan-based subsidiary, are choosing to revoke your access to your media.

Funny thing is they merged in 2021, not sure why it was an issue running the two separate sites until now.

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It's a bit shitty that anyone would even think of doing this to begin with IMO, especially considering that mercury's harmful nature is no secret!

Mercury is otherwise found as a by-product of other processes, such as the burning of coal

Actually susprised that it's even viable to use a byproduct of burning something else as a fuel

Apollo Fusion [...] insisted that the composition of its propellant mixture should be considered confidential information.

Good thing it wasn't considered in this scenario. Racing fuel using nitrous oxide and whatever is one thing, but spraying mercury everywhere into the atmosphere with a rocket honestly sounds like a sick joke

"[...] It would give you a competitive advantage in what I imagine is a pretty tight, competitive market"

Launching rockets is a competitive market? TIL, I thought there were only a handful of companies operating with very generous margins

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It is scary to think that people with this much money and influence can be so unhinged - inciting others to make death threats to your city leaders, then proudly tweeting afterwards "I don't care".

Claiming to be interested in funding schemes to solve homelessness, drug use and crime, in addition to additional police, seems kind of nefarious. What essentially boils down to arresting and manhandling individuals that have no money to their name doesn't surprise me coming from a CEO

I pretty much agree with the article writer here:

Tech bros like Tan think they are reinventing whole systems, conjuring terms like β€œeffective accelerationism” to describe their philosophy. But the ancient Greeks already put a name to their core ideas over 2,000 years ago. For example, there’s plutocracy, or rule by the wealthy, and autocracy, rule by dictatorship.

CEOs like this are aiming to indirectly rule/control others with their money

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Really wonder what exactly Apple is planning/trying to do here. They have more than enough money to settle with Masimo - IMO it makes the most sense for them to just settle an amount for the existing watches, and redesign a new oxygen sensor module for the US market.

Kind of silly for them to expect some kind of special treatment ripping off another company's tech, when they themselves are hyper protective over copycats ripping them off

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AFAIK Lemmy.world (the largest Lemmy instance) was issued a takedown request for something unrelated, and conducted a review of the piracy communities following that.

Unfortunately they decided to remove/unfed a few piracy communities as a result, such as this one on dbzer0.

So while we are still all federated, lemmy.world users can no longer see or interact with the !piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com community ☹️

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And just like that, Nintendo have guaranteed to never get a dime of my money again πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

What a greedy corpo. I'll be waiting on the MVG video covering all the legal details whenever that drops

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A reverse proxy takes all your web-based services, e.g.

  • plex on port 32400
  • octoprint on port 8000
  • transmission on port 8888

and allows you to map these to domain names, so instead of typing server.example.com:32400 you can type plex.example.com. I have simplified this quite a bit though - you need DNS configured as well, and depending on your requirements you may want to purchase a domain name if you intend on accessing content from outside your home without a self hosted VPN.

Cloudflare is a DDoS mitigation service, a caching web proxy, and a DNS nameserver. Most users here would probably be using it for Dynamic DNS. You can use it in combination with a reverse proxy as a means to mask your home IP address from people connecting to your self hosted web-based services remotely, but on its own it cannot be used as a reverse proxy (at least easily - would not recommend attempting to). Do note that Cloudflare can see all the data you transmit through their systems, something to bare in mind if you are privacy conscious.

In my opinion though, it would be much better for you to use a self hosted VPN to access your self hosted services (can be used in combination with the reverse proxy), unless there is a specific need to expose the services out to the internet

Edit: fix minor typo, add extra info about cloudflare

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16 years old? That thermostat has sure had a run, must have been designed pretty well to last this long without some electronic failure.

Assuming it's cloud connected, anyone aware whether it got updates for the newer versions of TLS and root certificates? As an example I'm aware quite a lot of android and similar devices from that era have expired certificates now, and outdated/vulnerable SSL libraries...

Edit: Edit example

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The !electronics@discuss.tchncs.de community would be a better fit for this post IMO

That said this looks interesting, and seems really competitively priced when compared to other similar thermal cameras like the Flir One Gen 3. This measures a very wide temperature range too, from -20Β°C to 400Β°C within Β±2Β°C, whereas the Gen 3 tops out at 120Β°C.

The 80x62 resolution is OK for this application IMO, the Gen 3 is similar at 80x60.

I wouldn't go recommending one of these to a "casual" user though, it's very much a development product. Non-casual users could probably 3d print a case and get on just fine with the demo apps IMO, and for those users this would probably worth its weight in gold, given how expensive thermal imaging usually is.

Given how closely its priced to radar presence sensors like the Aqara FP2, and the inclusion of I2C for comms, I think this is going to have some appeal to DIY home automation enthusiasts too, especially if it gets supported by open source projects like ESPHome

Technical docs: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/Thermal_Camera_HAT

Edit: I should also mention that there are much cheaper options on sites like AliExpress if you just want something cheap to use via usb-c - the advantages this sensor has are heavily dev focused IMO and might not make sense for most users (e.g. documentation, i2c comms, product integration support)

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That’s when Lamego went on to start his own company, True Wearables, which Masimo claimed used its technology when developing the Oxxiom, a wireless and disposable pulse oximeter.

Excuse me, a wireless and disposable pulse oximeter?

I wouldn't be surprised if this Marcelo person is a millionaire with that kind of twisted thinking. Disposable vapes are bad enough - those devices literally contain rechargeable Lipo batteries, and now this individual starts his own company and one-ups that with disposable, wireless medical equipment?

Just wow

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Heads up about SimpleMobileTools - the project sold out and some of those apps are no longer being updated, I'd suggest migrating your data over to the forked apps now maintained by the Fossify organization



looks at username

Hallucination checks out /s

You went through the trouble of creating a new burner account to post this unconstructive garbage, wow. Starting to see a lot more of this pop up within the past few days. Show that you actually stand behind what you say, and post this from your main account instead so we can block you

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The nightmare PS2 dirty disc screen, and mainstream multiplayer games without anticheat rootkits

Edit: mainstream

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There was this piece on Youtube I watched a while back, where a news company was investigating itself (think it was cnbc or something). They reached out to themselves for a comment, got no response, and included that in the video πŸ™ƒ

I hope that reporter is still employed there lol