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Joined 1 years ago


Actually, they do exist; that's kind of the problem.

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Commercial breaks were when you muted the television and had about two minutes to go to the kitchen or use the bathroom. Even if it's forced, I'm not watching them.

We usually describe that as "flat" soda where I'm from.

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The larger truck exist b/c of the standards. It's more economical to change the weight class of a vehicle than it is to make the vehicle more environmentally friendly.

Edit: "more economical" -> "more environmentally friendly"

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The same thing I do after every election, cringe for another four years.

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68 years and they still can't take the son of bitch down?

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I guess we all have a little beaver instinct don't we?

Can the last person sue me for stopping the train if they become injured?

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This is why I started wearing pants.

That's just straight up not true. Fly paper works just as well as spiders.

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Help, I'm being oppressed!!

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DO NOT start mixing the two! Do you have any idea what you're doing‽

The fuck I wouldn't

Ne'er should one relinquish control of thine own vessel. Back to the seas shall we voyage mateys!


That's probably the most useful question to you could ask!

They ought to just make it a feature ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I hope this does go to the Supreme Court b/c I don't see anyway for him to catch a win here; if they even choose to pick up the case.

If Trump does make it back into office, he'll be so mad he can't drain the Supreme Court 😂

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Reddit: Nothing's changing. Also Reddit: It's changing.


K, thanks. Bye.

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So what happens when we can't trust everything we read on the Internet anymore?

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Now you listen here guy, just tell us where the UFOs are and nobody has to get hurt.

Username: guest

Password: guest

Ah yes, Apple's famous iYouKnowYouKnow.


They're not married, otherwise pretty good summary.

Leave the Gatorade for the plants...

Might just be the lighting.

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It was literally like the first really cold day after the first decent snow storm this winter in New England, and it's a weekday. I wouldn't have gone even if I knew who the hell he is.

The primary candidate has already been chosen for the Democrats. Biden is probably the only candidate that stands a chance against Trump which is pretty fucking sad.

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I'd guess lack of familiarity. Your voice sounds different than what you hear in your head so a recording can seem very strange, whereas seeing a picture or reflection is much more frequent for many people.

Are you implying that men can't get pregnant?

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Probably not far off from reality pretty soon.

False: birds aren't real.

Holy shit. I'm not even going to attempt remembering them all.

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I just don't use the internet, can't track me if I ain't on it!

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Rule 34

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Alas, they are not.

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I'd be so scared I'd break the stick.