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Joined 1 years ago

I personally resigned from a subreddit I founded and moderated for 11 years. Had nearly 300k subscribers but enough is enough.

Reddit isn’t like it was when I started using it 17 years ago and it’s not going back.

Fuck Spez.

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I’ve noticed across platforms, posts, texts, etc.

My guess is that there’s been a slow infiltration of “AI powered” autocorrect across the industry.

Other than that, I don’t really have a good answer to the broad, sweeping degradation of autocorrect.

But you’re definitely not the only one.

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Feels like Reddit way back in the day, honestly.

I’m talking like 17 years ago way back.

Loving it! So much fun, silly content!

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For those wondering, the other two are Minnesota & New York.

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I’m guessing “presumed human remains” means something close to “goo plus bones, we think”.

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Seventeen years is wild!

Tell me about it! It was hard nuking 17 years worth of content–effectively my online identity–but it was the right thing to do.

FWIW, from a Reddit old timer, Lemmy feels a LOT closer to those early days than whatever is calling itself Reddit these days.

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“So I’ve got this knife fight scheduled for tomorrow…”

Seriously, WTF?

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I’ve heard concern of it becoming a pandemic in deer populations and also scientists are worried it’ll spread to people!

Yaaaaaaaaay. 🫠

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Yeah, this is precisely what I’ve been thinking.

I feel like they gathered data, studied it, and wrote a prescriptive autocorrect that IMO was perfectly fine and was still pretty good at catching words I was most likely to use.

Then, all of a sudden, it turned into fucking scrabble and I find myself going, “WTF are you thinking autocorrect?”

Not sure when the change started but it’s officially shitty now.

Proof of shitty railing or super strength?

Dude’s built like Mr. Incredible at the beginning of The Incredibles so….

Hell, freefolk got best when the show really started shitting the bed.

Went from funny to straight up brutally hilarious.

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It doesn’t.

Old Spice.

Both the plain, beautiful blue Fresh variety.

Both feel clean and smell fresh.

I have very sensitive skin.

I will pitch an apoplectic fit if they ever discontinue it.


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I appreciate you saying that!

I definitely do.

I did standup for years so increments of 5-10 minutes from open mics are sort of baked into my brain.

Those initial increments have led to me getting up, walking into the kitchen and starting to open the oven only for the timer to go off as I reach for it.

Super handy skill! And also a bit weird.

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Hang out with a bunch of cool dudes, do some diving, make some sushi.

Sounds pretty ideal.

Last I heard, her plan is exactly that:

Stay in until at least Super Tuesday.

To the point that not only did he initially send them, but he kept sending them.

Did they run out before they sent more? What’s the max?

So many questions.

That’s the best part, IMO.

Good communities can band together and not allow bad apples from spoiling the bunch.

The decentralized nature of it is a huge feature.

Granted, I think I’m understanding that correctly but am still wrapping my head around certain aspects.


A Kamehameha is also KI-generated.

Instead of being judgmental, being helpful may be what’s called for here.

Came to say Romancing the Stone.

Such a gem of a movie.

Excellent adventure, smoky sax, Danny Devito.

What more can you ask for?

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I mean, “etc” is right there.

I’ve been bouncing between a few different iOS apps (all very similar to Apollo) and browsing the All feeds.

Plus an occasional search to try to find replacements for my favorite communities. Not 100% yet but I m digging the fresh start.

Also commenting way more again!

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I don’t know what I expected but that was mortifying.


Pig. Cute now, food later.

Nobody tells this guy when to cum!

And I mean nobody!

Sure. Just ask Bobby B!


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I was IN loss prevention. Literal store detective.

Did we catch the occasional shoplifter? Yes.

Were they as common or as high dollar value as employees skimming or scamming? Abso-fucking-lutely not.

If you’re in retail, rest assured, those folks are there to catch you more than they’re there to catch shoplifters.

I literally can’t think of a character who I loathed as much as this one, and Jonah Hill turning out to be a massive, insecure asshole didn’t help a bit.

Word! I’ve been bouncing between wefwef & Memmy, and just started trying Mlem today.

And yeah! I realize in retrospect that’s what I loved about Reddit and had to pare things way back to smaller subreddits in order to keep it feeling that way.

I think this platform has a lot of potential.

That was more “on the table” if he wasn’t reinstated.

I also suspect there were some inaccuracies in the reporting and headlines around that.

But if you ask him, he has to like tell you he’s a TimeCop, right?

Legit never heard of this one. I thought you were cheekily referencing Hot Ones until I did a search.

Not going to watch but goddamn are those thumbnails atrocious.

Just go get it.

Not like you don’t know where the jolly ol thief lives.

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Fair point. Suspension’s probably shot from all of the taking off/landing with the toy load on it.