
2 Post – 229 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Here is an otter

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Curiosity for things

TLDR; they don't know. Spotify banned them but provided no further info.

IWPITTWAWOTAFTTDNKTY (I wish people in this thread would also write out the acronym for those that do not know them yet)

I'm using Breezy Weather and really liking it so far. Has a good widget as well.

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Is this what chaotic good looks like?

Yeah, I bet China can't wait to do more ecological surveys.

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Spoil em, flash em, laser out a few.

The difference between a bad haircut and a good haircut? 2 weeks.

It's a dumb joke but your hair grows out, so even a haircut that looks bad initially, after a couple of days it looks natural again.

There's also websites where you can upload an image of your face and try different hairstyles. That way you can "try on" virtually before committing to something in real life.

I think the best haircuts are the low-effort ones that work with your face type and head shape. But you generally just have to try a couple till you find one you like. Since you're young, I would also try with longer hair since you might not get that chance later in life!

Good luck!


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I didn't realise 12ft.io has gone down but I believe their original slogan was along the lines of, "for every 10ft wall, there's a 12ft ladder", hence the name.

So we simplified the whole thing. We rounded them all down, dropped the remainder into an account only we have access to. It's like Superman III.

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The sad thing is that people would pay if it just wasn't so frustrating. I remember coming home from a NYE 10yrs ago or so, and had made up my mind to watch the latest season of Vikings. I was ready to pay for it, and there literally was no legal way for me to get it. So I sailed the high seas.

No, you see it's: "dun-dun-dun-dudu-dun-dun dudu dun-dun-dun-dudu-dun-dun"


"dun-dun-dun-dudu-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun-dudu-dun-dun"

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Isn't that what weddings are for?

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It's like 10,000 bees, when all you need is a wasp.


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Could. Should. Wood.

He bought a campervan, so his wife divorced him, and after getting plastered at a bar, he woke up in the hospital with a small scar on his balls.

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If the test is standardized, then I'm assuming test prep already exists for it. Your goal should be to pass the test, not to learn Hindi, because one month is wayyyyy too short to learn a language. You might be able to pick up the alphabet, and some common phrases within a month.

Once you've passed the test, you can focus on learning Hindi. If you study 4-6hrs a day, then I reckon you could be intermediate in about 6-12mos.

Looks surprised by her death too


Yes, thank you! I hate this constant narrative that back-to-office is always tied to commercial real-estate investments, or that there's some magical tax incentive.

Usually what you have is: bank lends money to a commercial real estate company that owns the building. Commercial real estate company leases out office space to one or many companies. When those companies reduce or terminate their leases, the commercial real estate company struggles to pay their mortgage and defaults. Commercial real estate loses. Bank loses. And if commercial real estate had pooled investments to fund the building (along with bank loan), then those investors lose as well.

There are some large companies that own their own buildings, but that's more of an exception.

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SO has helped me countless times, so I can't thank it enough. However, it just seems impossible to become an "expert" these days. I can't even vote when a solution has helped me. I've tried raising my own legitimate questions, but at this point they're going to be obscure & niche, so that no one interacts with it, and I don't get magical internet points so that I can contribute myself. It's actually really frustrating since I've actually wanted to give back to the community, and it just seems to work actively against me.

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The popular uBlock Origin extension, for example, would be limited under Manifest V3. The developer created uBlock Origin Lite, a reduced version that is compatible with Manifest V3.

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Forgive your past self. Respect your future self. Live in the present.

I've seen decathlon employ this in their stores as well. Think they're primarily in Europe.

It's definitely weird the first time you do it, but I'm assuming they're using RFID technology, so each product has a little microchip in its price tag.

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D- Demonstrate value

E- Engage virtually

N- Nurture dependence

N- Neglect privacy

I- Inspire hope

S- Shittification

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The article already touches on that. As with almost everything, a little is ok but too much will negatively impact you.

A couple of reasons:

  1. Who would contribute? Banks are highly regulated and sometimes deal with complex products that most Devs don't have a background on. Even most Devs in banks rely on a team of business analysts, designers etc to shape the requirements. Add on top of that the general negative perception of banks, I can't think of a large open-source community forming.
  2. Competition. Bank's primarily compete with each other. They all offer very similar products, and any advantage they can gain by developing proprietary software will be explored.
  3. Third-party apps. Banks use a TON of third-party apps behind the scenes. A lot of times they will purchase licenses for existing products and then customise on top of that.
  4. Outsourcing. Even when they are building the app "in-house" they may have outsourced the development to another company, and will then just maintain the finished product.
  5. Banks move slooooowly. As it's a highly regulated industry, every deployment needs to go through a ton of red-tape. An exploit found in public might take weeks to be resolved internally.
  6. Reward is not worth risk. It simply isn't a priority and they can't see any benefit for doing it. It's more likely to cause a reputation risk than not.

I've learned (I guess still learning) a new language as an adult for the last 2 years. I tried just about every method to learn (classes, courses, books, god knows how many apps/services). To get to the point of being able to accelerate your learning with foreign movies & TV shows, you need to have consumed around 200-400hrs of the language in a comprehensible format first. This is how I would do it if I had to again:

  • Forget about grammar for now. Grammar is boring and it will make you second-guess when trying to form sentences. Better to just practice and have someone correct you as needed. You'll learn grammar naturally to an extent (i.e. it will just SOUND right), and you can supplement it later on when you have a better grasp of the language.

  • Use beginner audio lessons that focus on simple phrases and/or short stories (e.g. Pimsleur or US foreign service language tapes). This is to help train your ear to understand how words are pronounced. This should get you about 40-50hrs of practice.

  • Find some French youtubers that use the comprehensible input (Krashen) method to complement the audio course - some recommendations in this reddit thread

  • Once you have around 50-100hrs in, now is the time to find some easy content to consume. My recommendations would be: 1) movies/tv shows you already watched in english but dubbed in french (so you already know the context. You might need to leave off french subtitles if they don't match audio), 2) podcasts or audiobooks where only one person speaks at a time, 3) french kids shows

  • After 100hrs, I would continue to consume content as detailed above but you might be able to throw in some easy french-made movies/shows at this point - your goal is to understand about 80%. If you find you can't understand enough, put it on the backburner to revisit later. You might also be able to read an easy french book now too. You could just reread a book you've already read in English but translated in French now (again, so you have context; I read Harry Potter for instance)

Learning a new language at an older age was pretty eye-opening. It's definitely harder than I expected but it's so rewarding to be able to connect with a different group of people at a much deeper level, as you also start to understand their culture a lot more, and it gives you access to new movies, shows, theatre, books, music etc. etc.

Good luck on your journey and let me know if you have any Qs!

How much jail could a jailbrake brake, if a jailbrake could brake jail?

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Schnitzelkind. Breaded-veal kid (wienerschnitzel / milanesa). Basically a kid so ugly, that the parents needed to put a schnitzel around his neck so that at least the dogs would play with him.

Switched what off? I have my settings about as private as I can do, yet one of those accounts had followed me without me knowing. I blocked them now but I'm not sure what setting you're referring to, in order to prevent some random bot from following you on Spotify?

Central park 5 comes to mind

A heavy one filled with dihydrogen monoxide.