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Joined 12 months ago

I make people upset just by using my eyes and brain, as such please be careful to ensure your tears do not get into your electronics, thank you

Yeah, I have a Steam Deck, and it's literally just a PC in the form factor of a Switch. It has a BIOS menu, you can install Windows on it (but you really shouldn't), you can install a different flavor of Linux (I recommend Bazzite) -- you can even install and play pirated Windows games through Proton, more or less fine, though you have to work for it a bit more.

They developed Proton so that they could get Windows games working on the Deck, and the reason they didn't make the Deck run Windows is they wanted greater control over the OS than Windows affords. Proton has benefited all gamers on Linux. More recently, they've officially partnered with Arch as of a few days ago (which is what SteamOS is built on):

and just to gush a bit more: the Deck is the only thing I can remember pre-ordering in the last 10 years and being genuinely happy that I did.

I stopped giving conservatives the benefit of the doubt around the point where the Republican party had every chance, every opportunity to go with any other nominee this year, claw back some sense of decorum... and then they chose the Oompa Loompa again. In 2020, at least it made sense for them to hold on to the incumbency advantage, and in 2016, Hillary was a horrible candidate and it's no wonder she lost.

You know it was free to not post this, right? It would've cost you nothing to simply carry on with your day.

And yet here we are.

If you want a really good 4X game, try Stellaris. It's where I went after 1000+ hours of Civ 5 (and coming to Civ 6 to be disappointed by it, played only like 80 hours), and I've been ̶t̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶i̶z̶i̶n̶g̶ liberating the galaxy ever since. I especially like the additional nuances to diplomacy, which are further enhanced by mods -- Civ's AI has always been a bit ham-fisted.

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y'know, whenever people started getting snippy about pronouns, I often said I was just going to start calling them an "it".

I never thought ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶o̶n̶e̶ something would want that.

God, wouldn't that be amazing? Things actually getting done instead of our legislators sitting with their thumb up their asses.

Well, less of them sitting with their thumb up their asses.

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This is your daily reminder that Firefox and its derivatives exist and should be used wherever possible if you care about Google not having a monopoly over the internet. There's even a Firefox-based version of Discord called Datcord.

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Really? After the absolute clownshow that was Starfield, my expectations for TES6 are extremely low.

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Fetterman really is a mixed bag, and to be honest, I kind of like that. Life should be full of nuanced characters, I shouldn't have to decide between the same cookie cutter pieces of shit we have every election.

He's a piece of shit for supporting Israel so staunchly, don't get me wrong, but there's also plenty to like about him.

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which is a hilarious threat because the #1 way to make my viewing experience worse would be turning off my ad blocker, lmao

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Seriously, just have Kamala call him a chickenshit little weasel in a press conference. Instant ego meltdown and I'LL SEE YOU AT THE DEBATE within the day, I guarantee it.

"In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty."

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Amazon, 100%. Bezos doesn't get any money out of me, and Amazon has fucking everything. Sure, the quality varies sometimes, but who cares if you end up with a dud item when you can just try another listing for free? I'd order shit on the daily just for the fun of it, maybe start an unboxing channel even.

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Microsoft why are you trying to pull an Elon and destroy your own brand, stop that -- what, after all, has a dedicated keyboard key on Windows keyboards, and has for decades?

Ah yes, the four axes of the political compass: gay, tankie, loser, and French.

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Embryos can be whatever you want to you, miss Haley, but the rest of us live in reality. I can say that embryos are, to me, 8 story crustaceans from the paleolithic era. Doesn't necessarily make 'em so.


you know, I knew I was out of touch around the time of fidget spinners, but this is a new level of "get off my lawn" I thought I wouldn't reach til my 30s

Oh please, I tried that "fake it til you make it" horseshit and it was worn away through years of constant shitheads using me for their entertainment, all the while trying my hardest to believe it would come eventually.

The hard facts of life are this: life is not a fairy tale. Not every story has a happy ending. As you read this, there are kids out there catching bullets in Gaza who will never even get to finish puberty, let alone find love. Nothing is guaranteed -- you can try as hard as you want at something, and sometimes you simply will not have it for factors entirely outside of your control. Some people will never be able to serve on submarines, because they are too tall. Some people will never be able to be a commercial pilot, because they are colorblind. Likewise, some of us just aren't destined for love, be it for any myriad constellations of internal and external factors.

In my case, I have mild autism, and I can never mask well enough that someone decent won't see through my facade. Oh, sure, I'm apparently fun to be around for brief periods at a time, but I guess the novelty of a spastic wears off for them and they quickly make their exit, ghosting me soon enough. But more upsettingly, all the horrible people who stick around to use me for their entertainment, I can never see through theirs before it's too late.

It's not fair. But sometimes that's just how things are.

And now, knowing what I do, I'd not put effort towards something as hard to find and keep as love. At least when I put my efforts towards other pursuits, I can see measurable progress in some way. Trying to find love was like ramming my head against a brick wall and hoping the wall would break before I did. If you want to help someone who's on that "forever alone" drivel, it's a bitter pill to swallow, but they're much better off putting their effort towards things they're actually making progress in. Your best chance of finding love in such a scenario? Dumb luck. It will either fall out of the great blue sky for you, or it won't, and that's just how it is.

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I let out an audible happy gasp reading the headline

it's good to have you back, Jon, we missed you terribly.

lots of people use bofa! >!bofa deez nuts!<

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SIGTERM: stop that.

SIGKILL: That was not a request.

Case power button: listen here you little shit

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"oh no, the vegans are leaving!" said no-one ever

well see he's out actually serving his country, unlike you, bone spurs.

I'm not the biggest fan of our military, but I have respect for the hard working people who are a part of it, two things -- respect and hard work -- Donald Trump knows fuck-all about.

I guess "get fucked", realistically speaking. I can't afford to leave on my own, my social life is empty of anyone else I can depend on, and I will almost certainly have a target on my back as a gay guy -- after they're done with trans people, we'll probably be next.

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in my experience, the sooner you accept that life is terrible and full of pain and misery, the sooner you cease to be surprised by it being terrible and full of pain and misery.

tl;dr "this might as well happen, I guess"

oh boy, between this and robinson, it's getting real dumb real fast

ya love to see it

Ah, Ohio: the Florida of the North.

Now, I realize Israel and it's people have had a long and storied history of being persecuted by others, however, there's a limit to how far you can stretch that sort of "woe is us" pity when the modern history of the country most representative of modern Judaism -- at least, that's how I kind of thought of it, a sort of "Jewish Vatican/Mecca", correct me if I'm wrong as I'm not Jewish -- will be recorded as not only actively engaged in committing such terrible acts (no matter the enemy), but is proud of it. I could see them trying to deny or "deny" it, you know, pay these IDF atrocities lip-service and give commanders a light finger-wag, that sort of thing. It's the Israeli government after all, anyone who thinks they don't have a massive intelligence apparatus shaping opinions at home and abroad is a fool -- but for so many to be as proud of it as they are, god. I should be over this by now, but it's just... upsetting. Make no mistake, the acts they commit today will be written about in the history textbooks, and they will be used to justify further future antisemitism -- anyone who doesn't fear another Adolf Hitler hasn't been paying attention to the fucking news. This cycle of hate shouldn't continue, and yet I see no end in sight.

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The best part is, the sort of person that drives a Cybertruck is absolutely not the sort of truck ("truck") owner that keeps an inverter and power tools in the bed, because anyone with an angle grinder would have a hearty chuckle at that before driving home.

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Au-- AURORA BOREALIS? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized ENTIRELY within your rectum?

... Yes.

... May I see it?

... Yes.

blast! the face eating leopards have eaten my face! If only there was some way we could've seen this coming.

Probably an entire chapter dedicated to 3D printing guns.

Personally quite a fan of the idea of making my own pistol (or, well, some of it) in the comfort of my own home, but far too poor to get a 3d printer that'll actually do a good job.

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When God gives you lemons, you #FIND A NEW GOD.

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You go give that kid a hug on my behalf and tell him he's allowed to like all the Disney princesses he wants right now goddamnit

probably weep that I'll never get to experience a loving relationship for like two weeks, followed by five and a half months of laying in bed waiting to die after realizing I wasn't gonna experience one anyways.

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