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Joined 9 months ago

Remember, if Meta can collect your data this way, any bad actor or government can as well.

Please do Chrome first, though. At least Edge has introduced solid features, whereas Google has a history of limiting other browsers on its websites to promote Chrome.

He probably got a good sentence considering he never stepped foot in a US prison

The US government isn't gonna do anything like this unless it causes a huge fuss. The agencies responsible don't get enough funding to properly regulate the stuff they're supposed to, and they have to prioritize as a result.

I'm sure companies know this very well. Our rights as consumers have been slowly decaying for years, and we haven't seen much government action until recently.

I don't find it surprising given that the vast majority of people don't research the claims that other people make. For example, during the GameStop short squeeze, people came to the conclusion that corruption or collusion was at play, when in reality it wasn't for the most part.

People would rather listen to a guy who says something confidently than a guy who says "I don't know." The former gets to spread their word, and the latter gets ignored.

The way I see it isn't that stereotypes are inherently awful, it's that they have various levels of impact. Racism against African Americans is considered more heavily because they have such a long history of oppression that not many other groups have had. Most other groups didn't meet fierce resistance to obtaining basic rights for as long as they did

In most US states, you can be fired for any reason that isn't explicitly illegal.

Why not make a better UI after ironing out the bugs?

Eh, that would disincentivize long-term updates.

Instead, 5 or 10 years of inactivity should be more than enough leeway.

The vast majority of these "timeless" games seem to come from smaller devs. Minecraft started out indie before being bought out, Terraria is still indie, NMS is a small team etc. They work on those games because they want to, and it makes them enough money to stay satisfied. Games from publicly traded companies are held at gunpoint by their shareholders, so if they don't keep the money machine printing and they don't make it print faster and faster, they will face consequences.

As an American, it's really sad to see the EU fall into this trap.

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IMO, their quality has improved a noticeable amount.

Important distinction - the US doesn't recognize it, but it also does not forbid it. You don't need to renounce anything, but in the eyes of the US federal government, you're a US citizen.

It could be the verbal abuse or the situation as a whole. Idk, everyone is different.

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He probably shouldn't have had it to begin with.

And you want to start with Valve, which is one of the smaller game companies and is one of the few players not guilty of buying up their competition, instead of Sony, Microsoft, other Big Tech players, media conglomerates like Disney, ISPs like Comcast or AT&T, or meat distributors who are price fixing algorithmicly?

How is it dumb as a concept? Is it not a way to describe human nature?

Being intuitive.

On Windows, features are often a few clicks away from being enabled or modified. Software that you download also does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to changing your settings to what the program needs.

On the Linux distros that I've used, way too much setup is required via copying and pasting commands into the terminal. There were times when I completely replaced my path variables instead of appending to them, and that is way harder to do on Windows than Linux. Mistakes like that often lead me to installing a distro 3 times when doing a project, whereas Windows 11 rarely has those issues.

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Signing in without a password. It makes it so much more annoying to sign in while using a password manager.

The brand where some people are purposefully more free than others? More freedom sounds more better, no?


Jails in the US are for punishment at best and torture at worst.

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There's way too many.

  • The guy who tried to kiss his Yale interviewer

  • Poop knife

  • The guy who got a NASA internship who also cussed out a NASA engineer on Twitter

  • Anything involving Tay

[EDIT] It was actually Yale, not Harvard.

Some more:

  • Ball pits
  • "a cylinder"
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As someone who knows how to code and wants to contribute to FOSS, there is very little guidance in doing so even if I half-know what I'm doing.

A good community-focused Rocket League clone. Ever since RL was bought out by Epic and it went F2P, the game has felt more and more soulless, and the community interactions have been super tonedeaf. As a small company, Psyonix gave out cool stuff like white hats for those who found bugs and custom titles for people who found their significant other via the game. It sucks that the best content in the game came the summer before and the summer right after Epic bought it. Since the game went free to play, though, it seemed like RL was just another accessory for Fortnite to grow.

Tl;dr: RL was freaking amazing when the devs were allowed to care about the community. Now, it's slowly losing the stuff that made it so special.

No amount of reasonable legislation can force parents to teach this stuff. Doing it through schools is infinitely easier.

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Opinion of what? Who's worse?

The point is that your wife is in the minority. The vast majority of people wouldn't consider torrenting, let alone *arrs. People with a greater willingness to tinker and learn technical stuff are the ones who'll consider it, and that group is overwhelmingly composed of men as of right now.

If you are in the US, stick with US servers on a no-log VPN. Crossing the border with your traffic allows agencies to collect way more data.

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3 and 7. With 3 you can essentially walk through walls, and with 7 you will know exactly which boxes you don't need to check when looking for something.

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They are losing money on streaming. It was so bad that they took their cash cow HBO and grouped it with their streaming divisions to improve their financial report. WBD is making insane decisions because their #1 goal is to increase free cash flow to pay off their debts, whereas most companies' #1 goal is to "increase shareholder value."



If Boeing supplied the bullet, it would've shattered before it left the gun

Depends on where you live it seems

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You can be a US Citizen without a passport. That was half the point of OP's case lol

Since 2004, we got smartphones which replaced a huge chunk of technology, internet has become far faster and more accessible leading to streaming services like Netflix and freelance video platforms like YouTube exploding, far fewer people having cable TV, kids growing up with online video rather than TV, social media went from simple platforms meant for communication with friends and family to behemoths meant to capture as much of your attention as possible, misinformation has become more trustworthy to many than traditional news, public school classrooms gained access to technology like Duolingo as learning aids, physical media has been phased out in basically all homes except those with video game consoles, software purchases have been replaced with subscriptions, and now we have programs that can create realistic-looking images and videos, human-like passages, and real-sounding speech.

Saying that none of that is as groundbreaking as the Internet is kinda like saying the Internet wasn't as groundbreaking as electricity. Just because the effects are subtle doesn't make it any less groundbreaking.

Nintendo/TPCI would've already sued if they had a case

Linux users when somebody doesn't type out an essay to install a program

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She is incredibly good at her job

"I don't care who the IRS sends. I'm not paying taxes"

I agree with you on the first 3. I can see why someone would disagree with #1, but the middle 2 are definitely very onion-y. They're pretty similar to the "Putin wins 112% of the vote" headline on The Onion's YouTube channel.