
1 Post – 546 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This isn't competition, it sounds like the CCP heavily subsidises the manufacture, in an attempt to kill the American industry off.

Thinking in decades or centuries is a very powerful tool!

15 more...

...or both. Think about it, if what you've said is completely true (I don't disagree, BTW), why would they bother subsidising?

They're trying to ring fence the market. That the US is helping then is only vaguely related

Sign me up for death then, motherfuckers!

Thanks, that brings done useful context here

Wow, I bet that would stick to the roof really well (with enough force)

Honestly, that was their best album. The hip-hop all had so much noise that went over the vocals, it was awful (same issue with black thought and the roots, really)

Bastards incorporated!

Ah, I think I'm going to need a few visual aids for that plan...

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White noise laughter tracks wind me up no end. All the hype and screaming on comedy like it's an opera or Ellen show is also painful to experience.

I might just be turning into a grumpy old fart but I also refuse to accept that people want awful pop music plumbed into our supermarkets and dance music in restaurants - why does everything degenerate into a nightclub setting?

Yeah, these are great. Somehow I've not seen the first one before. Is this some sort of Beyonce parody?

Quality, but what about ME, and arguably 3.11. Does NT cover both 3.5.1 and 4? (my memory is hazy about earlier)

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This is some brilliantly spicy stuff, OP. Well done, I love it!

These are great stories, but my only experience has been people mysteriously not showing up for day 2 or 3...

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Except they've got increasingly less to offer. It's a bunch of copycat degenerates whining for dollars.

Fuck them. At least Netflix tried producing their own content for a while, buy that was only motivated by avoiding having to licence stuff, it seems

Thanks for taking the useful approach, rather than parroting the usual drivel

Edit It turns out they feed on bed bugs - surely that should sway a few people.

...And they can detach their legs? I want one!

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Mr didn't have a hole there, as far as I can remember - maybe it should go where his nose does?

I'm taking this was too seriously, I know

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I thought penultimate meant ...basically ultimate

Am doofus

Edit: to clarify, I thought it meant it in a good way, as in best. It actually means next to last

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Reminds me of those insurance claim attemps "a stationary car reversed into me".

Can't imagine that goes down well

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...I feel like you've got some stories you could be sharing

Someone's gotta keep those tattoo artists employed!

Interesting idea, but surely the cost savings are largely pushed forward onto the plane towing all the extra weight?

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Oh wow! I knew about TWAIN (technology without an interesting name), but that takes the cake!

And then they followed it up with this nonsense:

"The sanctity of life is our highest value. Our prayers are with the security officer who was injured while trying to prevent this tragic act".

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...Makes the rest if us look smarter!

It has it's uses, that's all I'm gonna say

Touché - except now all 500 of us on Lemmy know what to append to our rainbow tables...

I concur. Frankly, they're both a bunch of terrorists.

Tragically, one side had been receiving all kinds of war support for generations now and it's incredibly imbalanced.

I just don't understand how genocide can be a goal...

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All the shitty chromium forks have the option (usually defaulted on) to remain running in the background even when closed. I honestly don't know why, other than advertising mining bitcoins...

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Cracking insight - well done!

See, a man in a bear suit really changes the whole equation

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That still doesn't explain what the grade is measuring - what's the difference?

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This is delightfully stupid

Get outta here with your ditry logic!

You know you look really bad when the CCP shows you up!

Wow, that takes me back - you're referring to the floating point bug from ...98?

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I concur - it seems like the chances of recovering so gracefully (vs ending up in a ditch, or similar) are miniscule.

Plus the while setting is conveniently clear, like its been planned

I'm both disappointed and pleased that wasn't a rickroll...


That's would be brilliant. I'm guessing the monitor stands aren't up for the extra usage they'll get, though...

Maybe you can double down and day it's more of a French Canadian thing?

I don't know why she swallowed the fly...

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This was quite simply the greatest 'not rant' I've read in a long time. Really well reasoned and I completely agree (although, in New Zealand we don't suffer from nearly as much pressure).

One of the things that really keeps me repelled by conventional therapy in business hours is not just the time out from work, but it's the emotional hangover that lasts hours or days in some cases. Fuck trying to pokerface my way through that one - one drop of verbal praise and it'll be the ugly waterworks all over again...