People who were fired on their first day at work/saw somebody get fired their first day at work: What happened that led to the firing? to – 342 points –

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These are great stories, but my only experience has been people mysteriously not showing up for day 2 or 3...

Semi-proud to say that after an intro day showing him the scope of the software, my replacement quit. We tried to tell him in the interview but maybe he just didn’t believe us.

I'm not sure if that's a pride point or not

I'd quit just as soon whether it be a mountain of 10 year old PHP or code for a quantum computer that my puny mind cannot comprehend

Shit I wouldn't mind a job maintaining a mountain of PHP code: high salary, low expectations.

The first full-time job I had was stuffing circuit boards. We got a new person in one day, she was clearly struggling but it seemed like she was trying... She never came back after lunch. I mean, say something or ask questions, any of us would have helped her out.