can anyone tell me wtf this is? to – 399 points –

Found it dead in my dishes


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Thanks for taking the useful approach, rather than parroting the usual drivel

Edit It turns out they feed on bed bugs - surely that should sway a few people.

...And they can detach their legs? I want one!

Just so people who see them aren't worried, they don't just eat bed bugs. They will eat basically any insect that is smaller than they are up to and including spiders. I even saw one eating a yellowjacket once. So having house centipedes in your home doesn't mean that you have bedbugs.

Spiders are creepy but they're not bad either. Get rid of flies and mosquitos

This advice may not apply to Australia but in general, it's true.

Do those giant spiders even make webs?

Actually Huntsman's don't! They're the big hairy brown ones that you've seen carrying mice on social media. They're non-venemous and their whole schtick is that they run to catch their prey. They're incredibly creepy but when I see one I cup+paper it and put it outside. It'll probably find it's way back in eventually but not before taking out a few insects in the process.

I want one!

Don't worry, you already have more than one, probably hiding in the walls.

Unless you live in a high rise building...

They probably have two, regardless of where they live. Unless they are in a wheelchair.

When I lived in a concrete high-rise, I never saw any centipedes. Now that I reside in a mostly wood/drywall house, I've seen at least three.

I lived in that high-rise for ~4 years, I've lived in this house for ~1 year.

I do what I can to leave the centipedes alone so they can do their thing. We also have spiders, which are all considered bro's in our home.

It was a joke on

…And they can detach their legs? I want one!

The "one" can refer to both a leg, as well as a complete centipede.

I realize the joke didn't land at all. Oh well!