2 Post – 212 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I looked this shit up.

From which is a better article than the AP one,

โ€œWith CalRx, we are getting at the underlying cost, which is the true sustainable solution to high-cost pharmaceuticals,โ€ Newsom wrote in a message explaining why he vetoed the bill on Saturday. โ€œWith co-pay caps however, the long-term costs are still passed down to consumers through higher premiums from health plans.โ€

So there's a state backed insulin manufacturer he thinks will drive down prices. He thinks if you were to force insurance companies to bring down the price of insulin then they'd push the price back into consumers through higher costs elsewhere.

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Boss: kids your age are so incredibly arrogant. You think you deserve the world.

Me: we are the same age.

Boss: huh

This actually happened.

I have one dream for Linux. I'm a huge OSS fan and I want to see it thrive.

I think Microsoft should partner with Oracle to make Oracle Linux 9 support all the Microsoft ecosystem. I want AD in Linux. I want Microsoft Word on Linux. Oracle Linux 9 is the obvious successor to RHEL and Microsoft has an opportunity here to build something great.

Lmao just kidding

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Seems like the easiest way to get into a really good school would be to sue, whip up a media frenzy, and frame it through a feminist lens. Write an essay about overcoming adversity by standing up for what is right, no matter the cost.

BOOM easy admissions.

They claimed it was the body of an IDF soldier!

Look at her. She's clearly not a soldier. She's small and slight. Female soldiers are going to have a lot more muscle. She's also a tattoo artist from fucking Germany she is going to have a different accent, language, reaction, and understanding of the situation. The soldier will know why and how to wait for rescue. This woman is probably completely disoriented and has no idea what her options are.

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I curate my feed pretty often so I might be able to help.

The first, and easiest, thing to do is to tell Youtube you aren't interested in their recommendations. If you hover over the name of a video then three little dots will appear on the right side. Clicking them opens a menu that contains, among many, two options: Not Interested and Don't Recommend Channel. Don't Recommend Channel doesn't actually remove the channel from recommendations but it will discourage the algorithm from recommending it as often. Not Interested will also inform the algorithm that you're not interested, I think it discourages the entire topic but it's not clear to me.

You can also unsubscribe from channels that you don't want to see as often. Youtube will recommend you things that were watched by other people who are also subscribed to the same channels you're subscribed to. So if you subscribe to a channel that attracts viewers with unsavory video tastes then videos that are often watched by those viewers will get recommended to you. Unsubscribing will also reduce how often you get recommended videos by that content creator.

Finally, you should watch videos you want to watch. If you see something that you like then watch it! Give it a like and a comment and otherwise interact with the content. Youtube knows when you see a video and then go to the Channel's page and browse all their videos. They track that stuff. If you do things that Youtube likes then they will give you more videos like that because that's how Youtube monetizes you, the user.

To de-radicalize your mom's feed I would try to

  1. Watch videos that you like on her feed. This introduces them to the algorithm.
  2. Use Not Interested and Don't Recommend Channel to slowly phase out the old content.
  3. Unsubscribe to some channels she doesn't watch a lot of so she won't notice.
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Don't buy a new car. New cars are for rich suckers. Cars are the most common type of depreciating asset.

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You know I read these threads and they remind me so much of Reddit. And now I don't know if reddit really got shittier or if the shittiness was always there it was just ignorable. These comments are definitely reddit tier and that's sad for the fediverse.

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Can we take a step back for a second and think about the human condition that led someone to need a moral argument to get off X? What kind of pathetic, fucked up mind do you have where you can't just uninstall the app you have to appeal to morality.

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Personally I don't care what the law says. I'm happy the YouTuber got shot and I am happy the shooter went free.

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The metaverse silicon team? Money really was too cheap in the pandemic.

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Finally someone gives a conversion into a real currency. We usually only get dollars or euros.

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I don't immediately distrust religious people but I do kind of roll my eyes and smirk a little bit on the inside.

When I was 8 I was making a "video game" (a complete bundle of code trash ๐Ÿ˜‰) and I would copy people's code and everything would melt down. I would spend hours debugging just to realize I needed to pass an extra argument or indent or something.

Today I'm better at my job. I am now the one writing confusing function APIs ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend.

"the prison has succeeded in reducing recidivism"

This post reeks of incel.

And what a sweet deal it is for the fall guy.

"Hey we need to roll out an unpopular policy change. If you agree to take the PR hit we'll give you $30 million"

Best gig in a lifetime.

She's Slovenian which is a NATO ally.

I have it on very good authority from some very confident people that all ai art is garbage and easy to identify. So this is an excellent dataset to validate my priors.

What a hill to die on.

I hope it will at least double to shock the system into prioritizing clean energy.

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I bet you if a male student raped someone he wouldn't withdraw the scholarship. It's because she's a woman. Well, not even a woman she's just a girl.

I don't understand why everyone at corporate Amazon is fine with this. I am a white collar corporate sell out asshole and I support unions 100% of the time, full stop.

These analogy answers are weird and not helpful.

OP, they look through telescopes and figure out how far away the stars are. They record it in a little diagram on a computer and eventually they get a good idea of what it looks like from the outside.

Ed is king. Every single time I have to work on a severely resource constrained system I always use Ed.

That's literally never happened to me but that won't stop me from saying it.

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Hmm. That's definitely a compelling argument. Multinational cabal committing a false flag operation to create a racially pure dictatorship.

I have another idea let me know what you think.

Iran has been funneling Hamas weapons for years. There's a supply chain from Iran -> Syria -> Palestine. During the Syrian civil war the Israelis found smuggling tunnels in Palestine and warned about how a destabilized Syrian border is permeable to Iranian weapons. This scale of this attack is likely the result of a persistent effort to stockpile munitions. It is funded by Iran, not Mossad, because Iran explicitly wants to destroy Israel.

Now, my theory isn't quite as cool as yours. Mine is a little boring and yours is like a spy novel.

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You have to pay for kagi so they are not incentivized to serve ads. They are incentivized to give you a good set of search results so you keep paying.

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1000x rule.

10% of users have an account.

10% of accounts vote.

10% of voters comment.

By commenting, you are leaving an impact on the site worth 1000 users.

Nothing will disenchant the followers. This is ammo for them. Their guy is getting "persecuted" by the "evil Democrats and corrupt judges". They are more likely to want to destroy the government because they distrust it.

I mean, IDGAF. Trump delende est. But the Base will never defect.

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This is standard. You always get rid of the upper management. You give them a lot of money and a round of applause and then you put your own people in. Everyone at the top will be Microsoft.

Wow. They did not confirm the super votes affect the algorithm but if they do that's pretty shocking.

Yeah this. Google has no interest in determining if your data is real or not. They don't care. They only care that the customer isn't aware of the scam.

She probably does a lot and then musk inserts himself into random situations and fucks it up. She says "okay eng team build Foo" and then next week Elon goes on a rant and cancels Foo without consulting her.

An aside, it's so fucking easy to become a right wing idol. You literally just say the talking points and now you're part of the gang! It literally is that easy.

'Vote for old white guy #1 or old white guy #2, who cares, neither can relate.

Anyone who actually thinks this way is so far off base it's unbelievable. Politics isn't a personality contest. It's ruthless, calculated pragmatism.

I'm thinking Marianne Williamson this time, though. I don't know if Joe will make it, and I definitely don't want Kamala as president. She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.

This is an incredibly privileged and out of touch opinion. The damage that Republican policies will inflict on this country is egregious and you're going to base your vote on the fact that Kamala put people in jail for weed? This isn't a game. This isn't a happy democracy where we show up and vote for our feelings. This is literally a calculated political exercise. Your attitude is dangerous and by NOT voting for harm-reducing policies you are contributing to a worse America.

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If I were Mossad I'd be ashamed right now. How the fuck did they miss this? The FBI missed 12(?) 9/11 hijackers and it was the fuck up of a lifetime. Mossad missed an ENTIRE MILITARY OPERATION. Wtf?

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Wtf kind of quora are you reading to find neo Nazi shit? I just find people shilling crypto and bad tech advice.

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At some point the security vulnerabilities are a feature, not a bug. Butt plug ransomware is the latest sex toy fad.

In Spanish you have one tamal but two tamales. In English you have one tamale, two tamales. We incorrectly removed the pluralization from tamales and now we have this hybrid word, tamale.

Just pick the 15th most common name of the previous year. Then your kid will be fine.

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