Microsoft published a guide on how to install Linux. to – 1831 points –

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I have one dream for Linux. I'm a huge OSS fan and I want to see it thrive.

I think Microsoft should partner with Oracle to make Oracle Linux 9 support all the Microsoft ecosystem. I want AD in Linux. I want Microsoft Word on Linux. Oracle Linux 9 is the obvious successor to RHEL and Microsoft has an opportunity here to build something great.

Lmao just kidding

You got me, I had my torch and pitchfork ready and my FOSS-themed chanting was growing louder...

You actually can use Active directory with linux

It’s a huge portion and an important technology Linux or not - doesn’t hurt to learn somethin new especially when it’s helpful

I could see that with Ubuntu since they are already throwing money and dev time to support it. Also DoD is already putting out automated STIGs for it.