
2 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Yeah, Missouri republicans tried to make it illegal to get trans related healthcare even as an adult if you had autism. But sure both sides are the same. I guess from their ivory bunker.

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Can't hear but still cause damage?

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The big thing for me is it's a sign there are bugs for them to eat in your walls or house.

It has been going great. I'm really grateful the physical therapist was able to do the first dilating session and guide me on what to do and what I should be feeling. Surgery was on the 20th and it looks great. I don't have a partner at the moment but looking forward to being cleared for that but also bath's.

I talked with them about how it doesn't feel new, like a new TV or car. Like it was always there but stuff was in the way. Dilating 3 times a day does let me know it's new though lol.

Biggest issue is having joint custody of my 4 year old and I can't pick her up. Having to rely on my sister a lot more for a bit but it's nice having her around.

Swelling is down a good amount and I have taken progress pics, deciding where to upload them. My insurance's gender care team called to see how I'm doing which I didn't even know they had. Talked about the surgery and Dr, they know the ones in the Boston area and wanted to see how good the Dr in Chicago was.

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But you already have cops doing that now.

He got his start by his dad's emerald mine, let's see how much he has lost over the years.

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There is laser hair removal and ffs as well.

I mean I would say the same thing but that's because of the Republicans doing their noe-nazi thing.

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That's just apple refusing to use rcs, so it changes to sms, which uses the phone connection, not the data connection.

It's so hard to find a neutral observer when on party keeps trying to drag us back to the dark ages. How do you debate people that think a cosmic entity is personally planning out their lives.

Dilation, small core exercise like tightening the stomach for a few seconds.

Yeah, that's how I felt going in and coming out of bottom surgery.


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I'm wondering if this will happen to me. Had surgery on October 20th and my drive has crashed while being on hrt somewhat.

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Carefirst under blue cross Blue shield

I was on hrt since Aug of 2021, I had laser hair removal at a place that does it with liquid nitrogen spray so it doesn't hurt much.

I don't know about east Coast but rush hospital in Chicago with Dr. Loren Schechter was great. Just had me surgery on September 20th. The long wait is a few things. Getting multiple teams together, it's a long surgery for the Drs so they need rest too, the good ones a lot of people want to go to, aftercare that the Dr provides. Mine was 6 months for consultation and almost a year after that for the surgery, which got pushed back once.

Dilation has been a chore but is very important. Good to get it worked into a routine.

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I mean how did I get checks from Google and Facebook for violating privacy then?

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Walmart CEO definitely relies on taxes, food stamps, WIC, and other programs. ISP CEOs took tax money for Internet upgrades and did nothing. Multiple bailouts for business that they squandered on stock buyback.

Trans woman have lower muscle mass and strength then average cis females after being HRT.

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Would you say the same about poor people living in the hood?

What are they doing?

Ubuntu drama? Don't like snap or something else?

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Dilating is hard enough right now that I think it kills any desire for me.

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Yeah, I'm on the purple one now, orange and yellow were easy and getting apprehensive about keeping up with it. Glad it gets easier.

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Yeah, my dad made a living will and made sure I was comfortable with making him die(right wording?) If he gets that way. Already have a state and legal process, just enjoying time why we have it.

Cheaper, they catch them and hang them upside down, cut the fins and drop them back in the ocean. No disposal, and quicker.

What about gitlab? Isn't that the same as GitHub? If not I'll need to see how they are different.

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Yeah, right now it's 3 times a day, goes down to 2 then 1 and then 1-2 times a week depending on if you have penetrative sex regularly.

Yep, I'm on my last bottle of liquid detergent after I saw his video.

Maybe you are just hot and attracting a lot of cougars.

You can do it without the medicine but it does help get started fully. I got to drops without it, the time it took for pumping was the issue.

I'm not sure what big city you're in but Rush hospital in Chicago would love to have you I think. It's where I got my surgery done.

Controller, playing on keyboard strains my arm muscles.

I want to argue but I remember being in and about to "deploy" to a US city years ago. Some of the dumb fucks were talking about hoping a protester starts something so he can get some hits in.

Like fuck, we should be trying to protect them from the cops not trying to instigate another riot.

I'll have to try it out, I like the monitoring as for my use I didn't need grafana, and the auto update option so I can remove watchtower. I use npm and portaner so this would take care of them as well.

Ahhh, thanks I misunderstood. I do agree but also I have a Plex server. I started it when I worked at blockbuster. Technically even ripping your Blu-rays can be illegal so, you have to find your one morals and not rely on laws.

Yeah, I still had a burst of dysphoria after bottom surgery related to having to diolate 3 times a day.