27 Post – 339 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nah, I can't even do that because every place in my area will straight up say that they will never diagnose an adult with adhd.

I've leterally been sack tapped by a horse and it hurt less than that needle. Of course as soon as the anesthetic actually kicked a moment later it stopped and I was fine. So it only actually felt like my testicles had been injected with everclear via a claw hammer for a very brief moment. Maybe our docs just used a different anesthetic or something.

But, yeah I 100% agree on the recovery. I went and got a few groceries immediately after without issue.

slight pinch in my balls when they gave me the local anesthetic.

Slight pinch? Brother don't sugar coat it. It feels like getting kicked in the sack by a mule. But it's only for a moment and its still 100% worth it.

For me, my vasectomy was probably the single most miserable medical procedure I've ever had performed, but the recovery wasn't bad at all and I would still get it done in a heartbeat.

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You joke but my dad once fell face first into a bonfire and blistered most of his face. When the skin grew back his dermatologist told him that a lot of people would kill for a skin treatment as good as what he wound up with. He was almost entirely blemish and wrinkle free when he healed.

You could probably manage the same with enough hot steam from an iron but it may take a bit longer.

Because you need to handle terrain other than a clear road. When you live somewhere that regularly gets a foot of snow overnight then having a bit of extra ground clearance is a must for navigating that. You also want a bit of extra ground clearance if you need to go off road regularly. The last thing anyone wants is to be out in the boonies and crack their oil pan on a tree stump or something.

Of course, far more people buy SUVs and trucks than actually need them. Also lite trucks would have been the better solution for most people who do actually need them if the EPA hadn't killed them with poorly written standards. With the current wheelbase based efficiency requirements we're left with the choice between sedans that drag the undercarriage on residential speedbumps or a Landbarge 9000 toddler slaughter special with worse sight lines than an abrams tank and the (lack of) fuel efficiency to match.

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That is the dumbest thing. All of my comp sci stuff was open everything because out in the real world you would never be programming without those resources available. I don't see why IT wouldn't be the same. If they are testing your competency then you should have access to the internet just like you would in a job. If they are testing your memory then they should just use a lockdown browser or something.

This makes it sound like it's probably just a defective detector. Swap it with one that hasn't been going off and see if that one starts going off too. If it doesn't then odds are something just failed in it.

You could also just try blowing some air through it to blow out any dust. But it shouldn't be that dusty after only a year so I'm still leaning towards defective.

Fuck Meta and all but this isn't news. Meta litterally said straight up that they would be doing this before threads ever launched. If you have an instagram account then that is also your threads account. This isn't some conspiracy it's exactly what they told everyone they were doing. It's no diferent than linked accounts for google services.

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Yes. But in the same way being hit by a train causes hearing loss.

I mean, if you're starving badly enough you can sometimes completely stop having your period. So in a post apocalyptic setting that one could be kind of believable.

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My impression is just that nobody has the money for it anymore.

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You're asking us to have sympathy for someone who has ruined the lives of millions of people for his own gain and is actively continuing to do so. I hope it's a stroke and I hope it hurts.

Thank you for the actual explanation. That actually makes sense in a very technically correct way. Hopefully they can at least fast track his naturalization.

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The last time he raped someone he was in prison for less than 2 years. Considering that wasn't his first offence I highly doubt that changed him. Also HR is already aware. Apparently they fired the last person who brought it up to them.

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That doesn't change the fact that those titles are click baity as fuck.

I'm assuming that this is a joke but just in case it isn't you need to stop. If you're seen doing this then you will be labeled a sex offender as you should be. Noone consented to being involved in your fetish. Noone is going to be aroused or stop and help. They are going to call the cops and you are going to get arested.

Just to repeat it, do not ever subject anyone to sexual acts without prior explicit consent. Go get therapy now.

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Money is time. When you spend all of your time and energy focusing on working, eating, and sleeping because you're too broke to do anything else, it doesn't leave you with much time or energy to care about christmas.

The economy is just vibes.

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My phone is mostly full of work pictures. It's a tool like any other. I also spend a fair bit of my downtime at work sending anticapitalist shitposts to my boss using said phone.

Anyone who cares about people using their phones at work really needs to join the 21st century.

When people talk about "christians" they always fail to realize that there are hundreds of different denominations. Some are going to be psycho snake swingers or ultra regressive loons. Others are just regular people who believe in god. People always focus on the crazies because the crazies are the ones standing around screeching.

But there are plenty of denominations that are left leaning as fuck because, guess what, Jesus as described in the bible was a socialist hippy who hung out with sex workers, leppers, and other social outcasts. For example the church I always went to was pro same sex marriage as far back as 2005, so long before it was legal in most states (I just don't remember it comming up before that).

So some ultra regressives (like the person who made those comics) are anti-education because they're against anything that doesn't promote their worldview. But I'd say the vast majority of christians aren't like that at all.

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The name of my garrage band.

Factorio. I tried it years ago and it just never clicked. I just started playing it again and suffice it to say I have gotten very little sleep over the past couple weeks.

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Just so people who see them aren't worried, they don't just eat bed bugs. They will eat basically any insect that is smaller than they are up to and including spiders. I even saw one eating a yellowjacket once. So having house centipedes in your home doesn't mean that you have bedbugs.

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Have you tried actually reading what they said instead of just making shit up?

Excited Delerium doesn't exist. No actual medical body recognizes it as an actual disorder. It is a term coined solely by police to give an excuse for why someone died in their care.

Who in their right mind would think they need to declare a sandwich?

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I just deadname it and call it twitter. I will continue to do so until it dies just like I do with facebook.

Technically EMS doesn't diagnose. We assess and treat symptoms to keep the patient stable until we can get them to a medical facility. Of course there are things that are blindingly easy to diagnose and generally most doctors won't tell you "you can't diagnose that open femur fracture, that's my job". But officially the line has always been that we don't diagnose so when we are recording and reporting things we will typically say something like "the patient is showing symptoms of XYZ" rather than "the patient has XYZ".

When it comes to dealing with police officially they are the only people that can involuntarily commit someone (at least in my area). And officially EMS has to respect that decision however that doesn't always happen. There used to be a cop in my area that used to try to do that to anyone who "was problematic" and that officer got really used to hearing no from EMS. Other times EMS works with police is when there is a danger on the scene. For example if you're called out for a gunshot wound and it is suspected that the gunman is still there then you don't go in. You stage a block or two away and let the blue canaries clear the place first.

If somebody is threatening your life for your stuff then they are still threatening your life. Their motive doesn't change the fact that they are threatening to kill you.

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So maybe I'm just stupid but, couldn't they already arrest people entering the US illegally considering it is, ya know, illegal? This just seems like posturing by abbot.

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If that's what it is the the way they're doing it is beyond obnoxious because I can't just block the whole thing. If I wanted reddit comments then I would be using reddit.

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precision flathead screwdriver

Ah yes. Just like my precision printer adjustment mallet.

Romney has always struck me as one of the better conservatives. He still has some profoundly dumb ideas but I genuinely think he actually believes all the shit he says and is just very sheltered. There have been a few times where he has said some stupid shit (mainly about reproductive health) and was later corrected by one of his staff so he backtracked on what he said. Out of all of the conservatives he has shown the greatest ability to admit when he is wrong and change his behavior. I still wouldn't vote for the guy normally but if the choice was between him an any of the other republicans then I would probably vote for him. He is the shiniest shit in the turd sandwich.

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Hey, save some representation for us ace folks. Not every show/movie needs to have the main character smashing pissers with someone. Let close queer platonic friends just be what they are.

The texture is missing because you didn't install counterstrike source.

Hit a man with a fish and maybe he'll leave you alone.

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To be fair, per chrystian mythos, god didn't create humans with original sin. Eve caused original sin by eating the forbidden fruit. Before that humans were completely sinless like other animals. Now why god created a temptation sin tree is a better question.

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You aren't seeing the focus of "science" you are seeing the focus of the news.

There is scientific focus is on all superconductors. This particular one just happens to have made the news because it's possible it superconducts at room temp which would be ideal. But the real reason this one excites the scientific community is because it uses a completely novel approach and regardless of if this particuar compound works or not, this new approach shows a ton of promise for making new superconductors.

That also doesn't mean that there isn't other superconductor research being done elsewhere as well. The global scientific community isn't one monolithic institution; it is thousands of individual labs all over the world each of which has their focus. Even while this one compound is being studdied there are also a dozen others being studied at the same time. Those studies just dont make the news because marginal gains aren't as flashy. If a news outlet posted an article about a new metalic superconductor with a critical temp above -196C the average person wouldn't care even though scientifically speaking that would be a huge deal because that high of a temp means you can cool it with liquid nitrogen instead of liquid helium. News outlets are in the entertainment business now. If the average person won't find a story interesting then they won't write it.

Also as it is we already have superconductors that operate well above -269C such as BSCCO which superconducts at -163C which is well above the boiling point of nitrogen. The issue with current "high temp" superconductors like BSCCO is that they are ceramics rather than metalic which means they are poor materials to make wire out of. There is also research being done on making those ceramic superconductors work in applications such as MRI units.

Depleted uranium is far more hazardous because it's a heavy metal than because it's still very slightly radioactive. It's an alpha emitter so the radiation won't penetrate your skin. You can handle DU constantly and not have any issues unless you breathe it in or swallow it at which point the primary concern is going to be acute heavy metal poisoning, not the cancer it may or may not cause several years down the road.

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This right here is a big one. I live in a college town in Minnesota and the students from out of state are absolute mennaces on the road in winter. My dad used to plow snow for one of the local universities. He had multiple students drive directly head on into his plow because they never cleared off any of their windshield before they started driving down the road. Luckily the snow plow tends to handily win in those situations and the plow trucks all had dash cams for exactly that reason.

You also get the people who think they're invincible in the snow because they're driving a 4 wheel drive truck. Newsflash, 4 wheel drive doesn't mean you stop any better and it doesn't do much when you're on glare ice.

Similarly people who haven't dealt with snow have no idea what to do when they do start sliding. So many people will just hit the brakes when they start to slide, which anyone who is familiar with winter driving should know that is the exact thing you never want to do.

Snow tires are another big one. I drive a tiny crappy rear wheel drive pickup but as long as I have a good set of snow tires on it and a few sand bags in the bed of the truck, then it still out performs any other vehicle with all weather tires in the snow.