Gender Rule to – 197 points –

I want one of these but in enby colors

Assuming your parents are cis it's the dad's sperm that determines sex.

Which is different from gender. But the joke is funnier with mom anyway.

Yea but sex typically is the gender assigned from birth, except for intersex people who are usually put through SRS against their will (the anti trans crowd never mentions that when trying to ban gender affirming care for minors as "mutilation")

no, i stole it from a dude with the same name as me who stole my gender at the same time

Funny this is how I felt even as a kid

All the masculine values I learned turned out to just be adulting and expected of everyone not privileged.

The general masculinity crisis of the alt-right in 2016 finally drove me to disavow the M on my state ID.

Somewhere 2019-2020 I learned the term gender apathy, well into my fifties.