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Having recently migrated from Reddit (and kept up with commercial social media hacks) I'm used to Nothing To See Here! We totally didn't store your personal information in plaintext for hackers to snatch. Oh and maybe please change your passwords. All Part Of The Show!

So, by comparison, the response here is downright heartwarming.

If this lawsuit is ruled in favor of the plaintiff, it might lead to lawsuits against those who have collected and used private data more maliciously, from advertisement-targeting services to ALPR services that reveal to law enforcement your driving habits.

The nice way to beat fascism is to make it less appealing. When families live in precarity or in poverty, they start looking to blame someone. Sometimes it's obvious, like billionaires forcing workers to pee in bottles.

In response, the affluent elite utilize their resources to create a propaganda campaign to blame scarcity on already-marginalized groups (in the US and UK, the rising genocide of transfolk is an example). Hangry communities feeling insecure + Tucker Carlson spewing hatred every night leads to fascist action.

Note that it works because its instinctive. We don't like living in societies with more than a hundred people, even when it means we get infrastructure like running potable water or internet or electricity or food at our grocery stores so we don't have to farm and hunt, ourselves. We actually have to train ourselves to live and let live, and not start a centuries-long family feud every time someone cuts us off on the freeway.

Social safety nets and better standards of living can pull people out of poverty and precarity, so they don't feel they have to begrudge everyone outside their front door.

Otherwise, we're going to keep trying to organize labor, and in response, the companies are going to try to distract with hate campaigns. Remember Trump commandeered the GOP in 2015 and 2016 because he gave permission to hate while the other candidates wanted to just continue to quietly oppress with code-worded fears. Even if we quash Trump, they'll find new Mussolini-wanabes to back and worship, and eventually they'll start a civil war.

If we don't want the civil war, we need to make shit less bad for the 80% living paycheck-to-paycheck (or worse) and we need to reform elections so that their outcomes are better informed by the interests of the public (not the elite). Or at least that's what CIA analysts (retired) interviewed on PBS think.

Once civil war breaks out, though, or they're harassing marginalized people and committing hate crimes, yeah, feel free to [REDACTED] off the face of the earth. And anytime a law is passed or a rule is adjudicated that retracts a civil right, remember that is violence.

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Youtube's ad policy is abusive, and online ads are not always safe. Regardless of whether adblocking is legal or fair to Youtube, not doing so puts you at greater risk of malware insertion so is a necessary safety precaution.

As YouTube profits from your engagement through more than ads, YouTube still benefits even when you watch videos without ads.

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The point of the prisoner's dilemma is how we are prone to cooperate with others even when it's to our advantage to betray the other guy (even when it's a stranger, or someone we don't like too much.)

Partially, because fuck cops. Whether we're arrested by law enforcement or Nazis (or are wolves fighting off a bear), we hate the bastards more than we distrust our fellow heister.

But as I hinted above, our instinct to stay loyal has evolved since long before we walked upright. Think of the prisoner's dilemma as a recurring thing (because it is, even if the exact specific circumstances are not repeated) the tribe stays more coherent, and more survive if we don't leave our fellow dwarves behind (Rock and Stone!). If we left our buddies to die rather than risk ourselves to rescue them, we'd run out of buddies.

So we never take the deal. Besides which, in the US, you can't trust law enforcement anyway. They are legally allowed to lie to you to secure a confession, even a false one. And they will. Shut up and ask for your lawyer.

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Yes. In order to run pirated content I had to run through a couple of hours of troubleshooting to disable the Microsoft anti-malware software, which would quarrantine and refuse to restore software without consent.

Pluton is a new name and may be Windows 11. Hopefully you can uninstall it with a third-party utility (windows utilities won't let you, and doing it by hand involves mucking around with the registry.l

I'm going to make the switch to Linux once I can brave it because Windows is malware and spyware and getting worse with each iteration.

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I'd think that we're here for the quality of our experience and not for loyalty to a specific platform. Lemmy has some great advantages, especially for those of us fresh from Reddit who are sick and tired of corporate shennanigans and enshitification.

There's lemmy politics which seems about disagreements that may or may not lead to defederating. But this isn't for me a dealbreaker, and Reddit corporate made it super clear that it was on the side of the conservatives even if it found their hate speech brand-unsafe. My kind were not liked, and we could expect spittle in our drinks now and again.

So what would woo me away from Lemmy? Only if I found subs of my interests that I couldn't find here, and then I'd haunt both platforms.

Piracy is midnight oyster and clam harvesting without a license to break the oyster cartel, making restaurant oysters and clams more available and cheaper to customers.

It is from this grand tradition along the US West Coast that the notion of media piracy rose, and much like the Golden Age of Piracy robbing the Spanish Silver Train, piracy is associated with snatching ill-gotten gains from those who don't deserve it, sometimes benefiting communities that do. (YMMV).

Media Piracy is copyright infringement, which is totally not stealing.

The US Supreme Court taking content out of the public domain so that it can be reserved for private use isn't stealing either, but it causes more harm than piracy.

Currently there are an awful lot of bills currently in process in federal or state legislation in the US that aim to restrict healthcare, education, legal recognition, access to gender-separated public spaces and so on. Furthermore, hate crimes against trans folk, and suicides by transgender persons are at elevated levels and have been since 2016.

It may be specific to the US, the UK, Australia and a handful of other countries, but right now a lot of bad shit is going on. Yes.

Do I know when it was last this bad? No.

Um, the frost giants built the rainbow by hand and are done with it after the götterdämmerung of Ásgarðr. They made it pretty taking pride in their workmanship and welcome public use.

Aside from hippies LGBT+ symbology and Apple Computer circa 1970s, the rainbow was used in the 1980s by the video tape industry to represent the brilliant color replication of of it products.

The rainbow shown to Noah is only a single use after the fact.

Also, as if Adonai didn't rip off Hephaestus' designs for Zeus' thunderbolts. Divine intellectual piracy runs rampant.

PS: The dwarves engineered their own thunderhammer for Thor, independent of Hephaestus, though they admit it is not a perfect build.

Actually I went from moderate liberal to pinko-tree-hugging-anarchist-commie-radical thing.

Some folks did the math For me, it was watching shit go down in Ferguson 2014 and then realizing this what America looks like a bit too often. Next thing I knew, I was outraged and reading Das Kapital and singing glorious Bolshevik anthems.

To be fair the big three (Ford, GM, Chrysler) made some politicians very rich suppressing light and cross country high speed passenger rail, also public transit all across the nation.

The US (through its deeply corrupted electoral system) totally bought that ticket to ride that train... so to speak.

As the Golden Age of Islam came to a close in the 14th century,astronomers and algebraists were persecuted as sorcerers the way herbalists and brewmistresses were sometimes persecuted in the west as witches.

The scribbles and charts of mathematicians and star watchers did their part to inform the magics and mysticism of the later years.

Math is sometimes sorcery, and yes, brewing booze is sometimes witchcraft.

To answer your question, for the non-tech-savvy having to pick a server is, yes, too much of a leap. We are conditioned in the industrialized capitalist world against making decisions we don't understand.

If we want to market it, we could make a wizard that randomly designates a server from a set of cooperating servers. Include also reminders that a user can join multiple servers and each one has separate rules (say, regarding posting NSFW material even to appropriate communities.)

I just talked to a Redditor who was entirely unfamiliar with the recent changes at Reddit.

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We also get little conversation about how copyright extensions and patent trilling robs the public use of public-domain content, especially when the Mouse is lobbying the federal government to extend rights further.

They're coming for the communists now.

When they come for the trade-unionists and Jews, my neighbors will have long stoned the trail to my door.

And when they come for the rest of my neighborhood, no one will understand how they knew about dinner-table thoughts of dissent or wavering patriotism.

I think the abortion and trans kids situations are putting into sharp relief the danger of large third parties knowing too much about us. Facebook is absolutely scanning its servers for signs of unwanted pregnancies and relaying that information to red state law enforcement. Other platforms may be doing the same thing.

Women in the US are advised not to use period-tracker apps, given they do often sell the data they glean, and don't discriminate against far-right interests. And anti-abortion organizations are shopping.

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I think Sonic is immune to acceleration injury, and would laugh at sustained 10gs of force.

I like that the sun serves us many of our god tropes.

  • It hurts to look directly at Helios.
  • Helios beams us life-giving energy consistently, day to day, year-to-year epoch-to-epoch.
  • A very long time ago Helios burped (CME) and toasted all the surface life. No one knows what made Helios so upset or if They'll do it again. (small CMEs are common and give us Aura Borealis. One during the telegraph age might cook our satellite arrays if it recurs.)
  • In contrast to Helios, the rest of the solar system is about th3 size of a blood draw. The earth is a smear on a microscope slide.
  • Spend too long in the presence of Helios and we get burned. We cant survive more than seconds in the unprotected presence of Helios.
  • Without Helios, we'd quickly freeze and die.

This is not a unique problem, as California history teems with lesbians changing their name to Morgana Labiablossom or Neopagans to Bridget Oaksparkle when when they cross a personal reckoning. Since it's super important to them, we practice in front of a mirror until we can say the name without giggling.

I wonder if that is what inspired Tungsteena Zarpedon.

Most IP owners didn't create what they have, but bought it off someone else. I have little pity for rich people.

I've had this conversation with more than one girlfriend, typically talking about the conflict between having a migraine, taking medication to not hurt and the boss wants her at work pronto (45 minute commute by car).

(I'm sick -- and infectious -- and too nauseous to walk without meds) + (boss wants me at my station) is also an expression that has seen action from time to time.

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Does the game just disappear if it was never cracked?

Considering there are tons of games that are no longer supported, the answer is yes, the game customer is left to the elements when the publisher decides they're done. And with the current DMCA, we're not even legally allowed to break DRM for legal purposes (such as to play games we bought when the DRM is no longer supported.)

Curiously, it does send a message for the determined end user that legality is only for suckers (or for companies who have to operate within the constraints of licensing). Curiously, Windows 10 and 11 depend on the ignorance of upper management regarding the degree to which Microsoft has surveillance access, since companies don't get to medium-sized without having a few skeletons in the accounting closet. I'm surprised so few companies haven't switched to Linux Red Hat (which has a similar support package) but then Red Hat is going through its own scandals right now.

Anyway, if your game is popular, you can expect the old version to be supported until the redux comes out. If it's a niche game produced by a company that the publisher bought a while ago and would like to forget, yes, it'll disappear into the aether as you watch.

I think companies just started outsourcing to contract workers who can't afford legitimate software, so that when they sue the guy for piracy, he's just poor. His life may be ruined by the suit, but the company is fine.

Edit: Fixed sentence cohesion

I'd say society is better off with no IP related temporary monopoly than the system we have. There are enough instances where creators die penniless and publishers make all the profits to suggest there already is no financial incentive for an inventor to invent. Like Goodyear, they do it more as a hobby or in the interest of society.

Maybe if we had social safety nets so everyone not rich wasn't desperate, we might be able to have a robust innovation sector that was less focused on using law to screw competitors and consumers.

Concrete is processed food. Imported fresh igneous is good for digestion.

Can you link to the article please so I can read it. I don't want the article to be sad.

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That doesn't look like it has the action necessary to discharge a round. Blue states may find it in bad taste but legal.

The TSA will confiscate it quick as lightning, though (and an officer will pilfer it from evidence and use it at home)

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Show me a baby Hitler and I'll make sure he gets into Venice Art Academy...

And Earnst Röhm starts NSDAP anyway. Göring gets radicalized by Himmler (and probably still orders Röhm executed). The Nuremberg laws still get passed aroung 1935. Heydrich and Eichmann still create the German genocide machine in 1941-1942.

Göring might be better at listening to his generals, prolonging the war. Göring may choose to expand west Revenge for the Versailles treaty rather than the pure hatred of Slavs and Rus....

Sadly, fascist uprisings are about shitty circumstances more than charismic strongman leaders. And when we raise kids to be good statespersons they get filtered out by the hidden oligarchs. See the DCCC response to Occasio-Cortez' primary victory.

What we can do is start La Résistance right now. Small things like defacing propaganda, disrupting communication and transportation of authorites and law enforcement. Start tiny. Watch for opportunities to use the chaos of overcomplexity to sabotage the bastards. Think it through, how they might catch you, and how you will mitigate their tail.

Once Musk took over Twitter, and he opened his day with firing half his staff, we kinda knew he was going to enshittify Twitter into irrelevance. Now we're watching as the world catches up and seeks alternative platforms for general announcements.

Queer up!

Hermetic magic keeps away the literal Grim Reaper while Asclepieian medicine strives to keep your body whole.

This hospital engages in necromancy.

Can I ask what comic this is? It smacks of QC but I don't recognize any of the characters. Also no robots.

The system looks to use you as an expendable, replaceable, disposable part, likely for the vanity project of some billionaire.

Your story is how you break the cycle and subvert the system to express your own interests.

Witches and Nuns have pocket secrets. And secret pockets!

Now for most sources of media it's more ethical to pirate their content than obtain it legitimately.

Though granted, if you want to hurt the company more than by pirating their content, you can by not pirating their content.

(Sadly, as seen with The Wizard Game, people are not so motivated to walk away from their beloved franchises. So ⛵️🏴‍☠️🦜⚔️🌊)

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TIL the star of life...

...the blue asterisk used to indicate a first-aid station,...

...held in reserve by the US NHTSA for universal use..

...after Red Cross got overprotective with its IP (such as suggesting the Red Cross shouldn't be used in video games or on most ambulances)...

...is punk and radical.