
1 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The problem with any youtube competitor is that there is no way in hell they can cover the costs of the infrastructure required to host the same amount of videos youtube has and streaming them to the millions of users youtube serves daily.

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It would be hilarious for the US and/or the EU freeze his assets and punch his market influence to the ground if they accuse him of espionage.

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"I use Linux as my operating system," I state proudly to the unkempt, bearded man. He swivels around in his desk chair with a devilish gleam in his eyes, ready to mansplain with extreme precision. "Actually", he says with a grin, "Linux is just the kernel. You use GNU+Linux!' I don't miss a beat and reply with a smirk, "I use Alpine, a distro that doesn't include the GNU Coreutils, or any other GNU code. It's Linux, but it's not GNU+Linux."

The smile quickly drops from the man's face. His body begins convulsing and he foams at the mouth and drops to the floor with a sickly thud. As he writhes around he screams "I-IT WAS COMPILED WITH GCC! THAT MEANS IT'S STILL GNU!" Coolly, I reply "If windows were compiled with GCC, would that make it GNU?" I interrupt his response with "-and work is being made on the kernel to make it more compiler-agnostic. Even if you were correct, you won't be for long."

With a sickly wheeze, the last of the man's life is ejected from his body. He lies on the floor, cold and limp. I've womansplained him to death.

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It is worse when you're an anarchist. Best case, they say you're a socialist. Worst case, they say you're an extremist rioter.

Both are not true, but the later couldn't be further from it.

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A surprisingly increasing number of companies seem to be making suicide sprints lately.

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I don't think even a decentralized service could hold a mass equal to youtube. That would require that either the owners of all instances pay from their own pockets with mostly no income to support it, or that every user paid up, which is not going to happen, at least not in a service like youtube.

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Adobe needs to stay the hell away, full stop.

Essentially, Hbomberguy dug up every skeleton on this guy's closet and went to town on them, identifying and tracking down most, if not all of the original authors of the works this fucker plagiarized. And the internet blew the video sky high, which made a lot of eyes turn to this guy's actions, in the wrong way (for him).

I don't think he'll do a day in prision. From what I see from American posts, your justice system is all kinds of fucked and plagued with corruption.

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Amazing what a team of passionate people can do when they work on things they like to work on, instead of a soulless corporation cash grab.

That is the third branch to the right: Does God fear you?

What a terrible day to be able to read.

Now we just need to invent a way to read the Void of Nothingness to retrieve the data and bam! Infinite storage.

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I am not even American, but I do know that the US Army budget makes the NASA budget look like pocket change.

I'd say you're focusing on the wrong sector..

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Not a supernatural creature, but I've never seen someone so committed to something, let alone pretending to be a character, like a friend I have.

So, for context, I have a friend who disagreed with his Dramatic Arts professor on how a character had to be played (or something like that) on the first class of the year, and apparently after some arguing, the professor challenged my friend to attend to any business he needed to do in the campus as normal, but portraying a character, any of his choosing, for the rest of the year. And god damn, he did. For the rest of the year, he bought a Victorian era costume, complete with cane and top hat, learned many quirks of the language at the time, and many of the behaviors of society. And Sir Marcus Godwin was born.

He went full in-character mode. He talked using the time's English, walked like a gentleman, and behaved like he was a Victorian era man who was time travelled into the present. It was really hard not to laugh, specially when he spoke, with professors trying REALLY hard not to laugh. I think the DA professor must have warned all other professors of the classes my friend had, because I'm surprised he wasn't expelled of any of them. But he made it to the end of the year nonetheless and not only did he get the max grade on that class (which apparently was nearly impossible with that professor), but also got a fuck ton of money on bets he made along the year.

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"The bar was so low it was a tripping hazard in hell, and yet here you are, Limbo dancing with the devil."

The terms can say that your firstborn shall be sacrificed to an Eldritch Deity by accepting them, but that doesn't mean it's enforceable.

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Well that's one way to start the day. This deserves a drink! Now where did I put the bleach?.

Not just "The Truth", but "The Absolute Truth"!

Things can still take a turn. There are a fuck ton and a half of pull requests still not pushed on the main branch that fopefully fix many issues.

Also, lemmy has been in development for quite a bit longer, so I wouldn't give up on kbin yet. At least I won't.

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I can't believe Barbenheimer became such a phenomenon it has it's own Wikipedia page.

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wouldn't be that difficult.

The amount of times I said that only to be quickly proven wrong by the fundamental forces of existence is the reason that's going to be written on my tombstone.

Definitely living the moment, cause it won't be more than that.

Anything that get even near crypto might make a lot of content creators think twice before moving. I know I would.

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Look at this fancy guy using an abacus. Everyone knows the superior way is to harness your own mind as your computer.

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Except pranksters, those can rot in hell.

Bu there's no sense crying over every mistake

We just keep on trying till we run out of cake.

I've seen some pretty fucked up teams in IT. If she burned the wrong bridges, she can be all kinds of fucked.

Why, hello there Anakin.

Someone could have hidden something malicious within your ideas, better create a whole new conceptual system.

You fool! I already know what SCP-001 truly is!


He kept fucking WHAT now by his bed?

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So, a few years back, probably a bit more than a decade, there was one hell of a conflict on the village I lived, with gangs every corner and tensions rising. The police didn't do shit and crime was through the roof. One day, one of the gang leaders was murdered and a whole war between the gangs developed. And instead of fucking helping, the government decided to isolate the place, no one in and no one out, fuck the civilians. A week into this war, explosives were used to destroy buildings and spread chaos, both from the gangs and military alike. Me and my family hid wherever we could, but it was never enough to be safe for a long period of time. Three of my family members died during the first week, trying to find food. Then the military decided to make an assault with everything they had and raided the entire place. Me, and everyone else, ran for our lives or hid on any building they could. I hid on a small house, but it was not built using the best of materials, and it collapsed over me due to a bomb detonating nearby. I woke up on a hospital about a month later with a broken leg.

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R.I.P Aaron Swartz. The world did not deserve you.

So, straight out of 1984?

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As Michael Jordan once said, "Fuck them kids", and therefore, fuck them Governmental Agencies.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't algorithms like Huffman or even Shannon-Fano code with blocks already pack the files as efficiently as possible? It's impossible to compress a file beyond it's entropy, and those algorithms get pretty damn close to it.

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Jesus fucking Christ, and I thought politicians on my country were bad.

It took me an embarrassing long time to process the word "shower" in that phrase lol.