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How about an investigation into precisely whos idea the union busting was and subsequently prison sentences for those responsible?

Fines don't hurt the rich like they do us. But we all have the same (give or take) lifespans. 5 years in prison hurts a billionaire more than any fine you could levy.

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I'm really tired of hearing "you don't own it you own a license to it" like it's some revelation for people complaining. We're aware that the system has been constructed to benefit media companies at the expense of consumers.

To be honest; I never really bought the argument anyway. From a legal standpoint I don't give half a shit. From a layman's standpoint it's bullshit. Nowhere do they use terms like "rent" or "lease". They explicitly use terms like "buy" and it's not until the fine print that the term license even comes up.

They know they're pissing on you and telling you it's raining and the goobers doing their legwork by repeating the sentence like they just came up with it annoy me to no end.

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Should have been adult child sized

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Truth. You can't be afraid of upsetting the perpetually upset. Even if you do nothing they'll just invent something to be mad about.

Yesterday, I shared some spicy takes. A few were particularly controversial—most notably, that I correct Gif the correct way (with a soft G)

And I stopped reading there.

Imagine trying to refuse to be arrested

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If only more workers could stand up for themselves in unison. Like some united front. But what could we call it?

Donating to the strike fund was a brilliant way of evening out the impact. You weren't attending out of choice anyway but I hope your donation eases your conscience nonetheless.

Conspiracy theories pushed by conservatives who banned stem cell research claimed that people like Michael J Fox and Christopher Reeves drank the stem cells from aborted foetuses to rejuvenate themselves.

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No one here is justifying Hamas you absolute goober

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One thing that I hate about VLC (hasn't made me drop it in 15 years but alas) is that you can hit E to go forward one frame but there's no key (nor capacity to set your own) to go back one frame.

Is it a niche use case? Sure probably. But not having the option to set one myself kills me whenever I frameskip one too far and have to shift-left and mash E again.

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Mullvad has this built into their client

If your website doesn't work with non-chromium browsers your website doesn't work.

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It's not early access. It's late access if you don't pony up the extra.

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For me it's a few points. When you discover the day of Lavos, when you take the fight to Magus' keep, when you first visit Zeal, and when you get the wings of time are all some of my favourite moments.

We're not here to fuck spiders

Hollywood accounting. None of them make a "profit" because they're taxed on profits. Now it's possible that they really are losing 180 million (a lot of startups like uber coast on investors with the assumption they'll turn a profit at some point) but I wouldn't take their word at face value.

I'm sorry but the idea of changing Master/Slave to Manager/Worker is so funny to me.

God I worked at a bar that played NWA but with the naughty words bleeped out. It's a fucking bar! First of many problems with that place.

Absolutely. I wash them in the sink with my dishes. I throw them when they tear and can't properly seal. They're not hard to wash if you just invert them and treat them like a dish.

I bulk buy them from Costco so the cost isn't a factor. I just don't like throwing out plastics after one use. Also when I DO dispose of them; I tear the sides open so they're not likely to trap anything in landfill. Probably not important but it's a habit I picked up when cutting six pack rings and fingers off of torn dish gloves.

the sky is just this mushy grey noise

You might even say it's the colour of television, tuned to a dead channel

In my personal case the reason is because steadily smartphone prices have crept up and up to the point where I'm paying more for a 2 year old Z Fold than I would for a brand new Note 7 on launch day.

Wouldn't you know, when inflation hurts my wallet, the first thing I cut is unnecessary luxury expenses like the latest Smartphone. I'm due for an upgrade but I'm not inclined to drop 1200 on a new phone when my Note 10+ is running like new.

Blockchain > Crypto > NFTs > LLMs > whatever's next.

These people will always be sniffing around for the next big thing to oversell and fleece their audience.

Putting aside how petty this idea is; there are also people in Florida who didn't vote for Trump and you'd be fucking them over too.

It took them like 4 years and an attempt at ending US democracy for them to step in with the_Donald

They didn't corroborate that Israel let this happen as justification to level Gaza. That's the conspiracy theory the user above is urging not to spread.

My gripe with Jellyfin is that there isn't a functional app for my shitbox Toshiba Amazon TV. I'm open to alternatives but that's a must for me. Plex is also fairly user friendly which is important for sharing my library with my relatives.

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Quest for Camelot was a banger. I think it's in NSO actually. The sword swing sound effect is burned into my DNA.

Oh I can download and install apks through the shitty browser on the tv. If there's a functional app that has an equivalent UX to the Plex TV app I'd be open to trying it.

the existence of a soil is unfalsifiable, so I wouldn't be able to prove or disprove my clain.

As is the existence of the great juju on top of the mountain or the existence of goglack the toenail king who lives under your bathroom sink. The unfalsifiable nature of a claim doesn't warrant it any extra consideration.

IIRC what made the immortal announcement so incendiary was that fans were anticipating a Diablo IV announcement and Blizzard had teased something Diablo related. Had they just said "btw Diablo 4 is in production, in the mean time check this out" it would have gone over much much better.

Loving it so far!

My only complaint is that I can't use my own music. I literally just want to add in the JSRF OST!

Official protocols aside; this is exactly what would happen lmao

Of course it is. That's what makes a fan theory!

Oh Reddit for sure had it. Jailbait was a big one and IIRC spez was a mod of it. It eventually picked up news attention and they axed it but it was a huge sub for a shockingly long time.

Wasn't the reason why Reddit got big though.

Agreed. I'm not charging you fuckers rent so you better keep to yourselves.

If you want the privilege of engaging with the paying tenants then you better pony up your share of the rent or get the hell out of my house.

Actually Huntsman's don't! They're the big hairy brown ones that you've seen carrying mice on social media. They're non-venemous and their whole schtick is that they run to catch their prey. They're incredibly creepy but when I see one I cup+paper it and put it outside. It'll probably find it's way back in eventually but not before taking out a few insects in the process.

Egg and my face are in alignment.

"you rip what you saw.

You reap what you sew.

As in; you harvest the plants that grew from the seeds you planted.

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