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Joined 11 months ago

You should report it to the Bundesnetzagentur, spam calls are illegal.


Server's down :(

The election system distorts the vote quite dramatically in the US, that's true.

However, depending on where you're from left has quite a different meaning from what Americans mean when they say left. E.g. the Democrats don't want to dismantle capitalism or expropriate real estate companies (the city of Berlin seriously looked into this option). Center left has a similar shift in meaning in other countries.

I bet AI detection is going to get a lot better over time.

I doubt it. ChatGPT 3.5 is good enough to rewrite small snippets of text with better phrasing, ChatGPT 4.0 can write a paragraph if given enough support. Good enough as in "the output is indistinguishable from what a human would have written.

Of course you can do even more with the currently available tools - and get found out.

There is a way to make AI generated text detectable: by slightly pushing the output towards a consistent pattern a detector can reliably judge long pieces of text as AI generated.
Imagine if the AI is biased towards consecutive words starting with consecutive letters of the alphabet (e.g. "a blue car" instead of "a navy vehicle".). Not strongly biased, but enough so that when there are 1000 words you can look at the probability of consecutive words starting with consecutive letters of the alphabet and get a clear result.

There are two problems though: this only works with proprietary systems and only with long texts.

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Yes, but at some point it doesn't matter. The AI is trained to replicate human writing. There will be a point where it becomes so good that the result is a perfect replica, where it is indistinguishable from human text. I.e. even a perfect detector will not be able to confidently declare it as AI written, not ever. Because there is no difference.

It's a more easily readable drop in for A and B. And it being convention helps remove one unfamiliar element from a new topic.

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Which is awesome, because every number up halves the size. This, combined with the standard way that paper weights are given (e g. 80g/m2) allows you to easily calculate how much a piece of paper weights: 1 A4 80g/m2 weighs 5g (1/2^4 * 80g)

We already have AI in Firefox. And not gonna lie, offline (I.e. absolutely private) translations for webpages is pretty neat.

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I read rust as the programming language for way too long reading that article, lmao.

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I'd imagine a sedative overdose is the best way to go. First you get unconscious due to the sedative and once you don't feel anything anymore your heart stops beating.

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You mean in the same way that there is no centrifugal force?

Technically right, but doesn't matter if you are in the rotating frame of reference.

How much from tires when braking? I was under the impression that tires (edit: cats!) produce more pm2.5 from tires than brakes, which in turn account for more than the exhaust.

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Nothing, you don't need to do anything particularly good to deserve the metric system. It is given free of charge to all people!

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No, the request is fine. But once it fucks up and starts generating a long string of a single number the output is censored, because it is similar to how a recent data extraction attack works.

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Your neighbors in the north have something like that already. Alaska redistributes income from oil companies to their people. IIRC it's only ~150$ per month, but that's pretty good nonetheless!

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but youre not recalling your remotely-transmitted posts anymore than you can recall the words you shout on a street corner.

That is true, but the user must still have the ability to delete all their comments. The fact that someone could have scraped the data is irrelevant.

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A major concern has been busing. Even in normal times, districts use the same buses and drivers for students of all ages. They stagger start times to do that, with high schoolers arriving and leaving school earliest in the day. The idea is that they can handle being alone in the dark at a bus stop more readily than smaller children, and it also lets them get home first to help take care of younger siblings after school.

If high schools started as late as middle and elementary schools, that would likely mean strain on transportation resources. O'Connell said Nashville's limited mass transit compounds the problem.

Are staggered start times common in America?

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I don't think that math worked out for them. After season 8 GoT just vanished from the public mind, at least in my experience. The show was so terrible in the end, they would have made a lot more money in a 5 year hiatus selling merch than they got from running the show to completion.

Compare it to the lord of the rings for example. They got a rescan, color correction, more bonus content and a 4k release 20 years after the first movie came out. I doubt we will get anything comparable for game of thrones. No one pulls out the DVDs to watch game of thrones once a year. Plenty of LOTR fans do.

I'm pretty sure it's a chameleon. But same, didn't need to change.

Afaik tiktok also heavily censors topics that are considered bad publicity or whatever. In fact, considering that this self-censor trend (edit: this type of self censor trend that utilizes cutting out vowels instead of using euphemisms or not using the words at all) is much much younger than YouTube or Instagram (at least I noticed it only a few months, maybe one or two years ago) I'd say the American companies weren't even the driving force behind it.

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It also fails to mention how the accident rate compares to human drivers.

That may be because Tesla refuses to publish proper data on this, lol.

Yeah, they claim it's ten times better than a human driver, but none of their analysis methods or data points are available to independent researchers. It's just marketing.

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There is only one meaning of the word python: the snake and the programming language!

There are only two meanings of the word python: the snake, the programming language and the British satire group!

There are only three meanings of the word python: the snake, the programming language, the British satire group and the peni..

We'll come in again!

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I'm pretty sure FCK NZS and NZS BXN existed before FCK AFD stickers. In fact, the AFD one is an outlier, because it doesn't follow the "remove all vowels" rule.

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Whenever I read Mötley Crüe I have to think of this:

When we finally went to Germany, the crowds were chanting, “Mutley Cruh! Mutley Cruh! “ We couldn’t figure out why the fuck they were doing that.


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If people line up around the block for it, maybe it does actually add value? You can hate ads, I do too. But if people willingly look at ads to visit a website (Lemmy) that does not have any in its original version, then for those people the app obviously adds enough value to make it worth it, don't you think?

Their integration is the best you can get.

You need to buy an expensive phone, watch, computer (would you like to spend another thousand bucks for a monitorstand?) to take advantage of it, which is why I don't have and don't want anything apple. But if you have that, their software stack is superb.

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So the core concept is that when you validate some property about input you should also transform the input into a new form that represents the new guarantee in the type system.

This is very, closely related to the "make invalid states unrepresentable" concept. If we have validated our list to be non empty, we should return a non empty list - after all an empty list is now invalid and as such the type system should exclude that possibility.

Wow, GitHub is not handling that RTL text well. (Or FF on Android is to blame, can't compare at the moment)

English is not my first language and I have recently thought a lot about the impact of language in other fields. Programming is one, but to be fair the number of keywords is very limited and not too hard to learn. We had programming in school and while we already had English as well, I don't think it's a hard requirement.

Science is also very heavily impacted. The primary language is English, so if you are good at physics and suck at language learning - well tough luck because you can't do science without knowing English first. The number of people who's scientific progress and subsequent beneficial impact on the world is stunted, just because they did not learn English...

Your programming language will probably not take off, but I like the idea behind it.

FYI, scientific research papers are more often than not copyrighted.

Thankfully sci-hub.se exists.

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Yes? But that's already explicitly warned about.

At work I had to fill out a form which threats to my health could impact me. Next to chemicals or radiation, working at a desk for more than x hours a day was also listed as a potential source of bodily harm.

This is wrong. That would describe a certain type of war, but specify that the war is movable.

I think the "Torpfostverschiebekrieg" mentioned in another comment would be the best solution.


But they got me too, lol. Needs more jpeg

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FFMM straight / queer doggy BJ ORAL orgasm squirting ROYALE (gebührenfinanziert)

Is an actual video that was recorded as part of an episode of a political satire show about age verification on such websites. It was financed by the German public.

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They say the story isn't true, but the source they cite in the very next sentence says:

Das Beispiel, das wie ein Hollywood-Szenario daherkommt, hat sich wirklich so zugetragen. Es zeigt, wie vielseitig digitale Angriffe geworden sind.

(This example, which sounds like a Hollywood plot, really happened. It shows how multidimensional (my mind blanks on a better translation right now) EDIT: diverse cyber attacks have become)

Edit: I hate microblogging sites. Apparently the thread continues on and the company who made the statement in the cited article has backtracked and admitted that this was a hypothetical. It did not happen.

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If you allow the whole subnet you might as well not use a firewall. Your router has one and port forwarding is disabled by default.

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For what it's worth you can replace the "short" in the url with "watch" to get the old interface back.

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It's readable on mobile. You need to unfix that immediately. The font must not appear bigger than 5px. Responsive layout is forbidden.

Not only do the Languages orient themselves to fit to the keyboard, they pretty much only consider the English keyboard layout.

If you are afraid about the capabilities of AI you should use it. Take one week to use chatgpt heavily in your daily tasks. Take one week to use copilot heavily.

Then you can make an informed judgement instead of being irrationally scared of some vague concept.

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