187 Post – 1860 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Right? He couldn't be handsomer.

Have you ever seen such a face.

He's such a card. Absolutely hilarious dog.

Probably 12.


It's true.

That's enough Internet for today.

Nexus 6 was a hell of a phone. I still miss it even three phones later.

An early Samsung phone my spouse bullied me into taking over from him. I don't know how anyone likes those. I went to Google phones and they're the only good thing about Google.

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I'm ok with that.


No we don't talk because they're crazy.

When my grandmother died, she has willed most of her fairly sizeable estate to one of my aunts, and gave my mother and other aunt each just 25K. I don't think you could tell your kids that you loved them less than the other than that. I assume my parents will leave me a penny. Which I am fine with.

I want to go to a ball in Vienna.

I've heard good things about Durham.NC.

I love South Carolina and used to visit Charleston annually but I'll never go again because of the politics.

My eyes glazed over as soon as you said libs.

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How insane is that that they'd make a person's personal love life illegal? Like America just boggles my mind.

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Sure they are. Conservative christians have insane ideas about parenting.

I just run anything wrinkled through the dryer for about 10 minutes.

Don't think so, it's basically dried blood.

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Anyone who abuses a child should get life in prison, no question. Also anyone who does not vaccinate their children barring medical circumstances should have them removed by CPS. Those are my ironclad opinions.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Addiction is terrible.

Well I would also revamp CPS.

Fucking bonkers. How is it 2024 and people still think like this?

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It looks like someone took a kid's crayon drawing of a car and built it.

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You just have to block the lemmy.nfsw instance and it goes away. I'm not into porn and doing that made Lemmy lovely.

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Just taking a Facebook break for June so I can avoid Pride homophobia, stay tuned for more sovcits come July.

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Aww I'm touched. I was hoping nobody hated me in this thread.

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Pretty good!

I am most certainly not a troll. I just enjoy Lemmy and the people here.

Legit grievance.

I don't want to look at buttholes on my work wifi, my brother in Christ. You do you.

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Me. What did this person say about me? They did a dirty delete.


I nominate FlyingSquid.

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I only wear a tiny bit of eyeliner, so checkmate men, what you get is what you see.

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Fanaticism is overcompensation for doubt. They're afraid.

I don't care what men think. I'm 50 and I'm all done with what men think.

Don't even give that troll the time of day, amigo.

Still think it's cute! Thanks for the photo.

That's disgusting. We do get take out sometimes from local restaurants, but I'm in a city and we have lots of options, and I don't mind paying a higher price for supporting them. But for some chain restaurant, that's obscene. My SO went to Burger King the other night to try one of the whopper melts they have right now, and that plus fries and an Oreo shake thing was 19 dollars. Glad I'm vegan time and again.