Online shop selling USED TAMPONS to strangers: 'Lucrative business'. to Not The – 153 points –
Online shop selling USED TAMPONS to strangers: 'Lucrative business'

Too bad I'm in menopause.


Headlines like this really make me question how many critically online creeps who probably have never seen a singlular woman besides their mom before are out there buying this kinda stuff.

Assuming this is between two consenting parties (I.e the person knows where their tampon is going), what makes them a creep?

I am one of those people who thinks it's just creepy regardless of the situation for someone to want to willingly buy used hygiene products. The people selling their used hygiene products, weird, but not creepy in my mind like the buyers.

Is there any risk of them being used to taint a crime scene?

It's gamer girl bath water all over again, but the adult version.

The gamer girl is also an adult.

Would be so much more fucked up if that'd be child water

Even just the phrase "child water" sounds all fucked up.

It's alright when you mean a water meant for drinking by children; it's actually a bit special in its content, and it's good to have that.

It's very much not alright when we mean child bathwater :D

Though, if you want to go a full rabbit hole, I have a special thing for you from one of Chinese provinces...

EYYY BOI, YOU ARE MY FAVORITE! Once I get you into this ball, we're gonna go on an adventure!

now imagine a dildo full of sensors that can map pressure and then a sexhole that can replay those pressures back in sequence.

or vice versa. whats the market potential for feeling the action?

now imagine a dildo full of sensors that can map pressure and then a sexhole that can replay those pressures back in sequence.

Like FUFMe?

This really feels like an "I'm done with the Internet for the evening" kinda story.

I mean, I get nosebleeds some times. Am I throwing away profits?

Unless you breathe with your pussy, no

Who knows horny men, though...

But how would they know the difference?

Smell, color, clotting?

Are we expecting these customers to knowthe difference? I'm over here formulating a business plan, so let me know please.

Well, if they are return customers from some other offering...

Otherwise nah, they don't.

I suppose of the bleed is bad enough, and clots enough, they can't tell em apart.

You're probably still good. They probably aren't going to check where the bid came from, or even if it's yours.