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Joined 12 months ago

Yeah. Control, control and more control. It's no suprise women are getting sterilised.

Not to mention how much of a life saver the pill is for women with dismenorrhea.

They are already trying to ban contraceptives. Cancer is what they are.

Not just that, it eliminates power and influence from women too. More drop outs, and more discrimination in job interviews.

1 more...

Well? Now's a good time.

I had cats my whole life and never had this happen.

Exactly this. Had a friend struggling to teach a kitten. He had the habit of sounding stern, but not following through, simply pointing like a threat. It even confused me, let alone the cat

Within 1 hour of me consistenly spraying the kitten with water and using the same tone, the kitten started to hesitate when wanting to jump on the counter. It learned not to do so quickly after that.

I suppose of the bleed is bad enough, and clots enough, they can't tell em apart.

Did she? Or did they fuck out of wedlock and made some shit up?

There is a difference between a guy staring into the void, and an older guy checking you out. I've experienced both and I don't understand how people manage to confuse the two.

12 more...

Hope he suffers for all the negative influence he's had.

28 more...

Damn. That's pretty fucking shit.

Humans have the power to male creative, beautiful art. This is abuse of power.

6 more...

And money. Money and time to take care of children.

So what do people call each other now? Fuckwit/fuckedwit?

4 more...

Can we stop equating introversion with anti-social?

This isn't true. A generic dishwasher for at home is not up for the task. Even the stuff they use in restaurants aren't up for the task. And they already wash with boiling water. Despite this, there are always leftovers. I had the task of cleaning these things at a maccy Ds. Found pink mold that thrived in coffee grounds to survive the dishwaser perfectly. Like the pink goo from the teletubbies.

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As long as transwomen sit down when using the loo, they are more than welcome. I'm glad that snitch line drew up nothing. Imagine if they used those funds to fascilitate free hygiene products? But noo, they gotta harass a minority...

17 more...

This seems to be a recurring trend. Human rights took more blood than ink to write.

That doesn't sound healthy

10 more...

I know that this is supposed to be a shitport, but it's too awful. Please bury this and never dig it back up.

If women are a dumpster, does that mean men are trash?

2 more...

That social skill and practical skills are far more valuable than theory.

4 more...

As a woman, I am extremely jelous. I just get "wHaT iF YoU WaNt ChIlDREn?"

1 more...

Those men have got to be worse.

Fuck that's a great burn.

I mean. Humans are mid on the asshole olympics.

Just take chimps for example. The males much rather eat their own child after the mother dies, than take care of it themselves. Females only can take care of one child at a time. So they are cool watching an orphan die from neglect or cannibalism.

Take dolphins. The males gang up on females to force her to mate. If she refuses, they drown her.

Zebra's and many other species go out of their way to kill foals just so that the mother goes into estrus sooner. Giving the male a chance to force copulation.

Storks build their nest above croc infesed land/water. This is to scare off predators. They also have the habit of evicting young that are either too weak (due to disease or bullying) or are oo aggressive (too much of a bully to other nest mates). The parents can't feed every chick, especially as they get bigger. So they get rid of some. Resulting in a mutualistic relationship between the croc and stork. It's a lot more common than you'd think.

Lions form coalitions to kill lion cubs, just to get lionesses to stop lactating and go into estrus sooner. Lionesses sometimes kill their own young if they have only 1 cub left. Better kill it, go into estrus and cook up a new batch sooner.

Beachmasters are known to crush newborn elephant seals to death. Simply because they were too close to their mother who just gave birth to it. Ever seen one of these jerks run? It's glorious.

Parasite birds form mobs to destroy nests that managed to evict their chicks.

And insects aren't much better either. Sadly I forget the name of the bug that pins down a female, forces copulation and then throws her out of the tree. I get the pinning part, but the throwing out of the tree bit just seems extra.

Then there is ofcourse rampant cannibalism in insects and spiders. Females produce more offspring if they eat the male. And some spider species, the female turns herself into a meal for her children in a feezing frenzy.

Humans aren't so bad.

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You jest, but imagine if every women spammed any govement instance with "I'm on my period."

3 more...

It's more about things like height, lung volume capacity and leg/arm length in certain sports. Not chromosomes.

11 more...

Oh yikes. Yikes yikes yikes. I would feel bad for her* if she* wasn't such a petty evil person.

It's not always the mother being deceptive.

My mother wanted a child. A family. She was clear about it from the start. My dad didn't. Probably didn't communicate it. He didn't bother using protection either. When my mom got pregnant on the first go, he wanted an abortion. No responsibility.

He tried to hide his autism from my also autistic mother. They didn't understand autism back then. She herself considered aborting me out of fear of having a retarded child. She zoned out for weeks, and when she learned I was a girl, she believed god had blessed her. For she thought girls can't be autistic.

Lo and behold, my sister and I were neglected intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Because they did not understand parents supposed to teach children, not threaten them with a belt when the kid doesn't adhere to their autistic whims/expectations.

We raised ourselves with 0 guidence and am I far behind the average person. They are both not asocial, lonely and happy we exist as a means to reduce their misery.

They should never have had children. Life is a mess.

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Dunno man. Gunshot wounds suck pretty bad too.

Picked up a friend at the airport I had never met IRL yet. We were the same height. He said he was 6'0", I thought I was 5'7" or something. I am not good with imperial units. My height is average.

Just too many smooth skin texture mods.

If I can't have her....

2 more...

Nevermind. I don't like the internet anymore.

That dude's face expresses utter horror.

Sports bras all the way.

First world problems

That guy has the world against him and he still stands up for a minority he isn't part of. The world needs more people like him.

6 more...

Rimwold. I'll be dying from an infection caused by a chinchilla's bite.