Dizzy Devil Ducky

@Dizzy Devil Ducky@lemm.ee
7 Post – 1028 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!

Depending on how big the game is, I will definitely have to buy some CDs and burn the game to play it on my Dreamcast. Otherwise it's going straight to an emulator.

Last night for $4.99 and $2.99 I got Worms W.M.D. and Worms Armageddon on Steam since I haven't played any worms games outside of Worms 2: Armageddon on xbox360.

Tried Armageddon last night and it was pretty fun. Only gripe I have with it is that I had to plug in a mouse and keyboard to my deck dock.

Have yet to try W.M.D. yet and don't know if it has an offline singleplayer player vs computer mode, but I've seen enough videos of people playing it for me to think I'd have a good time playing it.

He's just one I stopped watching put of boredom and disinterest in his content. I don't know if there's any drama with him specifically.

Despite only having a few disc drive dependent games, this and the amount of USB ports is why I got the budget desktop I got around a couple years ago. Having a disk drive has been great, especially when I got a few CDs and don't feel like using the old Sony Discman I got because it sometimes just stops after certain songs.

Totally depends on timeline and if we're also including TLoK as well. Anytime before the wars began, gotta agree with someone else who said fire nation. During the war? Probably still in the fire nation since you don't really see them getting attacked in their nation much. The fascist kinda lifestyle wouldn't be too cool, but would rather not live in constant fear of being attacked over accidentally saying something wrong. Especially since I'm fairly positive there's no way I'd be a bender.

If we're talking TLoK included, don't remember which natition it's in, but the metal city where they literally open it up like a blooming flower seems like a cool place to live.

Pretty sure a lot of people could relate, but watching a variety of various game players who years later you lose interest in (mostly because of how cringe they are) or in my case at some point somehow find out some terrible news about them despite avoiding all the real world drama.

People like Bijuu Mike, Gloom, Logdotzip, etcetera.

Can't find another example I wanted to use since I couldn't remember the account name nor does it matter since I'm pretty sure it was found out he was a horrible person.

Also it's pretty interesting to see some people you're following on yt who you don't remember why you subbed to because there are definitely both active and dead channels I'm currently subbed to that I forgot even existed.

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Headlines like this really make me question how many critically online creeps who probably have never seen a singlular woman besides their mom before are out there buying this kinda stuff.

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I am one of those people who thinks it's just creepy regardless of the situation for someone to want to willingly buy used hygiene products. The people selling their used hygiene products, weird, but not creepy in my mind like the buyers.

Wait, people hide NSFW content? I don't care if people see it since I have posts set to have thumbnails, so nobody should reasonably be able to make it out anyway.

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If there's particular content I don't like then I just block it individually.

That's exactly what I did the first time I accidentally clicked on a post from one of those dick pic communities. Immediate block. Same thing when I came across a spider community.

The way I see AI being implemented into Firefox, regardless of whether it's gonna be opt-in or out in the future is that they need to keep up with the latest browser trends in the future. If they don't, they will definitely lose more of whatever probably small amount of remaining normies who don't use edge or chrome but instead opt for Firefox. They're not tech literate enough to see a conveniently placed ad telling them that xyz browser now uses AI security features and Firefox doesn't and discern the fact that it's a ploy to get them to switch. We need more normies if we really want a chance to keep Firefox more than just treadingn water, and the best way is to offer more random bullshit of the week to keep them from switching to a competitor.

That, or depending on how mistreated they were in North Korea, the soldiers surrender immediately because I'd have to assume Ukrainian prisons/jails/whatever are nowhere near as bad as just living in North Korea.

I don't know how must have it is, but I've been enjoying Isles of Sea and Sky, a sokoban type puzzle game currently 10% off until July 11th (currently $17.99). I'm pretty sure it's maybe a month or two old at least.

It's absolutely amazing how we went from the majority of people not knowing how to use a computer in the beginning of computers to everyone knowing how to do at least the bare minimum on a computer in the 2000s to now circling back to the majority of people not knowing how to use a computer because pretty much everything they do can and probably is done on a phone. It's also real scary to think since I'd assume most of us Gen Z-ers aren't properly able to object to privacy eroding tech bills because we're too tech illiterate to understand the impacts.

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I'm a firm believer that regardless of operating system that a warning message saying that installing something could cause harm to your device definitely makes people think twice about installation if they're not tech savvy (AKA know more than the bare minimum anymore). It's definitely intentional that the large companies responsible scare you away from doing the things you want because they want you locked into doing things the way they want.

That's a theory I can actually agree with. Sounds plausible enough to be true, given what we know about large corpos.

I don't care what quality the things I'm downloading are so long as the file size is small enough. There are very few acceptions to that rule. Biggest one is if someone tried to edit shows using AI to enhance them by upping the resolution. Had one series I was so looking forward to watching after a long time torrenting that I had to delete because you could easily tell an AI (or someone who doesn't have a clue what they're doing) tried enhancing the resolution and made it unwatchable for me.

Edit: Damn, reread and I wish I could get 5mbps in the apartment complex I'm in! I'd be lucky if my download speeds spiked to 1mbps. All this with what is supposed to be the best ISP in the area, which is also an absolutely shitty company (xfinity).

If you ask me, it's best to treat any program requiring kernel level access that isn't part of your base operating system or something you created and have full control over as malware. All it takes is one exploit or something of similar nature and some bad actors taking advantage of it before it can be patched for your computer to become fucked.

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Absolutely fucked up that games with legal gambling (loot boxes) can be rated E, but the second an indie dev makes a game that has cards in it and a poker scoring system, they suddenly act like rabid dogs.

We know the person receiving the award probably isn't smart enough to figure out why it's pyramid shaped.

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That's great for some people, but would be absolutely horrible for people like me. I usually know the subject matter, but I tend to have problems gettingy thoughts out of my head. So I'd just end up getting double screwed if I were in this situation.

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Imagine needing proof of something so basic that you could see it just being being online over the past decade, if not decade and a half.

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The people who actually care more about what phone their friends are using enough to peer pressure them into getting a phone of a specific brand or model are about as dense as a black hole and about as smart as a bag of rocks.

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Nothing to see here. He definitely isn't suing them because he wants large advertisers like Dosney on the platform and to be able to say the worst shit imaginable at the same time. Clearly nothing to see, obviously. /s

I hope that these type of easily exploitable services just absolutely die. New York is the last place I would have expected to hear these type of services turned scummy to start to disappear, but I welcome it and hope it spreads across the country.

Be Pichai.

Tell people not to sideload apps fOr SaFeTy.

Find out [Insert Malware App] has been on the play store for months and tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people have downloaded it.

We came back to another cycle of big corporations forgetting they have to be more convenient than pirating.

Can't speak for anyone else, but just having an actual no logs VPN for less than the cost of one streaming service while also using qbittorrent with the torrent site search function is so much more convenient than spending probably hundreds at this point for streaming services I might only watch anything on once a blue moon.

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This is absolutely sad because they have made what I consider the absolute best claymation films in the world, especially Chicken Run and The Wrong Trousers.

I hope they find another supplier and if not, I at least hope they at least consider not going outta business and switch animation styles to something more similar and stylistic as when they worked on Chop Sockey Chooks.

Biggest problems I have had with Mastodon are the fact that:

  1. The app I wanted to use didn't even recognize the instance I signed up for and...

  2. I had to wait nearly a month and a half before being able to actuallyuse my account and access Mastodon because I joined an instance where they review people signing up or something similar.

I definitely see the appeal of a find the site, sign up, and you're done services over the fediverse join an instance and pray service.

I'm calling it now:

In other news Adobe forced to pay 0.001% if what they earn every day from subscriptions and still find loopholes allowing them to continue business as usual, with the US government sticking their thumbs up their ass because they can't make an example of Adobe too soon or the bribes.... I mean donations from lobbyists representing large companies will dry up.

I'd rather staple my forehead to a telephone pole before I ever think about using an emoji in a password. Those things are abominations!

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Why would a company like discord even attempt to take action against coordinated attacks against anything they see as a threat? That'd only be shooting them in the foot because then people would have the most minute expectation of them doing anything good.

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Oh boy! The president telling his bosses to stop screwing over the common people! Surely this will not backfire in any way whatsoever! /s

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It definitely fits into both as the law itself will redefine how we are allowed to use our technology and the political effect it has on the country as a whole.

I am more than willing to wait for Lemmy to grow to see where it heads since it's only been a thing since 2019.

Despite it having its fair share of problems, I am more than willing to put up with this for now since we're still scratching the surface on the potential of a decentralized social media becoming a little more mainstream.

As much as I am all for inclusive art, I would have not melted that statue and instead put it in a museum as a memorial to who the south once thought of as a hero. Maybe add some context like how he shouldn't be celebrated, but still provide historical context as to his person and insight into how people back then thought of him.

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Honestly, so glad they are making this change. Now I don't have to see the bottom of the barrel popular slop every time I use the incognito mode thing on Revanced.

That man child has the emotions and humour of a little kid, I swear.

One of the biggest non-problematic problems I have with newer cars is the lack of physical buttons. I also really dislike the trend of everything becoming minimalist, so I 100% support these types of modifications so long as they can be safely implemented.

Calling open source communism aside, capitalism and those who benefit the most from it probably absolutely HATE the largest open source projects because the more people use those, the less likely they are to use their telemetry based spy/bloatware.

Imagine trying to make a paid video/audio file player in today's day and age and going up against the titan that is VLC. Or an audio editor/playback program in similar fashion to Audacity. Two of the biggest open source programs that I imagine just about anyone who has used a computer has probably heard of and/or used at some point.

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