Given an unlimited budget strictly for production, what animated show would you create if given the chance?

Dizzy Devil to – 61 points –

A good version of The Witcher and some prequels to Avatar: The Last Airbeder.

I would love for a similarly age rated avatar prequel to show my 7 yo. She loves the series, and have been enjoying the comics. I love Korra, but it’s exponentially more mature than ATLA. I don’t think my daughter is ready for korra yet.

Middle Earth. Literally encompassing all of Tolkien's writings. 100% of it, and staying as faithful as possible to the source material (the latest of it that we have) We're starting with the Ainulindale and ending with the Dagor Dagorath. The whole ordeal, no matter how many seasons it might take.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but please God no.

I'm so exhausted by LOTR stuff at this point. It was good for its time and absolutely advanced the high fantasy genre by immeasurable bounds, but holy fuck it's actually really, really, boring.

What? The 2 page descriptions? I would intend o following them, not having a narrator list a 2 page description of a tree, so don't worry about that. But I would keep the songs and poems.

And if your comment comes from Rings of Power, that show absolutely sucks because it strays very far from the source material and yet still is incredibly boring.

Get the Gargoyles guy back, he had like a 50 year vision to execute.

Start Trek or any sci-fi adventure series would make beautiful animation. Representing deep concepts with unlimited visual effects would be really fun to see. Also maybe Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I guess I just want to see high quality, trippy sci-fi visuals lol

H2g2 would make an amazing show. And we could finally find out what happened to earth.

Star Trek

Not sure if you know but there's already Lower Decks, but that is more comedic, Rick & Morty style rather than trippy visuals

Yeah, I'd like something more serious or even spiritual. Exploring the universe is something else entirely so it'd be cool to see a spiritual science fiction take with strong visual effects and detail.

I'd at least make sure Star Trek Prodigy gets the seasons it deserves

There are a couple of alternate universe Evangelion manga that I would get into production.

Brandon Sanderson’s Mist Born series. Would be a perfect fit. Read the books if you havent already. One of the most beautiful endings I’ve ever read.

Wheel of Time would be amazing, unlike the show.

I was also thinking WoT animated would be amazing. I think it actually lends itself a lot better to an animated style than live-action.

A fullly detailed, books accurate version of the Dark Tower series by King.

Anímate the first 100 issues of TMNT’s current comic run by IDW and keep it to a 1 issue per episode pacing.

Proper final season for the 90s Spider-Man Show. Still my favorite one of all time.

Two things, one, give the claymore anime the fmab treatment and give madhuose everything they could need to make it happen.

Create a competing franchise to warhammer 40k and use this installments earnings as nd stuff to fund any future endeavors, games workshop is in dire fucking need of real competition.

A good Aku no Hana Adaptation. An adaptation of Akira based on the manga. A remake of Space Ghost (not coast to coast, the OG) that would be an incredible dark sci fi space adventure series.

Maybe also Vielma but good.

A soul eater remake.

Moar Castlevania, maybe based on the GBA Games of SOTN.

A star wars series based on KOTOR and The Old Republic.

And my own stories, of course.

A soul eater remake.

I love you.

I really want a brotherhood style retread that follows the manga. I am SO MAD that I never got to see the Book of Ebon animated!

Also, I'm with you on the Space Ghost thing, only if we can also cut it up to make a new Coast to Coast. I want to have my cake and eat it too.

Uh only one show? I'd go on a spree if budget was unlimited. I'd be taking in pitches from writers in all genres and have a team of people focused solely on finding new, original content.

But I'd also make some remakes. I think I'd start with Dragon Ball Z, probably because I'm rewatching it right now and I'm enjoying it so much in spite of so many things that make no sense, the filler and some cringe moments. It was great in its time and as it is, but I think it has a lot of untapped potential still.

Douglas Hofstadter's book Godel, Escher, Bach, done in the style of Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land.

My, as yet only in text, graphic novel that I keep waiting for a chance to do.

It would work as an animated series just as well

I'd love to make one of the Cirque Du Freak series by Darren Shan, it was my favorite book series growing up and that movie they made of it was just outright terrible.

The Reckoner by Brandon Sanderson. Not a lot of people like the series, but I always loved it, and it seemed that so many scenes were written with a visual medium in mind already, and exaggerated in a way that would work well in an animation, not in a Live-Action production.