10 Post – 174 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I mean that makes sense. People entered the new hot thing on the market but it’s still very half-baked. No hashtags, no following only tab, no likes tab. If it wasn’t for the sign up via IG, this would’ve been DOA.

Imagine if they just had feature parity with Mastodon. It would’ve probably replaced Twitter by now.

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It’s pretty depressing how we went from eagerly hoping and praying for a vaccine to come to now having to somehow convince people to take it when there’s a surge in cases.

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I appreciate Lina Khan at least trying even if it feels like a huge uphill battle . For example the Microsoft case; even though she lost, her stance on any large acquisition has ensured some concessions are made even before it goes to trial such as the COD and Cloud agreements.

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What in the fuck, I would have never guessed Mitt was 76 years old. He looks a generation younger than Trump/Biden/McConnell, not their peer.

Overall I disagreed with Mitt a ton but he was someone with a bit of backbone compared to other Republicans.

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Honestly people should watch Born in Gaza. You can see what how their lives have been affected by the constant conflicts throughout their lives.

I’m not advocating for terrorism at all and that should be clear. But you can clearly see why many of these kids are so prone to being radicalized. Unnamed aggressors with no face bombing constantly whether it be farmland or ambulances or what have you. Hamas absolutely should be stopped but there needs to be a different approach. This cycle will just keep producing more and more fighters for them as they believe they are the resistance.

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People are trying to tell you that you have a shit haircut, sorry :(

Actually I don’t think this was even a theory. This was the original intent but the studio thought it was too complex for the GA to understand.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if the MAGA Reps are willngly trying to shut down the government solely to shut down Ukraine’s defenses in Russia’s invasion of their country. The fact that they’re acting so pissy about this lends credence to that theory.

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This game is just so fucking good. A little slow in the beginning but once your powers open up it’s a blast. This is worth the price of admission on the Maze alone. Also if you’re trying to pick up AW2, this will definitely enhance it.

Microsoft just keeps killing off Cortanas don't they?

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How I’ve felt for almost 6 years now lol. It’s good to see action and I’ll support it in whatever way, I just don’t get my hopes up anymore.

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Aww man Hangouts. What should’ve been their default messaging app.

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I feel like over the span of a few months , DeSantis went from the golden child to carry the torch from Trump to a one trick pony candidate of no substance focused on “wokeism” (whatever the fuck that is).

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It feels like the same Reddit crowd from when I was in college (2011). So I’m guessing we skew towards millennials, early Gen Z folks. Definitely more tech oriented than other platforms that’s for sure. Also just as liberal as Reddit. There is a much larger focus on privacy here as well.

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The Halo Trilogy I truly believe is the best video game music. The original from CE instantly became iconic and felt pivotal to the game. Then each iteration tweaked the formula in a way that represented the respective game. The heavy rock Breaking Benjamin style from Halo 2 represents the rebellious nature of the story (and honestly it represented gaming culture at the time). Then the music really matured with a heavy piano theme for Halo 3. The score made you feel the sacrifice of the characters and us saying goodbye to a brilliant story.

Some great tracks:

Caught her in 4K.

More like they don’t want to embarrass themselves nationally once again.

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I just re-watched Signs yesterday after what could be over a decade ago. This time I went in with the perspective of the very popular fan-theory that the aliens were demons the entire time. It really enhanced the movie for me and helped me appreciate the Reverend’s story more. The main theme of the movie should be on his story of believing again after the passing of her wife. The illogical actions of what’s considered very advanced aliens detracted from that and the overall movie suffered from this criticism. The theory of them being demons helped to alleviate and even enhance the movie for me and I enjoyed it far more upon re-watch.

Just to be clear , I’m fairly sure Shyamalan’s intention wasn’t for them to be demons as there are a lot of inconsistencies for that to be true. But if you can look past those issues, the movie becomes far more enjoyable with its theme of faith.

Fan theory for reference

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Luckily yes ! Been almost two years married now actually lol was going through my phone and found this

I know a lot of people (rightfully) are against it . But the way Activision/Blizzard has been run has been shambles and needs at least some kind of change. Plus the scrutiny has lead to several concessions by MS that will help curtail future antitrust issues for the most part.

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Return of the King Is still one of the best Movie Tie in games I’ve played to this day

XBLA goat

The infighting within the Republican Party has been fascinating to watch. From not being able to pick a speaker to now the far right holding his position hostage.

It’s funny how McCarthy out played Gaetz by announcing the impeachment inquiry right before Gaetz’s speech. It felt like it took the winds out of his sails as you could see he had to adjust what he had rehearsed.

I hope the speaker sees how out of touch and damaging to Republicans the impeachment would be and he’s posturing but you never know with these people.

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Great what you’ve all done with the place. This is definitely one of the livelier and engaging communities I’ve seen on Lemmy so far.

Mastodon has been working really well for me once I followed people. Connect well with Lemmy as well which I like. Hopefully more “official” accounts come in.

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Excited for ThreadX

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Gonna go against the grain here and just recommend the default Mastadon app. It’s simple and gets the job done with no Bells and whistles. Not sure there’s much missing

The handheld PC market has been booming. There’s so many cool products that have been coming out. Personally I’m sticking with more established companies like Steam, Asus, and Lenovo due to being able to get better support , but the creativity of these devices have been incredible to see.

My personal favorite has to be the GPD Win 4 Pro. Brings back the PSP nostalgia and it seems more pocketable than other ones. I’m buying the Lenovo Legion Go but if money was no factor I’d buy the GPD to take on the go.

lol honestly my middle manager boss makes more than him while he’s running one of the most stressful jobs in the world.

Aww man it’s actually a bummer to hear so many people are disliking the game. This has been the first game in a while where I’ve gotten hooked. I love the RPG elements in the game and the story has been brilliant. I’ve enjoyed games recently like Ragnarok and Control but this is the first one where I’m excited to just get back and sucked into the world. The last Bethesda game I played was actually Fallout 3 over a decade ago. It makes sense as Mass Effect is my favorite franchise and this feels like an evolution of that. My perfect game would probably be Starfield with ME: Andromeda combat.

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Also the concentration of aspartame in diet coke is way less than the amount of sugar in regular Coke

Love their transparency, easily one of the most stable , user friendly emulators I’ve used. Excited for Super Mario Wonder .

Just trying to fast forward time for my Legion Go to come in.

Transformers : Dark of the Moon - easily the best transformers movie. They let transformers just beat up on transformers for the last hour and half. Score was excellent by Steve Jablonsky, action was great and was a nice end to the first trilogy where there was at least a little effort to keep the story consistent.

Man of Steel - beautiful score and cinematography. The closest thing we will get to a high budget dragon ball Z movie. Still the best visualization of Kryptonian strength and speed .

Battle LA - Fun little alien invasion military movie. Eckhart gives a nice performance.

Tron: Legacy - visuals and soundtrack carry the movie hard. Imagine it as a very long Daft Punk music video.

The Greatest Showman - Amazing soundtrack here as well. Hugh Jackman’s acting was also great.

We’re the Millers - comedies might be cheating but had to highlight this one which I really enjoyed. Great chemistry with the entire cast

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Oh is this the third iteration already?

I think regardless of timeline, Valve accomplished what they wanted which was higher adoption of PC gaming through handheld gaming. There’s been an explosion of PC handhelds in the market after their release and they’re the main storefront for it (even if it’s running windows). Their big picture mode worked extremely well with my Ally. Even though I initially bought the device as an extension for my Xbox with GamePass, I’ve found myself buying a bunch of games on Steam.

At the end of the day money talks. You could be completely against Trump’s rhetoric but I know people who held their nose and voted for him due to the breaks

I love seeing more competition in the PC handheld market. I personally have an ROG Ally and it’s been working great (I don’t have an SD card though).

I feel like at this point Microsoft needs to create a big picture mode setting for their Xbox app. I have GamePass so it’s been a struggle to navigate using handheld controls. Then I switch to Steam and it’s big picture mode is great to use and smooth. Shame Microsoft doesn’t have something similar on their own OS. Armory Crate isn’t bad but doesn’t hold a candle to Steam either.

1 more... also seems to be sporadically down.

I’ve finally gave in and tried Vampire Survivors… what have I done. I didn’t realize it was 3AM by the time I put my handheld down and suffering at work today.

Outside of that been casually replaying Halo CE and **Midnight Club 2 **

And what’s worse is when you’re watching , there’s nothing related to religion. There’s just death, poverty, and lack of hope at the forefront. These kids need help so so bad and the international community is throwing a blind eye towards it.

Absolutely agreed here but I wouldn't even consider that conspiracy, I think documents showing UAPs even admitted that. It being extraterrestrial would be the true WTF moment.