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This year’s? We can’t even make it through this sprint’s roadmap without a deviation.

Bonus points if it’s C-suite crashing the sprint.

That’s something I think I’d like to use, but I don’t know if could get over the fact that neither the date nor the time are in ISO 8601 format.

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…I do love the idea of someone who makes much of their money illegally but also has this very honorable commitment to paying their fair share in taxes.

There’s, perhaps, a more practical explanation. As I’ve read before (in some other phrasing): If you’re going to commit a crime, commit only one at a time.

In this case, if you’re going to make your money illegally, for goodness’ sake, don’t evade taxes.

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That’s the general shape of my reply when someone tries to tell me that it’s gay people or trans people or abortion or pornography that are ‘causing God to hate us’. You mean, it’s me and my husband and our trans friends, and not the hate and the murder and the greed and the privation of the downtrodden?

It’s never a productive conversation, let me tell you…

I fall squarely into that 3-year cycle. My old iPhone 12 Pro, which is—as others would very plainly say—still pretty capable, is liable to go to my mother. My husband’s will go to one of the nieces or nephews.

For me, this “slap in the face” upgrade is shaping up to be a pretty substantial upgrade. And, I’m good with spending my money on that.

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Oh my goodness… Is this my first ! Aw…

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The same kind of people who don’t wash their ass because they think it would make them gay.

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…Dumbledore asked calmly.

I want to play a game like Fallout, with perhaps a light plot, but a much heavier settlement building mechanic.

Like, you found a settlement, and it’s filled with trash, debris, and burnt-out structures. As you scavenge and collect things, and attract people to your cause, the place slowly becomes cleaner and more structured. You can have settlers scavenge for themselves and fix up structures, farm for food, treat wounded, lead small armies against mutants and generally secure an area of a map, and really be able to treat the settlement as a home base.

Playing Fallout 4, I was bothered by how I could build out all these settlements, place structures and whatnot, help these people, and still no one had the sense to pick up a broom and sweep up the pile of trash in the street.

That these people think they are “in Christ” is a massive act of self-delusion. There is nothing Christ-like, or even godly, about their speech or behavior, even judging by the books they hold sacred.

Do you want “chemtrails”? Because that’s how you get “chemtrails”.

Every accusation is a confession.

Whatever comes of it—whether you get hurt, or whether you get suspended—you just need to lay your bullies out.

They won’t ignore you. They won’t go away, no matter how hard you work to be unnoticeable. It’s trying to do that—to be invisible so that they’ll leave you alone—that will change the course of your life for the worse. You won’t be a high achiever, you won’t go to a good school, you’ll just coast, forever suffering the damage they did, and regretting that you didn’t do anything about it.

The only thing they’ll understand is the kind of violence that says you’re not worth fucking with. Don’t worry what Mom will think. Don’t worry about the pain of a punch or two. Don’t worry about your “permanent record”. All that will be temporary in the grand scheme of things.

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I’m happy to see someone else mention Murakami.

I went on tear in university—a long time ago now—reading everything that had been translated to English by then. And, while they had the most bizarro plots, I found them to be the most compelling reads, wanting to read more and more, until I ran out of things to read.

He definitely deserves a place on this list.

For me, that, but with “Now Procreate!”

Being acquaintances for a while with someone with OCD was enough to tell me that the vast majority of people with “OCD” do not have OCD.

Clue got me through many a programming project.

With how well the “every accusation is a confession” adage seems to hold up, I’m pretty darned sure that lizard people are real at this point.

You say “weirdo” as if that’s a bad thing…

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Substitute “walking down a road” with: “having dinner at a conference”, “chatting over lattes at the local coffee shop”, or “at a neighborhood cookout” as makes sense.

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This. My comment was going to be “what kind of maniac uses auto commit?”

I both agree and disagree on Dune.

True, Lynch’s version did the book no justice. But, gosh, is a guilty-pleasure of a movie for me.

I’ll judge Jodorowsky’s version when it’s done.

Is that like Thunderdome?

I originally read it as “…discreet way of walking myself…”Was thinking: “What kind of question is that? Just stand up and start walking somewhere. No need to be discreet about it…”

Then thought maybe the family dog was looking for advice from Lemmy?

If the bottom one actually worked, I wouldn’t do the top three.

…and fabric maps, and tchotchkes, and code wheels.

Really? As a weirdo, I’m not sure I agree with that.

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My first temptation was to say that it might be an age thing, but then I know many people my age who still don’t care about plants.

For me, it’s like a switch flipped one day. When I was younger, I just didn’t really care, and the few times I was given a plant, it did not end well. Figured that I just had a brown thumb.

But, maybe 10-some-odd years ago, I got a peace lily, and, by then, something had changed. I wanted to see this plant thrive, and it brought me just a little bit of satisfaction to see it doing well. It doesn’t hurt that peace lilies will tell you when they need watered, and, as such are pretty easy to keep.

I’m still not the best plant dad, but I’d since gone on to buy about a dozen more and appreciate the bit of greenery around the house.

Bold of you to assume that I have family that I want to keep in touch with. Entire family tree is twisted and gnarled, and full of white-trash sociopaths and narcissists.

For the one remaining person I might keep in touch with, it’s a text message at holidays.

I appreciate how far NA beers have come since O’Douls. It’s gotten to the point where I can much more easily replace the want for a certain kind of beer in some situations—a party, working out in the yard, eating certain foods—with a Partake or an Athletic, and not feel like I’m missing something.

But, gosh, I want someone other than Guinness to make a good NA stout.

“My, I bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day - Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting, I said. And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people. Now let's dip our patties in the water!”

I feel like this really the killer feature.

I’ve seen a ton of digital ink spilled on all manner of positives, such as how amazingly-portable it is, or how it’s been doing wonders for the advancement of Linux gaming.

But, I’ve yet to see anybody—outside you—speak about how amazing the suspend/resume is. And, that for me, is the reason why I play on a SteamDeck almost exclusively these days—even though I have a small collection of games I can play on Mac. I have such small windows of opportunity, and appreciate I can still play a game, even for a little as a few minutes.

You see, the trick is to limit “freedom” to certain people. Then, it can easily be the most “free” country in the world (for those people).

Wait a second. I was told that those people were all just grifters who did nothing, and that the platform would be rock-solid even without them. Do you mean to say that… that I’ve been told wrong?

Unflavored soju is my defense against drinking too much soju. I’ll have one bottle of that and be like “yep, I’m good”.

Meanwhile, everyone else is near the bottom of their second bottle of flavored soju and eyeing a third…

If by “help” you mean buy cool toys and beat the shit out of people while wearing skin-tight rubber and lycra (not that I’m kink-shaming, mind)…

Yeah, maybe if someone told me I should have specced my character for wealth or charisma, instead of creativity or wisdom, I might be enjoying this game more…

My place of business has this dysfunction with meetings—Zoom being the biggest offender—where people just keep talking through the end of a meeting. 30-minute meetings become 35-40. 60-minute meetings becomes 65-70. And, with meetings frequently being back-to-back-to-back, invariably one or another person is late to the next one.

I think it’s because scheduling a meeting with all necessary parties is so difficult that if you don’t finish the thought, the next chance is at least a week away.

To top it off, we had a company-wide survey that spawned a working group to tackle the problem of meetings, whose suggestion was to update Outlook settings to automatically shorten meetings by X minutes—to allow people transit time, bathroom breaks, etc. Almost no one set that setting.

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I’m a pretty emotional dude. I tear up at a lot of things, happy and sad. But, there are very few things in this life that have caused me to totally break down, ugly crying. The ending to “To the Moon” is one of them. Too visceral a reminder of saying goodbye to people I’ve loved very much.

Oh, I bet that “reason” is to achieve some kind of mythical “purity”, as though such a thing was even desirable…

Well, at least you got one thing right: I’m very much entitled to my opinion. And, I opine that I don’t want to live the same, boring, homogenous, inbred, weak life as everyone else. If you think that’s what you need to be happy, happy trails and good fucking luck. 🫡