1 Post – 625 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

One of the great modern scams, was to convince society that unauthorized copying of data is somehow equivalent to taking away a physical object.

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Dang if parents only could do anything about their children smartphone use.

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If someone deserves to be pirated into oblivion it's Disney, for fucking up the copyright after making a fortune of public domain material.

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Now we know why it was not launched in EU.

The tool's creators are seeking to make it so that AI model developers must pay artists to train on data from them that is uncorrupted.

That's not something a technical solution will work for. We need copyright laws to be updated.

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Or else what? Like give them their life back?

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Free ad for Firefox. Funny enough can't be blocked by ad blockers.

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For a streaming platform to be actually useful it needs to be a almost monopoly like steam. Netflix had a chance but missed the spot, due to the greed of Studios. So it's back to fractured marked until someone comes with a fresh idea of how to distribute video.

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Switched finally to ff. So I guess thank you google.

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How did manipulation to make you buy specific shit become so accepted?

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Dang, if kids just had some kind of guardians that would be responsible for their media consumption while every media device out there had basic functionality to support such supervision.

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I hope EU fucks them.

I guess it's a good coping mechanism to not face your own problems. Also you always have something to do and you feel involved.

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If you have nothing to hide... but then they just change the laws, now you are a criminal and they already have handy tools in place to convict you.

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old reddit the only way to use reddit for me. When it's gone I will have to waste my time exclusively here.

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In English “a male” and “a female” is almost exclusively reserved for animals.

But also important to remember that quite a bunch of people are note native speakers without the feeling for finer distinctions in meaning. Like for me, since I learned english mostly in a scientific setting, those words habe little negative connotation on their own. They became negative co-notated through the use of misogynistic communities.

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Wait, this guy looked at twitter and thought to himself - this is the way?! Eat the rich, it's the the only thing left at this point.

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Her opinion on trans folks is shit, but people should not go to jail for shit opinions. Broken clock and stuff.

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Seems to be an extremely inefficient resource distribution system, where a few people end up with most resources while a shit ton of people lack basic needs stuff. There are some good existing work arounds, like social market economy - which tries to combine socialist and capitalist element in an unholily dialectic alliance.

Most NASA stuff is published under non affiliation free use license - you can do what ever you like with it.

Thank you EU!

To me the concept of an app optimised to create deep emotional attachment ( far beyond social media, or even para social relationships with online personalities ) for monetary gain, is sketchy at best - heavily dystopian vibes at worst.

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Digital goods are just not physical goods, you don't really own them - which also mean you can't really steal them.

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Sexuality is tightly connected to societal taboos, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult - it's no-one else businesses. There is no need or benefit in moralizing peoples sexuality.

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The sorting algorithm still needs some work.

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Why take part in a conversation if you are not properly informed on the topic?

Dude, he is a PR guy with Twitter being his main platform. There is no logic there.

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Yeah, but have you seen the profits?

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The question is if consuming AI cp is helping to regulate the pedophiles behavior or if it's enabling a progression of the condition. As far as I know that is an unanswered question.

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This election cycle will be full with AI generated propaganda. Fun times ahead.

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If you sunk unhealthy amount of time into a community, it's hard to break up. At this point the mods are just in your run of the mill toxic relationship with reddit.

Reddit is such a nice example of capitalism turning a genuinely nice thing into a pile of garbage.

Finally the sci-fi future we were promised.

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So reddit will juts turn into youtube comments.

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There was at least an attempt to denazify Germany, in the South the racist could just carry on.

He is destroying his platform. While simultaneously helping competitors. While been forced to pay way to much and even pay for the layers his opponents hired. Genius moves all around.

Will be interesting to see how China will takle that problem. Other countries didn't find any solution besides immigration.

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I'm an reddit addict so it takes some time, but I'm working on it. It helps that reddit quality dropped and I'v been banned in one of four subs I was interested in.

Or how to keep global terrorism with a never ending supply of angry young people.

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The one used by all the people I'm interested in. Chronological timeline.

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