Dr. Moose

@Dr. Moose@lemmy.world
13 Post – 546 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

the argument for .ml domain has always been absurd to begin with. So it's free but the price you pay is that it's being run by Mali. I'd just drop 8$/year tbh, that's not a hill you want to die for. Also you harm your project by being SEO punished for using spam-associated TLDs like this. One of the reasons original Lemmy took so long to adopt until Reddit's API drama. Pretty dumb ngl.

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The fact that "mommy, what's a <animal>?" future is becoming a reality should be a fucking emberassment for all of us. Yet no one will pause their fish consumption because "it's tasty". The earth is being killed for literal entertainment.

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People who have never experience good public transport don't know what they're missing tbh. When I lived in Japan for a few months I could get around the whole city without much planning. It was so freeing not having to think about transportation. I think public transportation + last mile assistance (e-scooters, e-bikes etc.) is by far the most efficient an free transportation experience out there.

but discord is simply less accessible than any other option. I can't even login without identifying 25 bicycles lmao

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that's basically what they say in every address since forever? I'm not saying there are no tensions but this is not something new or even recent.

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Hot take but I think tipping culture is one of the main reasons why Americans are suffering from such large class issues.

In Japan tipping is offensive because it puts the customer above the server when it's a fair exchange between the two parties. It makes sense imo. For people to respect each profession it has to be treated like an equal value exchange. The server that brings my food is not my temporary slave but we have a social contract that they'll be hosting me as the representative of the restaurant and "forced donations" completely ruins this exchange. It's incredibly toxic.

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Korea is surprisingly dystopian and no other country is exactly like that tbh.

The internet (and many other areas) are completely captured by monopolies that control everything. There are so many inhumane, draconian laws too. This all contrasts with advance tech and pop production so starkly it kinda breaks people's brains.

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Only these languages though:

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Sundar Pichai will go down as one of the worst tech CEOs. Dude appears as such a nice guy from podcasts I've listened with him but really awful at his job and has zero consistent personality. He's a straight up corporate robot with no original opinions or idealogies. Unfortunately, none of that is visible or really matters because Google has infinite source of ad money so any KPIs are made irrelevant.

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it's 100% that they count mobile games as "gaming" so grandma and grandpa playing candy crush and wordle are "gamers" now. They list 11% on console but even that seems high. 23% on PC probably includes wordle too.

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Honestly I feel that this protest just showed me how uninteresting Reddit has become. Outside from small niche communities it's basically equivalent to any other news feed out there be it google news, Twitter or whatever.

Maybe it's not as good as we thought it was.

I wonder how Israeli historians will remember this. Will they take take position of Germany and grow or US and justify all the shit because "we had to do it, we're great"

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I've had great experiences on Slowy (https://slowly.app/) which is a modern pen-pal app. Every message takes days to arrive and you can either connect with people based on profiles or random matching and it's one of few social networks that aren't incel or hijacked by dating.

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Can you imagine how much better everything would be if we didn't allow monopoly play stores on our computing devices?

One argument people say (especially in Apple camp) is that centralized app store is convenient and high quality but that quickly reveals itself to be bullshit in practice. Playstation store is an absolute joke that could be replicated by software engineering students. It barely works and has zero features past 2 paragraph descriptions and some random screenshots. Now, look at open platforms like PC - Steam is by far the best app store on the planet, no contest.

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Honestly quality of Mastodon interactions is much superior to Twitter or Threads. People are just nicer and more real on fediverse. Maybe a bit of an barrier to entry is a good thing after all!

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What a weird populist law tbh. There's already an established law framework that covers this: defamation. Not a lawyer but it seems like this should be addressed instead of writing up some new memes.

They'll use this as an opportunity to sneak in more government spyware/control is my guess.

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Not mentioning alternatives definitely feels like a favor for reddit tbh.

Mastodon is awesome. I honestly enjoy that it's not packing with people like Twitter or Threads. The content quality is like night and day.

Most Threads content is equivalent to instagram posts and comments and if you ever read instagram comments you know it's one of the worst things on the internet.

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At this point if you invest into any new Google product than that's on you lol

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Because they're not good people.

I think we try to analyze stuff and always give benefit of doubt because life's weird but some people are just bad - Occam's razor and everything.

I recently watched a great video on how drug dealers who deal Tranq justify selling dangerous drugs (by Channel 5 on yt) and the host had a great monolog on how many of these people create these fake realities to justify that "their just a cog in the machine" and have no choice and obviously this is a spectrum of sorts. But this mega rich cunt has all of the choices. Literally. So, it's evil. No excuse.

Articles written for people not for search engines. I'm very familiar with SEO and you can see very clearly when article is created for ranking rather than movie readership. Unfortunately when 90% of traffic for many sources is Google you have no choice but to write articles this way.

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I agree with OP. This law is a disgrace and I don't understand how people here on open fediverse can support it. It breaks the open web model and allows mega corporations to double dip - their content is public but only when they want it to be. So they want the advantages of public web without bearing the costs.

Disregard that this is Google. It sets precedent for all web and its as bad as other anti open web laws we hate. Honestly perplexed by the support with this. The corporate hate is baiting people out of sane thoughts.

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I really don't get the employee position. They want to work at Microsoft? Literally the opposite of everything _open_ai claimed to stand for?

What a joke this whole "non-profit" owning "for-profit" structure turned out to be. For profit structure is like a virus and we see again and again it doesn't integrate with other systems.

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FYI 90% of those bots are scrapers and natural automation tools which are harmless.

It simply grew too big and corporate. Reddit is not a niche social network anymore. It's Facebook.

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Can you imagine being dumb enough to support this sort of government? Lol

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I think its ad model problem as it's only "sustainable" through shitty practices that lead to ad blocking. Most people who get adblock do it because they're just tired of ads and it should be this way. Small fair ads are fine with almost everyone but greedy assholes would never give in for that - it has to be in your face, unvetted spam.

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I didn't like that they interviewed a corporate PR person instead of a real security expert. Sorry but that lady is just deflecting and spinning and missing so many important details to promote 1password.

Generally like the verge but this one was a bit lazy ngl - was there really no neutral or open source expert available?

Don't waste tax money on this. If some rich idiots want to unalive themselves in a can to see some garbage at the bottom of the ocean - let them.

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It's insane how with all holocaust talk Israeli have no issues applying the same tactics. Cognative dissonance, religion and nationalism just triumphs over logic huh.

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What a clickbait "article". The whole stock market is correcting insane growth of last year and in fact the company with the biggest AI investments (Microsoft) crashed the least!

It's rewording the real article from Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/technology/ai-companies-lose-190-billion-market-cap-after-alphabet-microsoft-report-2024-01-31/

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Seriously. There isn't a single other cult in the world at this level of insanity where kids go about bheading their teacher because of a picture. Says everything you need to know.

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Wow that's not a good look tbh. Pretty shitty leadership if they can't even spin it.

Only linux newbies and weirdos hate on Ubuntu. It's a good all around operating system. Not the best choice and Canonical fails a lot but it's still a net good.

I honestly don't think it's ableism. Languages evolve and retarded doesn't mean a mental condition it literally means "dumb". Most people don't even know "lame" is related to a movement conditions and if you did a statistical analysis 99% of use cases are not related to the "original meaning". People are just ignorant of how language works, especially since English is a global language.

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Honestly, they should sue Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. The fact that we allow such restricted computers that can land you in prison for manipulating them is just absurd.

More realisticly Epic is just choosing their battles where they can see that they can make progress but they can't say that.

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I'm excited to see pixel grow but why are we accepting this storage bullshit? 128GB in 2023? Why do we tolerate this storage extortion. Hard drive space costs almost nothing yet they give this unacceptable starting model to sell more cloud bullshit. Apple is even worse at this. Disgusting stuff.

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Stolen ideas? Riscv is open source and a laptop is not exactly some unique intellectual property. You're just showing your xenophobia here.

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Make her a new account, pre-train it with some wholesome stuff and explicitly block some shit channels.

The west is legit afraid of Russia's collapse because once again someone will have to bail Russia out and it'll either be another 1988 mess or a new toy for China.

What will happen to Russia once it's fully in "war economy" and loses the war?

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